BatchClient.UpdateJob Method



UpdateJob(String, BatchJobUpdateContent, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, RequestConditions, CancellationToken)

[Protocol Method] Updates the properties of the specified Job.

  • This protocol method allows explicit creation of the request and processing of the response for advanced scenarios.
UpdateJob(String, RequestContent, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, RequestConditions, RequestContext)

[Protocol Method] Updates the properties of the specified Job.

  • This protocol method allows explicit creation of the request and processing of the response for advanced scenarios.

UpdateJob(String, BatchJobUpdateContent, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, RequestConditions, CancellationToken)

[Protocol Method] Updates the properties of the specified Job.

  • This protocol method allows explicit creation of the request and processing of the response for advanced scenarios.
public virtual Azure.Response UpdateJob (string jobId, Azure.Compute.Batch.BatchJobUpdateContent job, int? timeOutInSeconds = default, DateTimeOffset? ocpdate = default, Azure.RequestConditions requestConditions = default, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
abstract member UpdateJob : string * Azure.Compute.Batch.BatchJobUpdateContent * Nullable<int> * Nullable<DateTimeOffset> * Azure.RequestConditions * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> Azure.Response
override this.UpdateJob : string * Azure.Compute.Batch.BatchJobUpdateContent * Nullable<int> * Nullable<DateTimeOffset> * Azure.RequestConditions * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> Azure.Response
Public Overridable Function UpdateJob (jobId As String, job As BatchJobUpdateContent, Optional timeOutInSeconds As Nullable(Of Integer) = Nothing, Optional ocpdate As Nullable(Of DateTimeOffset) = Nothing, Optional requestConditions As RequestConditions = Nothing, Optional cancellationToken As CancellationToken = Nothing) As Response



The ID of the Job whose properties you want to update.


The options to use for updating the Job.


The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds. If the value is larger than 30, the default will be used instead.".


The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.


The content to send as the request conditions of the request.


The cancellation token to use.


The response returned from the service.


jobId or job is null.

jobId is an empty string, and was expected to be non-empty.

Service returned a non-success status code.


This sample shows how to call UpdateJob.

Uri endpoint = new Uri("<>");
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
BatchClient client = new BatchClient(endpoint, credential);

using RequestContent content = RequestContent.Create(new object());
Response response = client.UpdateJob("<jobId>", content);


This sample shows how to call UpdateJob with all parameters and request content.

Uri endpoint = new Uri("<>");
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
BatchClient client = new BatchClient(endpoint, credential);

using RequestContent content = RequestContent.Create(new
    priority = 1234,
    allowTaskPreemption = true,
    maxParallelTasks = 1234,
    constraints = new
        maxWallClockTime = "PT1H23M45S",
        maxTaskRetryCount = 1234,
    poolInfo = new
        poolId = "<poolId>",
        autoPoolSpecification = new
            autoPoolIdPrefix = "<autoPoolIdPrefix>",
            poolLifetimeOption = "jobschedule",
            keepAlive = true,
            pool = new
                displayName = "<displayName>",
                vmSize = "<vmSize>",
                virtualMachineConfiguration = new
                    imageReference = new
                        publisher = "<publisher>",
                        offer = "<offer>",
                        sku = "<sku>",
                        version = "<version>",
                        virtualMachineImageId = "<virtualMachineImageId>",
                    nodeAgentSKUId = "<nodeAgentSKUId>",
                    windowsConfiguration = new
                        enableAutomaticUpdates = true,
                    dataDisks = new object[]
                            lun = 1234,
                            caching = "none",
                            diskSizeGB = 1234,
                            storageAccountType = "standard_lrs",
                    licenseType = "<licenseType>",
                    containerConfiguration = new
                        type = "dockerCompatible",
                        containerImageNames = new object[]
                        containerRegistries = new object[]
                                username = "<username>",
                                password = "<password>",
                                registryServer = "<registryServer>",
                                identityReference = new
                                    resourceId = "<resourceId>",
                    diskEncryptionConfiguration = new
                        targets = new object[]
                    nodePlacementConfiguration = new
                        policy = "regional",
                    extensions = new object[]
                            name = "<name>",
                            publisher = "<publisher>",
                            type = "<type>",
                            typeHandlerVersion = "<typeHandlerVersion>",
                            autoUpgradeMinorVersion = true,
                            enableAutomaticUpgrade = true,
                            settings = new
                                key = "<settings>",
                            protectedSettings = new
                                key = "<protectedSettings>",
                            provisionAfterExtensions = new object[]
                    osDisk = new
                        ephemeralOSDiskSettings = new
                            placement = "cachedisk",
                        caching = "none",
                        diskSizeGB = 1234,
                        managedDisk = new
                            storageAccountType = "standard_lrs",
                        writeAcceleratorEnabled = true,
                    securityProfile = new
                        encryptionAtHost = true,
                        securityType = "trustedLaunch",
                        uefiSettings = new
                            secureBootEnabled = true,
                            vTpmEnabled = true,
                    serviceArtifactReference = new
                        id = "<id>",
                taskSlotsPerNode = 1234,
                taskSchedulingPolicy = new
                    nodeFillType = "spread",
                resizeTimeout = "PT1H23M45S",
                resourceTags = "<resourceTags>",
                targetDedicatedNodes = 1234,
                targetLowPriorityNodes = 1234,
                enableAutoScale = true,
                autoScaleFormula = "<autoScaleFormula>",
                autoScaleEvaluationInterval = "PT1H23M45S",
                enableInterNodeCommunication = true,
                networkConfiguration = new
                    subnetId = "<subnetId>",
                    dynamicVNetAssignmentScope = "none",
                    endpointConfiguration = new
                        inboundNATPools = new object[]
                                name = "<name>",
                                protocol = "tcp",
                                backendPort = 1234,
                                frontendPortRangeStart = 1234,
                                frontendPortRangeEnd = 1234,
                                networkSecurityGroupRules = new object[]
                                        priority = 1234,
                                        access = "allow",
                                        sourceAddressPrefix = "<sourceAddressPrefix>",
                                        sourcePortRanges = new object[]
                    publicIPAddressConfiguration = new
                        provision = "batchmanaged",
                        ipAddressIds = new object[]
                    enableAcceleratedNetworking = true,
                startTask = new
                    commandLine = "<commandLine>",
                    containerSettings = new
                        containerRunOptions = "<containerRunOptions>",
                        imageName = "<imageName>",
                        workingDirectory = "taskWorkingDirectory",
                    resourceFiles = new object[]
                            autoStorageContainerName = "<autoStorageContainerName>",
                            storageContainerUrl = "<storageContainerUrl>",
                            httpUrl = "<httpUrl>",
                            blobPrefix = "<blobPrefix>",
                            filePath = "<filePath>",
                            fileMode = "<fileMode>",
                    environmentSettings = new object[]
                            name = "<name>",
                            value = "<value>",
                    userIdentity = new
                        username = "<username>",
                        autoUser = new
                            scope = "task",
                            elevationLevel = "nonadmin",
                    maxTaskRetryCount = 1234,
                    waitForSuccess = true,
                applicationPackageReferences = new object[]
                        applicationId = "<applicationId>",
                        version = "<version>",
                userAccounts = new object[]
                        name = "<name>",
                        password = "<password>",
                        elevationLevel = "nonadmin",
                        linuxUserConfiguration = new
                            uid = 1234,
                            gid = 1234,
                            sshPrivateKey = "<sshPrivateKey>",
                        windowsUserConfiguration = new
                            loginMode = "batch",
                metadata = new object[]
                        name = "<name>",
                        value = "<value>",
                mountConfiguration = new object[]
                        azureBlobFileSystemConfiguration = new
                            accountName = "<accountName>",
                            containerName = "<containerName>",
                            accountKey = "<accountKey>",
                            sasKey = "<sasKey>",
                            blobfuseOptions = "<blobfuseOptions>",
                            relativeMountPath = "<relativeMountPath>",
                        nfsMountConfiguration = new
                            source = "<source>",
                            relativeMountPath = "<relativeMountPath>",
                            mountOptions = "<mountOptions>",
                        cifsMountConfiguration = new
                            username = "<username>",
                            source = "<source>",
                            relativeMountPath = "<relativeMountPath>",
                            mountOptions = "<mountOptions>",
                            password = "<password>",
                        azureFileShareConfiguration = new
                            accountName = "<accountName>",
                            azureFileUrl = "<azureFileUrl>",
                            accountKey = "<accountKey>",
                            relativeMountPath = "<relativeMountPath>",
                            mountOptions = "<mountOptions>",
                targetNodeCommunicationMode = "default",
                upgradePolicy = new
                    mode = "automatic",
                    automaticOSUpgradePolicy = new
                        disableAutomaticRollback = true,
                        enableAutomaticOSUpgrade = true,
                        useRollingUpgradePolicy = true,
                        osRollingUpgradeDeferral = true,
                    rollingUpgradePolicy = new
                        enableCrossZoneUpgrade = true,
                        maxBatchInstancePercent = 1234,
                        maxUnhealthyInstancePercent = 1234,
                        maxUnhealthyUpgradedInstancePercent = 1234,
                        pauseTimeBetweenBatches = "PT1H23M45S",
                        prioritizeUnhealthyInstances = true,
                        rollbackFailedInstancesOnPolicyBreach = true,
    onAllTasksComplete = "noaction",
    metadata = new object[]
Response response = client.UpdateJob("<jobId>", content, timeOutInSeconds: 1234, ocpdate: DateTimeOffset.Parse("Tue, 10 May 2022 18:57:31 GMT"), requestConditions: null);


Applies to

UpdateJob(String, RequestContent, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, RequestConditions, RequestContext)

[Protocol Method] Updates the properties of the specified Job.

  • This protocol method allows explicit creation of the request and processing of the response for advanced scenarios.
public virtual Azure.Response UpdateJob (string jobId, Azure.Core.RequestContent content, int? timeOutInSeconds = default, DateTimeOffset? ocpdate = default, Azure.RequestConditions requestConditions = default, Azure.RequestContext context = default);
abstract member UpdateJob : string * Azure.Core.RequestContent * Nullable<int> * Nullable<DateTimeOffset> * Azure.RequestConditions * Azure.RequestContext -> Azure.Response
override this.UpdateJob : string * Azure.Core.RequestContent * Nullable<int> * Nullable<DateTimeOffset> * Azure.RequestConditions * Azure.RequestContext -> Azure.Response
Public Overridable Function UpdateJob (jobId As String, content As RequestContent, Optional timeOutInSeconds As Nullable(Of Integer) = Nothing, Optional ocpdate As Nullable(Of DateTimeOffset) = Nothing, Optional requestConditions As RequestConditions = Nothing, Optional context As RequestContext = Nothing) As Response



The ID of the Job whose properties you want to update.


The content to send as the body of the request.


The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds. If the value is larger than 30, the default will be used instead.".


The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.


The content to send as the request conditions of the request.


The request context, which can override default behaviors of the client pipeline on a per-call basis.


The response returned from the service.


jobId or content is null.

jobId is an empty string, and was expected to be non-empty.

Service returned a non-success status code.


This sample shows how to call UpdateJob.

Uri endpoint = new Uri("<>");
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
BatchClient client = new BatchClient(endpoint, credential);

using RequestContent content = RequestContent.Create(new object());
Response response = client.UpdateJob("<jobId>", content);


This sample shows how to call UpdateJob with all parameters and request content.

Uri endpoint = new Uri("<>");
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
BatchClient client = new BatchClient(endpoint, credential);

using RequestContent content = RequestContent.Create(new
    priority = 1234,
    allowTaskPreemption = true,
    maxParallelTasks = 1234,
    constraints = new
        maxWallClockTime = "PT1H23M45S",
        maxTaskRetryCount = 1234,
    poolInfo = new
        poolId = "<poolId>",
        autoPoolSpecification = new
            autoPoolIdPrefix = "<autoPoolIdPrefix>",
            poolLifetimeOption = "jobschedule",
            keepAlive = true,
            pool = new
                displayName = "<displayName>",
                vmSize = "<vmSize>",
                virtualMachineConfiguration = new
                    imageReference = new
                        publisher = "<publisher>",
                        offer = "<offer>",
                        sku = "<sku>",
                        version = "<version>",
                        virtualMachineImageId = "<virtualMachineImageId>",
                    nodeAgentSKUId = "<nodeAgentSKUId>",
                    windowsConfiguration = new
                        enableAutomaticUpdates = true,
                    dataDisks = new object[]
                            lun = 1234,
                            caching = "none",
                            diskSizeGB = 1234,
                            storageAccountType = "standard_lrs",
                    licenseType = "<licenseType>",
                    containerConfiguration = new
                        type = "dockerCompatible",
                        containerImageNames = new object[]
                        containerRegistries = new object[]
                                username = "<username>",
                                password = "<password>",
                                registryServer = "<registryServer>",
                                identityReference = new
                                    resourceId = "<resourceId>",
                    diskEncryptionConfiguration = new
                        targets = new object[]
                    nodePlacementConfiguration = new
                        policy = "regional",
                    extensions = new object[]
                            name = "<name>",
                            publisher = "<publisher>",
                            type = "<type>",
                            typeHandlerVersion = "<typeHandlerVersion>",
                            autoUpgradeMinorVersion = true,
                            enableAutomaticUpgrade = true,
                            settings = new
                                key = "<settings>",
                            protectedSettings = new
                                key = "<protectedSettings>",
                            provisionAfterExtensions = new object[]
                    osDisk = new
                        ephemeralOSDiskSettings = new
                            placement = "cachedisk",
                        caching = "none",
                        diskSizeGB = 1234,
                        managedDisk = new
                            storageAccountType = "standard_lrs",
                        writeAcceleratorEnabled = true,
                    securityProfile = new
                        encryptionAtHost = true,
                        securityType = "trustedLaunch",
                        uefiSettings = new
                            secureBootEnabled = true,
                            vTpmEnabled = true,
                    serviceArtifactReference = new
                        id = "<id>",
                taskSlotsPerNode = 1234,
                taskSchedulingPolicy = new
                    nodeFillType = "spread",
                resizeTimeout = "PT1H23M45S",
                resourceTags = "<resourceTags>",
                targetDedicatedNodes = 1234,
                targetLowPriorityNodes = 1234,
                enableAutoScale = true,
                autoScaleFormula = "<autoScaleFormula>",
                autoScaleEvaluationInterval = "PT1H23M45S",
                enableInterNodeCommunication = true,
                networkConfiguration = new
                    subnetId = "<subnetId>",
                    dynamicVNetAssignmentScope = "none",
                    endpointConfiguration = new
                        inboundNATPools = new object[]
                                name = "<name>",
                                protocol = "tcp",
                                backendPort = 1234,
                                frontendPortRangeStart = 1234,
                                frontendPortRangeEnd = 1234,
                                networkSecurityGroupRules = new object[]
                                        priority = 1234,
                                        access = "allow",
                                        sourceAddressPrefix = "<sourceAddressPrefix>",
                                        sourcePortRanges = new object[]
                    publicIPAddressConfiguration = new
                        provision = "batchmanaged",
                        ipAddressIds = new object[]
                    enableAcceleratedNetworking = true,
                startTask = new
                    commandLine = "<commandLine>",
                    containerSettings = new
                        containerRunOptions = "<containerRunOptions>",
                        imageName = "<imageName>",
                        workingDirectory = "taskWorkingDirectory",
                    resourceFiles = new object[]
                            autoStorageContainerName = "<autoStorageContainerName>",
                            storageContainerUrl = "<storageContainerUrl>",
                            httpUrl = "<httpUrl>",
                            blobPrefix = "<blobPrefix>",
                            filePath = "<filePath>",
                            fileMode = "<fileMode>",
                    environmentSettings = new object[]
                            name = "<name>",
                            value = "<value>",
                    userIdentity = new
                        username = "<username>",
                        autoUser = new
                            scope = "task",
                            elevationLevel = "nonadmin",
                    maxTaskRetryCount = 1234,
                    waitForSuccess = true,
                applicationPackageReferences = new object[]
                        applicationId = "<applicationId>",
                        version = "<version>",
                userAccounts = new object[]
                        name = "<name>",
                        password = "<password>",
                        elevationLevel = "nonadmin",
                        linuxUserConfiguration = new
                            uid = 1234,
                            gid = 1234,
                            sshPrivateKey = "<sshPrivateKey>",
                        windowsUserConfiguration = new
                            loginMode = "batch",
                metadata = new object[]
                        name = "<name>",
                        value = "<value>",
                mountConfiguration = new object[]
                        azureBlobFileSystemConfiguration = new
                            accountName = "<accountName>",
                            containerName = "<containerName>",
                            accountKey = "<accountKey>",
                            sasKey = "<sasKey>",
                            blobfuseOptions = "<blobfuseOptions>",
                            relativeMountPath = "<relativeMountPath>",
                        nfsMountConfiguration = new
                            source = "<source>",
                            relativeMountPath = "<relativeMountPath>",
                            mountOptions = "<mountOptions>",
                        cifsMountConfiguration = new
                            username = "<username>",
                            source = "<source>",
                            relativeMountPath = "<relativeMountPath>",
                            mountOptions = "<mountOptions>",
                            password = "<password>",
                        azureFileShareConfiguration = new
                            accountName = "<accountName>",
                            azureFileUrl = "<azureFileUrl>",
                            accountKey = "<accountKey>",
                            relativeMountPath = "<relativeMountPath>",
                            mountOptions = "<mountOptions>",
                targetNodeCommunicationMode = "default",
                upgradePolicy = new
                    mode = "automatic",
                    automaticOSUpgradePolicy = new
                        disableAutomaticRollback = true,
                        enableAutomaticOSUpgrade = true,
                        useRollingUpgradePolicy = true,
                        osRollingUpgradeDeferral = true,
                    rollingUpgradePolicy = new
                        enableCrossZoneUpgrade = true,
                        maxBatchInstancePercent = 1234,
                        maxUnhealthyInstancePercent = 1234,
                        maxUnhealthyUpgradedInstancePercent = 1234,
                        pauseTimeBetweenBatches = "PT1H23M45S",
                        prioritizeUnhealthyInstances = true,
                        rollbackFailedInstancesOnPolicyBreach = true,
    onAllTasksComplete = "noaction",
    metadata = new object[]
Response response = client.UpdateJob("<jobId>", content, timeOutInSeconds: 1234, ocpdate: DateTimeOffset.Parse("Tue, 10 May 2022 18:57:31 GMT"), requestConditions: null);


Applies to