FtpWebResponse.Close 메서드


응답에서 사용 중인 리소스를 해제합니다.

 override void Close();
public override void Close ();
override this.Close : unit -> unit
Public Overrides Sub Close ()


다음 코드 예제에서는 서버에서 데이터를 다운로드하고 응답 스트림에서 데이터를 읽은 다음 닫습니다.

static bool DownloadFileFromServer( Uri^ serverUri, String^ localFileName )
   // The serverUri parameter should start with the ftp:// scheme.
   if ( serverUri->Scheme != Uri::UriSchemeFtp )
      return false;

   // Get the object used to communicate with the server.
   // Note that the cast to FtpWebRequest is done only
   // for the purposes of illustration. If your application
   // does not set any properties other than those defined in the
   // System.Net.WebRequest class, you can use the following line instead:
   // WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(serverUri);
   FtpWebRequest^ request = dynamic_cast<FtpWebRequest^>(WebRequest::Create( serverUri ));
   request->Method = WebRequestMethods::Ftp::DownloadFile;
   FtpWebResponse^ response = dynamic_cast<FtpWebResponse^>(request->GetResponse());
   Stream^ responseStream = nullptr;
   StreamReader^ readStream = nullptr;
   StreamWriter^ writeStream = nullptr;
      responseStream = response->GetResponseStream();
      readStream = gcnew StreamReader( responseStream,System::Text::Encoding::UTF8 );
      // Display information about the data received from the server.
      Console::WriteLine( "Bytes received: {0}", response->ContentLength );
      Console::WriteLine( "Message from server: {0}", response->StatusDescription );
      Console::WriteLine( "Resource: {0}", response->ResponseUri );

      // Write the bytes received from the server to the local file.
      if ( readStream != nullptr )
         writeStream = gcnew StreamWriter( localFileName,false );
         writeStream->Write( readStream->ReadToEnd() );
      if ( readStream != nullptr )

      if ( response != nullptr )

      if ( writeStream != nullptr )

   return true;
public static bool DownloadFileFromServer(Uri serverUri, string localFileName)
    // The serverUri parameter should start with the ftp:// scheme.
    if (serverUri.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeFtp)
        return false;
    // Get the object used to communicate with the server.
    // Note that the cast to FtpWebRequest is done only
    // for the purposes of illustration. If your application
    // does not set any properties other than those defined in the
    // System.Net.WebRequest class, you can use the following line instead:
    // WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(serverUri);
    FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(serverUri);
    request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile;

    FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse) request.GetResponse();

    Stream responseStream = null;
    StreamReader readStream = null;
    StreamWriter writeStream = null;
        responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
        readStream = new StreamReader(responseStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
        // Display information about the data received from the server.
        Console.WriteLine("Bytes received: {0}",response.ContentLength);

        Console.WriteLine("Message from server: {0}", response.StatusDescription);
        Console.WriteLine("Resource: {0}", response.ResponseUri);

        // Write the bytes received from the server to the local file.
        if (readStream != null)
            writeStream = new StreamWriter(localFileName, false);
        if (readStream != null)
        if (response != null)
        if (writeStream != null)
    return true;


메서드는 Close 속성이 인 경우 메서드에서 반환된 GetResponseStream 데이터 스트림을 KeepAlive 닫습니다 false. 닫는 동안 데이터가 제어 연결의 서버로 전송될 수 있습니다.


애플리케이션에 네트워크 추적을 사용하도록 설정하면 이 멤버에서 추적 정보를 출력합니다. 자세한 내용은 .NET Framework의 네트워크 추적을 참조하세요.

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