FileCodeGroup 클래스



Code Access Security is not supported or honored by the runtime.

멤버 자격 조건과 일치하는 코드 어셈블리에 해당 코드 어셈블리에 있는 파일을 조작하는 권한을 부여합니다. 이 클래스는 상속될 수 없습니다.

public ref class FileCodeGroup sealed : System::Security::Policy::CodeGroup
[System.Obsolete("Code Access Security is not supported or honored by the runtime.", DiagnosticId="SYSLIB0003", UrlFormat="{0}")]
public sealed class FileCodeGroup : System.Security.Policy.CodeGroup
public sealed class FileCodeGroup : System.Security.Policy.CodeGroup
public sealed class FileCodeGroup : System.Security.Policy.CodeGroup
public sealed class FileCodeGroup : System.Security.Policy.CodeGroup
[<System.Obsolete("Code Access Security is not supported or honored by the runtime.", DiagnosticId="SYSLIB0003", UrlFormat="{0}")>]
type FileCodeGroup = class
    inherit CodeGroup
type FileCodeGroup = class
    inherit CodeGroup
type FileCodeGroup = class
    inherit CodeGroup
type FileCodeGroup = class
    inherit CodeGroup
Public NotInheritable Class FileCodeGroup
Inherits CodeGroup


다음 예제에서는 클래스의 멤버를 사용하는 방법을 FileCodeGroup 보여줍니다.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security;
using namespace System::Security::Policy;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;
using namespace System::Reflection;

ref class Members
   static void Main()
      FileCodeGroup^ fileCodeGroup = constructDefaultGroup();
      // Create a deep copy of the FileCodeGroup.
      FileCodeGroup^ copyCodeGroup =

      CompareTwoCodeGroups( fileCodeGroup, copyCodeGroup );
      addPolicy(  &fileCodeGroup );
      addXmlMember(  &fileCodeGroup );
      updateMembershipCondition(  &fileCodeGroup );
      addChildCodeGroup(  &fileCodeGroup );
      Console::Write( L"Comparing the resolved code group " );
      Console::WriteLine( L"with the initial code group." );
      FileCodeGroup^ resolvedCodeGroup =
         ResolveGroupToEvidence( fileCodeGroup );
      if ( CompareTwoCodeGroups( fileCodeGroup, resolvedCodeGroup ) )
         PrintCodeGroup( resolvedCodeGroup );
         PrintCodeGroup( fileCodeGroup );

      Console::WriteLine( L"This sample completed successfully; press Enter to exit." );

   // Construct a new FileCodeGroup with Read, Write, Append
   // and PathDiscovery access.
   static FileCodeGroup^ constructDefaultGroup()
      // Construct a new file code group that has complete access to
      // files in the specified path.
      FileCodeGroup^ fileCodeGroup = gcnew FileCodeGroup(
         gcnew AllMembershipCondition,FileIOPermissionAccess::AllAccess );

      // Set the name of the file code group.
      fileCodeGroup->Name = L"TempCodeGroup";

      // Set the description of the file code group.
      fileCodeGroup->Description = L"Temp folder permissions group";

      // Retrieve the string representation of the  fileCodeGroup�s
      // attributes. FileCodeGroup does not use AttributeString, so the
      // value should be null.
      if ( fileCodeGroup->AttributeString != nullptr )
         throw gcnew NullReferenceException(
            L"The AttributeString property should be null." );

      return fileCodeGroup;

   // Add file permission to restrict write access to all files on the
   // local machine.
   static void addPolicy( interior_ptr<FileCodeGroup^> fileCodeGroup )
      // Set the PolicyStatement property to a policy with read access to
      // the root directory of drive C.
      FileIOPermission^ rootFilePermissions =
         gcnew FileIOPermission( PermissionState::None );
      rootFilePermissions->AllLocalFiles =
         FileIOPermissionAccess::Read, L"C:\\" );
      NamedPermissionSet^ namedPermissions =
         gcnew NamedPermissionSet( L"RootPermissions" );
      namedPermissions->AddPermission( rootFilePermissions );
      ( *fileCodeGroup )->PolicyStatement =
         gcnew PolicyStatement( namedPermissions );

   // Set the membership condition of the specified FileCodeGroup
   // to the Intranet zone.
   static void updateMembershipCondition( interior_ptr<FileCodeGroup^> fileCodeGroup )
      ZoneMembershipCondition^ zoneCondition =
         gcnew ZoneMembershipCondition( SecurityZone::Intranet );
      ( *fileCodeGroup )->MembershipCondition = zoneCondition;

   // Add a child group with read-access file permission to the specified
   // code group.
   static void addChildCodeGroup( interior_ptr<FileCodeGroup^> fileCodeGroup )
      // Create a file code group with read-access permission.
      FileCodeGroup^ tempFolderCodeGroup = gcnew FileCodeGroup(
         gcnew AllMembershipCondition,FileIOPermissionAccess::Read );
      // Set the name of the child code group and add it to
      // the specified code group.
      tempFolderCodeGroup->Name = L"Read-only group";
      ( *fileCodeGroup )->AddChild( tempFolderCodeGroup );

   // Compare the two specified file code groups for equality.
   static bool CompareTwoCodeGroups( FileCodeGroup^ firstCodeGroup,
      FileCodeGroup^ secondCodeGroup )
      if ( firstCodeGroup->Equals( secondCodeGroup ) )
         Console::WriteLine( L"The two code groups are equal." );
         return true;
         Console::WriteLine( L"The two code groups are not equal." );
         return false;

   // Retrieve the resolved policy based on Evidence from the executing
   // assembly found in the specified code group.
   static String^ ResolveEvidence( CodeGroup^ fileCodeGroup )
      String^ policyString = L"";
      // Resolve the policy based on evidence in the executing assembly.
      Assembly^ assembly = Members::typeid->Assembly;
      Evidence^ executingEvidence = assembly->Evidence;
      PolicyStatement^ policy = fileCodeGroup->Resolve( executingEvidence );

      if ( policy != nullptr )
         policyString = policy->ToString();

      return policyString;

   // Retrieve the resolved code group based on the Evidence from
   // the executing assembly found in the specified code group.
   static FileCodeGroup^ ResolveGroupToEvidence( FileCodeGroup^ fileCodeGroup )
      // Resolve matching code groups to the executing assembly.
      Assembly^ assembly = Members::typeid->Assembly;
      Evidence^ evidence = assembly->Evidence;
      CodeGroup^ codeGroup = fileCodeGroup->ResolveMatchingCodeGroups( evidence );

      return dynamic_cast<FileCodeGroup^>(codeGroup);

   // If a domain attribute is not found in the specified FileCodeGroup,
   // add a child XML element identifying a custom membership condition.
   static void addXmlMember( interior_ptr<FileCodeGroup^> fileCodeGroup )
      SecurityElement^ xmlElement = ( *fileCodeGroup )->ToXml();

      SecurityElement^ rootElement = gcnew SecurityElement( L"CodeGroup" );
      if ( xmlElement->Attribute(L"domain") == nullptr )
         SecurityElement^ newElement = gcnew SecurityElement(
            L"CustomMembershipCondition" );
         newElement->AddAttribute( L"class", L"CustomMembershipCondition" );
         newElement->AddAttribute( L"version", L"1" );
         newElement->AddAttribute( L"domain", L"" );
         rootElement->AddChild( newElement );
         ( *fileCodeGroup )->FromXml( rootElement );

      Console::WriteLine( L"Added a custom membership condition:" );
      Console::WriteLine( rootElement );

   // Print the properties of the specified code group to the console.
   static void PrintCodeGroup( CodeGroup^ codeGroup )
      // Compare the type of the specified object with the FileCodeGroup
      // type.
      if (  !codeGroup->GetType()->Equals( FileCodeGroup::typeid ) )
         throw gcnew ArgumentException( L"Expected the FileCodeGroup type." );

      String^ codeGroupName = codeGroup->Name;
      String^ membershipCondition = codeGroup->MembershipCondition->ToString();
      String^ permissionSetName = codeGroup->PermissionSetName;

      int hashCode = codeGroup->GetHashCode();

      String^ mergeLogic = L"";
      if ( codeGroup->MergeLogic->Equals( L"Union" ) )
         mergeLogic = L" with Union merge logic";
      // Retrieve the class path for FileCodeGroup.
      String^ fileGroupClass = codeGroup->ToString();
      // Write summary to the console window.
      Console::WriteLine( L"\n*** {0} summary ***", fileGroupClass );
      Console::Write( L"A FileCodeGroup named " );
      Console::Write( L"{0}{1}", codeGroupName, mergeLogic );
      Console::Write( L" has been created with hash code{0}.", hashCode );
      Console::Write( L"This code group contains a {0}", membershipCondition );
      Console::Write( L" membership condition with the " );
      Console::Write( L"{0} permission set. ", permissionSetName );
      Console::Write( L"The code group has the following security policy: " );
      Console::WriteLine( ResolveEvidence( codeGroup ) );
      int childCount = codeGroup->Children->Count;
      if ( childCount > 0 )
         Console::Write( L"There are {0}", childCount );
         Console::WriteLine( L" child code groups in this code group." );
         // Iterate through the child code groups to display their names
         // and remove them from the specified code group.
         for ( int i = 0; i < childCount; i++ )
            // Get child code group as type FileCodeGroup.
            FileCodeGroup^ childCodeGroup =
               dynamic_cast<FileCodeGroup^>(codeGroup->Children->default[ i ]);
            Console::Write( L"Removing the {0}.", childCodeGroup->Name );
            // Remove child code group.

            codeGroup->RemoveChild( childCodeGroup );
         Console::Write( L"There are no child code groups" );
         Console::WriteLine( L" in this code group." );

int main()

// This sample produces the following output:
// The two code groups are equal.
// Added a custom membership condition:
// <CustomMembershipCondition class="CustomMembershipCondition"
//                                version="1"
//                                domain=""/>
// Comparing the resolved code group with the initial code group.
// The two code groups are not equal.
// *** System.Security.Policy.FileCodeGroup summary ***
// A FileCodeGroup named  with Union merge logic has been created with hash
// code 113151473. This code group contains a Zone - Intranet membership
// condition with the Same directory FileIO - NoAccess permission set. The
// code group has the following security policy:
// There are 1 child code groups in this code group.
// Removing the Read-only group.
// This sample completed successfully; press Enter to exit.
using System;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Reflection;

class Members
    static void Main(string[] args)
        FileCodeGroup fileCodeGroup = constructDefaultGroup();
        // Create a deep copy of the FileCodeGroup.
        FileCodeGroup copyCodeGroup = (FileCodeGroup)fileCodeGroup.Copy();

        CompareTwoCodeGroups(fileCodeGroup, copyCodeGroup);

        addPolicy(ref fileCodeGroup);
        addXmlMember(ref fileCodeGroup);
        updateMembershipCondition(ref fileCodeGroup);
        addChildCodeGroup(ref fileCodeGroup);

        Console.Write("Comparing the resolved code group ");
        Console.WriteLine("with the initial code group.");
        FileCodeGroup resolvedCodeGroup =
        if (CompareTwoCodeGroups(fileCodeGroup, resolvedCodeGroup))
        Console.WriteLine("This sample completed successfully; " +
            "press Enter to exit.");

    // Construct a new FileCodeGroup with Read, Write, Append 
    // and PathDiscovery access.
    private static FileCodeGroup constructDefaultGroup()
        // Construct a new file code group that has complete access to
        // files in the specified path.
        FileCodeGroup fileCodeGroup = 
            new FileCodeGroup(
            new AllMembershipCondition(),

        // Set the name of the file code group.
        fileCodeGroup.Name = "TempCodeGroup";

        // Set the description of the file code group.
        fileCodeGroup.Description = "Temp folder permissions group";

        // Retrieve the string representation of the  fileCodeGroup’s 
        // attributes. FileCodeGroup does not use AttributeString, so the
        // value should be null.
        if (fileCodeGroup.AttributeString != null)
            throw new NullReferenceException(
                "The AttributeString property should be null.");

        return fileCodeGroup;

    // Add file permission to restrict write access to all files on the
    // local machine.
    private static void addPolicy(ref FileCodeGroup fileCodeGroup)
        // Set the PolicyStatement property to a policy with read access to
        // the root directory of drive C.
        FileIOPermission rootFilePermissions = 
            new FileIOPermission(PermissionState.None);
        rootFilePermissions.AllLocalFiles = FileIOPermissionAccess.Read;

        NamedPermissionSet namedPermissions =
            new NamedPermissionSet("RootPermissions");
        fileCodeGroup.PolicyStatement =
            new PolicyStatement(namedPermissions);

    // Set the membership condition of the specified FileCodeGroup 
    // to the Intranet zone.
    private static void updateMembershipCondition(
        ref FileCodeGroup fileCodeGroup)
        ZoneMembershipCondition zoneCondition =
            new ZoneMembershipCondition(SecurityZone.Intranet);
        fileCodeGroup.MembershipCondition = zoneCondition;

    // Add a child group with read-access file permission to the specified 
    // code group.
    private static void addChildCodeGroup(ref FileCodeGroup fileCodeGroup)
        // Create a file code group with read-access permission.
        FileCodeGroup tempFolderCodeGroup = new FileCodeGroup(
            new AllMembershipCondition(), 

        // Set the name of the child code group and add it to 
        // the specified code group.
        tempFolderCodeGroup.Name = "Read-only group";

    // Compare the two specified file code groups for equality.
    private static bool CompareTwoCodeGroups(
        FileCodeGroup firstCodeGroup, FileCodeGroup secondCodeGroup)
        if (firstCodeGroup.Equals(secondCodeGroup))
            Console.WriteLine("The two code groups are equal.");
            return true;
            Console.WriteLine("The two code groups are not equal.");
            return false;

    // Retrieve the resolved policy based on Evidence from the executing 
    // assembly found in the specified code group.
    private static string ResolveEvidence(CodeGroup fileCodeGroup)
        string policyString = "";

        // Resolve the policy based on evidence in the executing assembly.
        Assembly assembly = typeof(Members).Assembly;
        Evidence executingEvidence = assembly.Evidence;

        PolicyStatement policy = fileCodeGroup.Resolve(executingEvidence);

        if (policy != null)
            policyString = policy.ToString();

        return policyString;

    // Retrieve the resolved code group based on the Evidence from 
    // the executing assembly found in the specified code group.
    private static FileCodeGroup ResolveGroupToEvidence(
        FileCodeGroup fileCodeGroup)
        // Resolve matching code groups to the executing assembly.
        Assembly assembly = typeof(Members).Assembly;
        Evidence evidence = assembly.Evidence;
        CodeGroup codeGroup = 

        return (FileCodeGroup)codeGroup;

    // If a domain attribute is not found in the specified FileCodeGroup,
    // add a child XML element identifying a custom membership condition.
    private static void addXmlMember(ref FileCodeGroup fileCodeGroup)
        SecurityElement xmlElement = fileCodeGroup.ToXml();

        SecurityElement rootElement = new SecurityElement("CodeGroup");

        if (xmlElement.Attribute("domain") == null) 
            SecurityElement newElement = 
                new SecurityElement("CustomMembershipCondition");



        Console.WriteLine("Added a custom membership condition:");

    // Print the properties of the specified code group to the console.
    private static void PrintCodeGroup(CodeGroup codeGroup)
        // Compare the type of the specified object with the FileCodeGroup
        // type.
        if (!codeGroup.GetType().Equals(typeof(FileCodeGroup)))
            throw new ArgumentException("Expected the FileCodeGroup type.");
        string codeGroupName = codeGroup.Name;
        string membershipCondition = codeGroup.MembershipCondition.ToString();
        string permissionSetName = codeGroup.PermissionSetName;

        int hashCode = codeGroup.GetHashCode();

        string mergeLogic = "";
        if (codeGroup.MergeLogic.Equals("Union"))
            mergeLogic = " with Union merge logic";

        // Retrieve the class path for FileCodeGroup.
        string fileGroupClass = codeGroup.ToString();

        // Write summary to the console window.
        Console.WriteLine("\n*** " + fileGroupClass + " summary ***");
        Console.Write("A FileCodeGroup named ");
        Console.Write(codeGroupName + mergeLogic);
        Console.Write(" has been created with hash code" + hashCode + ".");
        Console.Write("This code group contains a " + membershipCondition);
        Console.Write(" membership condition with the ");
        Console.Write(permissionSetName + " permission set. ");

        Console.Write("The code group has the following security policy: ");

        int childCount = codeGroup.Children.Count;
        if (childCount > 0 )
            Console.Write("There are " + childCount);
            Console.WriteLine(" child code groups in this code group.");

            // Iterate through the child code groups to display their names
            // and remove them from the specified code group.
            for (int i=0; i < childCount; i++)
                // Get child code group as type FileCodeGroup.
                FileCodeGroup childCodeGroup = 
                Console.Write("Removing the " + childCodeGroup.Name + ".");
                // Remove child code group.

            Console.Write("There are no child code groups");
            Console.WriteLine(" in this code group.");
// This sample produces the following output:
// The two code groups are equal.
// Added a custom membership condition:
// <CustomMembershipCondition class="CustomMembershipCondition"
//                                version="1"
//                                domain=""/>
// Comparing the resolved code group with the initial code group.
// The two code groups are not equal.
// *** System.Security.Policy.FileCodeGroup summary ***
// A FileCodeGroup named  with Union merge logic has been created with hash
// code 113151473. This code group contains a Zone - Intranet membership
// condition with the Same directory FileIO - NoAccess permission set. The
// code group has the following security policy:
// There are 1 child code groups in this code group.
// Removing the Read-only group.
// This sample completed successfully; press Enter to exit.
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Security.Policy
Imports System.Security.Permissions
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class Form1
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

    ' Event handler for Run button.
    Private Sub Button1_Click( _
        ByVal sender As System.Object, _
        ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        tbxOutput.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
        tbxOutput.Text = ""

        Dim fileCodeGroup As FileCodeGroup = constructDefaultGroup()

        ' Create a deep copy of the FileCodeGroup;
        Dim copyCodeGroup As FileCodeGroup = _
            CType(fileCodeGroup.Copy(), FileCodeGroup)

        CompareTwoCodeGroups(fileCodeGroup, copyCodeGroup)


        WriteLine("Comparing the resolved code group with the initial " + _
            "code group:")
        Dim resolvedCodeGroup As FileCodeGroup
        resolvedCodeGroup = ResolveGroupToEvidence(fileCodeGroup)

        If (CompareTwoCodeGroups(fileCodeGroup, resolvedCodeGroup)) Then
        End If

        ' Reset the cursor and conclude application.
        tbxOutput.AppendText(vbCrLf + "This sample completed " + _
            "successfully; press Exit to continue.")
        tbxOutput.Cursor = Cursors.Default
    End Sub
    ' Construct a new FileCodeGroup with read, write, append and 
    ' discovery access.
    Private Function constructDefaultGroup() As FileCodeGroup
        ' Construct a file code group with read, write, append and 
        ' discovery access.
        Dim fileCodeGroup As New FileCodeGroup( _
            New AllMembershipCondition, _

        ' Set the name of the file code group.
        fileCodeGroup.Name = "TempCodeGroup"

        ' Set the description of the file code group.
        fileCodeGroup.Description = "Temp folder permissions group"

        ' Retrieve the string representation of the Policy's attributes.
        ' FileCodeGroup does not use AttributeString, so the value should
        ' be null.
        If (Not fileCodeGroup.AttributeString Is Nothing) Then
            Throw New NullReferenceException( _
                "AttributeString property is not empty")
        End If

        Return fileCodeGroup
    End Function

    ' Add file permission to restrict write access to all files on the 
    ' local machine.
    Private Sub addPolicy(ByRef fileCodeGroup As FileCodeGroup)
        ' Set the PolicyStatement property to a policy with
        ' read access to c:\.
        Dim rootFilePermissions As New FileIOPermission(PermissionState.None)
        rootFilePermissions.AllLocalFiles = FileIOPermissionAccess.Read
        rootFilePermissions.SetPathList(FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, "C:\\")

        Dim namedPermissions As New NamedPermissionSet("RootPermissions")

        fileCodeGroup.PolicyStatement = New PolicyStatement(namedPermissions)
    End Sub

    ' Set the membership condition of the specified FileCodeGroup to 
    ' Intranet zone.
    Private Sub updateMembershipCondition( _
        ByRef fileCodeGroup As FileCodeGroup)

        ' Set the membership condition to the Intranet zone.
        Dim zoneCondition As _
            New ZoneMembershipCondition(SecurityZone.Intranet)

        fileCodeGroup.MembershipCondition = zoneCondition
    End Sub

    ' Add a child group with read-access file permissions to the specified
    ' code group.
    Private Sub addChildCodeGroup(ByRef fileCodeGroup As FileCodeGroup)
        ' Create a file code group with read access.
        Dim tempFolderCodeGroup As New FileCodeGroup( _
            New AllMembershipCondition, _

        ' Set the name of the child code group and add it to the specified 
        ' code group.
        tempFolderCodeGroup.Name = "Read-only group"
    End Sub

    ' Compare two specified FileCodeGroups for equality.
    Private Function CompareTwoCodeGroups( _
        ByVal firstCodeGroup As FileCodeGroup, _
        ByVal secondCodeGroup As FileCodeGroup) As Boolean

        ' Compare two FileCodeGroups for equality.
        If (firstCodeGroup.Equals(secondCodeGroup)) Then
            WriteLine("The two code groups are equal.")
            Return True
            WriteLine("The two code groups are not equal.")
            Return False
        End If

    End Function

    ' Retrieve the resolved policy based on the executing evidence found 
    ' in the specified code group.
    Private Function ResolveEvidence( _
        ByVal fileCodeGroup As CodeGroup) As String

        Dim policyString As String = ""

        ' Resolve the policy based on the executing assemlby's evidence.
        Dim executingAssembly As [Assembly]
        executingAssembly = Me.GetType().Assembly

        Dim executingEvidence As Evidence = executingAssembly.Evidence

        Dim policy As PolicyStatement
        policy = fileCodeGroup.Resolve(executingEvidence)

        If (Not policy Is Nothing) Then
            policyString = policy.ToString()
        End If

        Return policyString
    End Function

    ' Retrieve the resolved code group based on the executing evidence found
    ' in the specified code group.
    Private Function ResolveGroupToEvidence( _
        ByVal fileCodeGroup As FileCodeGroup) As FileCodeGroup

        ' Resolve matching code groups to the executing assembly.
        Dim executingAssembly As [Assembly]
        executingAssembly = Me.GetType().Assembly

        Dim evidence As Evidence = executingAssembly.Evidence

        Dim codeGroup As CodeGroup
        codeGroup = fileCodeGroup.ResolveMatchingCodeGroups(evidence)

        Return CType(codeGroup, FileCodeGroup)
    End Function

    ' If domain attribute is not found in specified FileCodeGroup, 
    ' add a child Xml element identifying a custom membership condition.
    Private Sub addXmlMember(ByRef fileCodeGroup As FileCodeGroup)
        Dim xmlElement As SecurityElement = fileCodeGroup.ToXml()

        Dim rootElement As New SecurityElement("CodeGroup")
        If (xmlElement.Attribute("domain") Is Nothing) Then
            Dim newElement As New SecurityElement("CustomMembershipCondition")
            newElement.AddAttribute("class", "CustomMembershipCondition")
            newElement.AddAttribute("version", "1")
            newElement.AddAttribute("domain", "")



        End If

        WriteLine("Added a custom membership condition:")
    End Sub

    ' Print the properties of the specified code group to the output textbox.
    Private Sub PrintCodeGroup(ByVal codeGroup As CodeGroup)
        ' Compare specified object's type with the FileCodeGroup type.
        If (Not codeGroup.GetType() Is GetType(FileCodeGroup)) Then
            Throw New ArgumentException("Excepted FileCodeGroup type")
        End If

        Dim codeGroupName As String = codeGroup.Name
        Dim membershipCondition As String
        membershipCondition = codeGroup.MembershipCondition.ToString()

        Dim permissionSetName As String = codeGroup.PermissionSetName

        Dim hashCode As Integer = codeGroup.GetHashCode()

        Dim mergeLogic As String = ""
        If (codeGroup.MergeLogic.Equals("Union")) Then
            mergeLogic = " with Union merge logic"
        End If

        ' Retrieve the class path for FileCodeGroup.
        Dim fileGroupClass As String = codeGroup.ToString()

        ' Write summary to console window.
        WriteLine(vbCrLf + "*** " + fileGroupClass + " summary ***")
        Write("A FileCodeGroup named " + codeGroupName + mergeLogic)
        Write(" has been created with hash code(" + hashCode.ToString())
        Write("). It contains a " + membershipCondition)
        Write(" membership condition with the ")
        Write(permissionSetName + " permission set. ")

        WriteLine("It has the following policy: " + _
        Dim childCount As Integer = codeGroup.Children.Count
        If (childCount > 0) Then
            Write("There are " + childCount.ToString())
            WriteLine(" child elements in the code group:")

            ' Iterate through the child code groups to display their names and
            '  remove them from the specified code group.
            For i As Int16 = 0 To childCount - 1 Step 1
                ' Get child code group as type FileCodeGroup.
                Dim childCodeGroup As FileCodeGroup
                childCodeGroup = CType(codeGroup.Children(i), FileCodeGroup)

                Write("Removing the " + childCodeGroup.Name + ".")
                ' Remove child codegroup.


            WriteLine("There are no children found in the code group:")

        End If
    End Sub
    ' Write message to the output textbox.
    Private Sub Write(ByVal message As String)

    End Sub
    ' Write message with carriage return to the output textbox.
    Private Sub WriteLine(ByVal message As String)
        tbxOutput.AppendText(message + vbCrLf)

    End Sub

    ' Event handler for Exit button.
    Private Sub Button2_Click( _
        ByVal sender As System.Object, _
        ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

    End Sub
#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "

    Public Sub New()

        'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.

        'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call

    End Sub

    'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.
    Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
        If disposing Then
            If Not (components Is Nothing) Then
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    'Required by the Windows Form Designer
    Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer

    'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer
    'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.  
    'Do not modify it using the code editor.
    Friend WithEvents Panel2 As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
    Friend WithEvents Panel1 As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
    Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button
    Friend WithEvents Button2 As System.Windows.Forms.Button
    Friend WithEvents tbxOutput As System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
    <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _
    Private Sub InitializeComponent()
        Me.Panel2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel
        Me.Button1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button
        Me.Button2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button
        Me.Panel1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel
        Me.tbxOutput = New System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
        Me.Panel2.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Bottom
        Me.Panel2.DockPadding.All = 20
        Me.Panel2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 320)
        Me.Panel2.Name = "Panel2"
        Me.Panel2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(616, 64)
        Me.Panel2.TabIndex = 1
        Me.Button1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Right
        Me.Button1.Font = New System.Drawing.Font( _
            "Microsoft Sans Serif", _
            9.0!, _
            System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, _
            System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, _
            CType(0, Byte))
        Me.Button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(446, 20)
        Me.Button1.Name = "Button1"
        Me.Button1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(75, 24)
        Me.Button1.TabIndex = 2
        Me.Button1.Text = "&Run"
        Me.Button2.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Right
        Me.Button2.Font = New System.Drawing.Font( _
            "Microsoft Sans Serif", _
            9.0!, _
            System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, _
            System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, _
            CType(0, Byte))
        Me.Button2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(521, 20)
        Me.Button2.Name = "Button2"
        Me.Button2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(75, 24)
        Me.Button2.TabIndex = 3
        Me.Button2.Text = "E&xit"
        Me.Panel1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill
        Me.Panel1.DockPadding.All = 20
        Me.Panel1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0)
        Me.Panel1.Name = "Panel1"
        Me.Panel1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(616, 320)
        Me.Panel1.TabIndex = 2
        Me.tbxOutput.AccessibleDescription = _
            "Displays output from application."
        Me.tbxOutput.AccessibleName = "Output textbox."
        Me.tbxOutput.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill
        Me.tbxOutput.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(20, 20)
        Me.tbxOutput.Name = "tbxOutput"
        Me.tbxOutput.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(576, 280)
        Me.tbxOutput.TabIndex = 1
        Me.tbxOutput.Text = "Click the Run button to run the application."
        Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(6, 15)
        Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(616, 384)
        Me.Name = "Form1"
        Me.Text = "FileCodeGroup"

    End Sub

#End Region
End Class
' This sample produces the following output:
' The two code groups are equal.
' Added a custom membership condition:
'    <CustomMembershipCondition class="CustomMembershipCondition"
'                               version="1"
'                               domain=""/>
' Comparing the resolved code group with the initial code group:
' The two code groups are not equal.
' *** System.Security.Policy.FileCodeGroup summary ***
' A FileCodeGroup named  with Union merge logic has been created with hash
' code (113152269). It contains a Zone - Intranet membership condition with
' the Same directory FileIO - NoAccess permission set. Has the following
' policy: 
' There are 1 child elements in the code group:
' Removing the Read-only group.
' This sample completed successfully; press Exit to continue.



CAS(코드 액세스 보안)는 .NET Framework 및 .NET의 모든 버전에서 더 이상 사용되지 않습니다. 최신 버전의 .NET은 CAS 주석을 준수하지 않으며 CAS 관련 API를 사용하는 경우 오류가 발생합니다. 개발자는 보안 작업을 수행하는 대체 수단을 찾아야 합니다.

코드 그룹은 코드 액세스 보안 정책의 구성 요소입니다. 각 정책 수준은 자식 코드 그룹을 가질 수 있는 루트 코드 그룹으로 구성됩니다. 각 자식 코드 그룹에는 자체 자식 코드 그룹이 있을 수 있습니다. 이 동작은 여러 수준으로 확장되어 트리를 형성합니다. 각 코드 그룹에는 해당 어셈블리에 대한 증명 정보를 기반으로 지정된 어셈블리가 해당 어셈블리에 속하는지 여부를 결정하는 멤버 자격 조건이 있습니다. 멤버 자격 조건이 지정된 어셈블리와 일치하는 코드 그룹 및 해당 자식 코드 그룹만 정책을 적용합니다.

FileCodeGroup 에는 와 동일한 자식 일치 의미 체계가 있습니다 UnionCodeGroup. 그러나 FileCodeGroup 는 코드가 실행되는 디렉터리에 대한 파일 액세스 권한을 부여하는 동적으로 계산 FileIOPermission 된 를 포함하는 사용 권한 집합을 반환하며 UnionCodeGroup 정적 권한 집합만 반환합니다. 부여된 파일 액세스 형식은 생성자에 매개 변수로 전달됩니다.

이 코드 그룹은 파일 프로토콜, 즉 파일 또는 UNC 경로를 가리키는 URL이 있는 어셈블리를 통해 실행되는 어셈블리만 일치합니다.


FileCodeGroup(IMembershipCondition, FileIOPermissionAccess)
사용되지 않음.

FileCodeGroup 클래스의 새 인스턴스를 초기화합니다.


사용되지 않음.

코드 그룹에 대한 정책 문의 특성을 나타내는 문자열 표현을 가져옵니다.

사용되지 않음.

코드 그룹의 자식 코드 그룹에 대한 순서 있는 목록을 가져오거나 설정합니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 CodeGroup)
사용되지 않음.

코드 그룹의 설명을 가져오거나 설정합니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 CodeGroup)
사용되지 않음.

코드 그룹의 멤버 자격 조건을 가져오거나 설정합니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 CodeGroup)
사용되지 않음.

병합 논리를 가져옵니다.

사용되지 않음.

코드 그룹의 이름을 가져오거나 설정합니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 CodeGroup)
사용되지 않음.

코드 그룹에 대한 명명된 권한 집합의 이름을 가져옵니다.

사용되지 않음.

코드 그룹과 관련된 정책 문을 가져오거나 설정합니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 CodeGroup)


사용되지 않음.

현재 코드 그룹에 자식 코드 그룹을 추가합니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 CodeGroup)
사용되지 않음.

현재 코드 그룹의 전체 복사본을 만듭니다.

CreateXml(SecurityElement, PolicyLevel)
사용되지 않음.

파생 클래스에서 재정의된 경우 파생 코드 그룹에 관련된 속성 및 내부 상태를 serialize하여 지정된 SecurityElement에 serialization을 추가합니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 CodeGroup)
Equals(CodeGroup, Boolean)
사용되지 않음.

지정된 코드 그룹이 현재 코드 그룹과 동일한지 여부를 확인합니다. 지정된 경우에는 자식 코드 그룹도 확인합니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 CodeGroup)
사용되지 않음.

지정된 코드 그룹이 현재 코드 그룹과 동일한지 여부를 확인합니다.

사용되지 않음.

XML 인코딩을 사용하여 지정된 상태로 보안 개체를 다시 만듭니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 CodeGroup)
FromXml(SecurityElement, PolicyLevel)
사용되지 않음.

보안 개체를 XML을 인코딩하여 지정한 상태 및 정책 수준으로 다시 만듭니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 CodeGroup)
사용되지 않음.

현재 코드 그룹의 해시 코드를 가져옵니다.

사용되지 않음.

현재 인스턴스의 Type을 가져옵니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 Object)
사용되지 않음.

현재 Object의 단순 복사본을 만듭니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 Object)
ParseXml(SecurityElement, PolicyLevel)
사용되지 않음.

파생 클래스에서 재정의된 경우 지정된 SecurityElement에서 파생된 코드 그룹에 관련된 속성 및 내부 상태를 다시 생성합니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 CodeGroup)
사용되지 않음.

지정된 자식 코드 그룹을 제거합니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 CodeGroup)
사용되지 않음.

코드 그룹의 정책과 증명 정보 집합에 대한 정책의 하위 항목을 확인합니다.

사용되지 않음.

일치하는 코드 그룹을 확인합니다.

사용되지 않음.

현재 개체를 나타내는 문자열을 반환합니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 Object)
사용되지 않음.

보안 개체 및 현재 상태의 XML 인코딩을 만듭니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 CodeGroup)
사용되지 않음.

보안 개체, 해당 개체의 현재 상태 및 코드가 존재하는 정책 수준에 대한 XML 인코딩을 만듭니다.

(다음에서 상속됨 CodeGroup)

적용 대상