

Gets or sets a value that specifies whether all selection user interface (UI) elements in the IInkOverlay control are drawn in high contrast when the system is in High Contrast mode.


[propget] HRESULT get_SupportHighContrastSelectionUI([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *Support);
[propput] HRESULT put_SupportHighContrastSelectionUI([in] VARIANT_BOOL Support


  • Support
    A value that specifies whether all selection UI elements are drawn in high contrast when the system is in High Contrast mode.

    If TRUE, the default, all selection UI renders in high contrast when the system is in High Contrast mode.

    If FALSE, changes to the system's High Contrast mode are ignored and the selection UI is drawn as it is when High Contrast mode is off.

    This property is read/write.

Return Value

HRESULT value Description




The parameter must be a valid pointer.


This property changes the way selection UI is displayed when the system changes to High Contrast mode. Selection UI elements include the selection bounding box and the selection handles.

Ink selection uses the COLOR_WINDOWTEXT, COLOR_WINDOW, and COLOR_HIGHLIGHT system colors to draw elements of the selection UI when the system is in High Contrast mode and the IInkOverlay::SupportHighContrastSelectionUI property is TRUE. For more information on system colors, see GetSysColor.


Header msinkaut.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 5.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile 6 Classic and later, Windows Mobile 6 Professional and later

See Also


Windows Mobile Ink Reference