CMFCColorPopupMenu Class


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Represents a pop-up menu that users use to select colors in a document or application.


class CMFCColorPopupMenu : public CMFCPopupMenu  


Public Constructors

Name Description
CMFCColorPopupMenu::CMFCColorPopupMenu Constructs a CMFCColorPopupMenu object.
CMFCColorPopupMenu::~CMFCColorPopupMenu Destructor.

Public Methods

Name Description
CMFCColorPopupMenu::CreateTearOffBar Creates a dockable tear-off color bar. (Overrides CMFCPopupMenu::CreateTearOffBar.)
CMFCColorPopupMenu::GetMenuBar Returns the CMFCPopupMenuBar that is embedded inside the pop-up menu. (Overrides CMFCPopupMenu::GetMenuBar.)
CMFCColorPopupMenu::GetThisClass Used by the framework to obtain a pointer to the CRuntimeClass object that is associated with this class type.
CMFCColorPopupMenu::SetPropList Sets the property grid control object of the embedded CMFCColorBar object.

Data Members

Name Description
m_bEnabledInCustomizeMode A Boolean value that determines whether to show the color bar.
m_wndColorBar The CMFCColorBar object that provides color selection.


This class inherits the pop-up menu functionality of the CMFCPopupMenu class and manages a CMFCColorBar object that provides color selection. When the toolbar framework is in customization mode and the m_bEnabledInCustomizeMode member is set to FALSE, the color bar object is not shown. For more information about customization mode, see CMFCToolBar::IsCustomizeMode

For more information about CMFCColorBar, see CMFCColorBar Class.

Inheritance Hierarchy









Header: afxcolorpopupmenu.h


Constructs a CMFCColorPopupMenu object.

    const CArray<COLORREF, COLORREF>& colors,  
    COLORREF color,  
    LPCTSTR lpszAutoColor,  
    LPCTSTR lpszOtherColor,  
    LPCTSTR lpszDocColors, CList<COLORREF, COLORREF>& lstDocColors,  
    int nColumns,  
    int nHorzDockRows,  
    int nVertDockColumns,  
    COLORREF colorAutomatic,  
    UINT uiCommandID,  
    BOOL bStdColorDlg = FALSE);

    CMFCColorButton* pParentBtn,  
    const CArray<COLORREF, COLORREF>& colors,  
    COLORREF color,  
    LPCTSTR lpszAutoColor,  
    LPCTSTR lpszOtherColor,  
    LPCTSTR lpszDocColors, CList<COLORREF, COLORREF>& lstDocColors,  
    int nColumns,  
    COLORREF colorAutomatic);

    CMFCRibbonColorButton* pParentBtn,  
    const CArray<COLORREF, COLORREF>& colors,  
    COLORREF color,  
    LPCTSTR lpszAutoColor,  
    LPCTSTR lpszOtherColor,  
    LPCTSTR lpszDocColors, CList<COLORREF, COLORREF>& lstDocColors,  
    int nColumns,  
    COLORREF colorAutomatic,  
    UINT nID);


[in] colors
An array of colors that the framework displays on the pop-up menu.

[in] color
The default selected color.

[in] lpszAutoColor
The text label of the automatic (default) color button, or NULL.

The standard label for the automatic button is Automatic.

[in] lpszOtherColor
The text label of the other button, which displays more color choices, or NULL.

The standard label for the other button is More Colors....

[in] lpszDocColors
The text label of the document colors button. The document colors palette lists all the colors that the document currently uses.

[in] lstDocColors
A list of colors that the document currently uses.

[in] nColumns
The number of columns that the array of colors has.

[in] nHorzDockRows
The number of rows that the color bar has when it is docked horizontally.

[in] nVertDockColumns
The number of columns that the color bar has when it is docked vertically.

[in] colorAutomatic
The default color that the framework applies when you click the automatic button.

[in] uiCommandID
The color bar control command ID.

[in] bStdColorDlg
A Boolean that indicates whether to show the standard system color dialog box or the CMFCColorDialog dialog box.

[in] pParentBtn
A pointer to a parent button.

[in] nID
The command ID.


Each overloaded constructor sets the m_bEnabledInCustomizeMode member to FALSE.


The following example demonstrates how to construct a CMFCColorPopupMenu object.

   COLORREF color;
    CArray<COLORREF, COLORREF> colors;
    CString strAutoColorText;
    CString strOtherText;
    CString strDocColorsText;
    CList<COLORREF,COLORREF> lstDocColors;
    COLORREF colorAutomatic;
    int nColumns;
    CMFCColorButton colorButton;
    CMFCColorPopupMenu* pPopup = new CMFCColorPopupMenu(&colorButton, colors, color, strAutoColorText, strOtherText, strDocColorsText, lstDocColors, nColumns, colorAutomatic);


Creates a dockable tear-off color bar.

virtual CPane* CreateTearOffBar(
    CFrameWnd* pWndMain,  
    UINT uiID,  
    LPCTSTR lpszName);


Parameter Description
[in] pWndMain Pointer to the parent window of the tear-off bar.
[in] uiID The command ID of the tear-off bar.
[in] lpszName The window text of the tear-off bar.

Return Value

A pointer to the new tear-off control bar object.


This method creates a CMFCColorBar Class object and casts it to a CPane Class pointer. You can cast this value back to a CMFCColorBar Class pointer by using one of the casting macros described in Type Casting of MFC Class Objects.


Returns the CMFCPopupMenuBar that is embedded inside the pop-up menu.

virtual CMFCPopupMenuBar* GetMenuBar();

Return Value

A pointer to the embedded CMFCPopupMenuBar.


The color pop-up menu has an embedded CMFCPopupMenuBar Class object. Override this method in a derived class if your application uses a different embedded type.


Sets the property grid control object of the embedded CMFCColorBar object.

void SetPropList(CMFCPropertyGridCtrl* pWndList);


[in] pWndList
Pointer to a property grid control object.

See Also

Hierarchy Chart