AssemblyName Konstruktory


Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie klasy AssemblyName.



Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie klasy AssemblyName.


Inicjuje AssemblyName nowe wystąpienie klasy o określonej nazwie wyświetlanej.



Inicjuje nowe wystąpienie klasy AssemblyName.

public AssemblyName ();
Public Sub New ()


Poniższy przykład tworzy dynamiczny zestaw o nazwie MyAssembly.exe i zapisuje go na dysku twardym. Po uruchomieniu przykładu można użyć Ildasm.exe (IL Dezasembler) do zbadania metadanych zestawu.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::Reflection::Emit;
static void MakeAssembly( AssemblyName^ myAssemblyName, String^ fileName )
   // Get the assembly builder from the application domain associated with the current thread.
   AssemblyBuilder^ myAssemblyBuilder = Thread::GetDomain()->DefineDynamicAssembly( myAssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess::RunAndSave );

   // Create a dynamic module in the assembly.
   ModuleBuilder^ myModuleBuilder = myAssemblyBuilder->DefineDynamicModule( "MyModule", fileName );

   // Create a type in the module.
   TypeBuilder^ myTypeBuilder = myModuleBuilder->DefineType( "MyType" );

   // Create a method called 'Main'.
   MethodBuilder^ myMethodBuilder = myTypeBuilder->DefineMethod( "Main", static_cast<MethodAttributes>(MethodAttributes::Public | MethodAttributes::HideBySig | MethodAttributes::Static), void::typeid, nullptr );

   // Get the Intermediate Language generator for the method.
   ILGenerator^ myILGenerator = myMethodBuilder->GetILGenerator();

   // Use the utility method to generate the IL instructions that print a String* to the console.
   myILGenerator->EmitWriteLine( "Hello World!" );

   // Generate the 'ret' IL instruction.
   myILGenerator->Emit( OpCodes::Ret );

   // End the creation of the type.

   // Set the method with name 'Main' as the entry point in the assembly.
   myAssemblyBuilder->SetEntryPoint( myMethodBuilder );
   myAssemblyBuilder->Save( fileName );

int main()
   // Create a dynamic assembly with name 'MyAssembly' and build version ''.
   AssemblyName^ myAssemblyName = gcnew AssemblyName;
   myAssemblyName->Name = "MyAssembly";
   myAssemblyName->Version = gcnew Version( "" );
   MakeAssembly( myAssemblyName, "MyAssembly.exe" );

   // Get all the assemblies currently loaded in the application domain.
   array<Assembly^>^myAssemblies = Thread::GetDomain()->GetAssemblies();

   // Get the dynamic assembly named 'MyAssembly'. 
   Assembly^ myAssembly = nullptr;
   for ( int i = 0; i < myAssemblies->Length; i++ )
      if ( String::Compare( myAssemblies[ i ]->GetName()->Name, "MyAssembly" ) == 0 )
            myAssembly = myAssemblies[ i ];
   if ( myAssembly != nullptr )
      Console::WriteLine(  "\nDisplaying the assembly name\n" );
      Console::WriteLine( myAssembly );
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection.Emit;

public class AssemblyName_Constructor
   public static void MakeAssembly(AssemblyName myAssemblyName, string fileName)
      // Get the assembly builder from the application domain associated with the current thread.
      AssemblyBuilder myAssemblyBuilder = Thread.GetDomain().DefineDynamicAssembly(myAssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);
      // Create a dynamic module in the assembly.
      ModuleBuilder myModuleBuilder = myAssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("MyModule", fileName);
      // Create a type in the module.
      TypeBuilder myTypeBuilder = myModuleBuilder.DefineType("MyType");
      // Create a method called 'Main'.
      MethodBuilder myMethodBuilder = myTypeBuilder.DefineMethod("Main", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig |
         MethodAttributes.Static, typeof(void), null);
      // Get the Intermediate Language generator for the method.
      ILGenerator myILGenerator = myMethodBuilder.GetILGenerator();
      // Use the utility method to generate the IL instructions that print a string to the console.
      myILGenerator.EmitWriteLine("Hello World!");
      // Generate the 'ret' IL instruction.
      // End the creation of the type.
      // Set the method with name 'Main' as the entry point in the assembly.

   public static void Main()
      // Create a dynamic assembly with name 'MyAssembly' and build version ''.
      AssemblyName myAssemblyName = new AssemblyName();
      myAssemblyName.Name = "MyAssembly";
      myAssemblyName.Version = new Version("");
      MakeAssembly(myAssemblyName, "MyAssembly.exe");

      // Get all the assemblies currently loaded in the application domain.
      Assembly[] myAssemblies = Thread.GetDomain().GetAssemblies();

      // Get the dynamic assembly named 'MyAssembly'.
      Assembly myAssembly = null;
      for(int i = 0; i < myAssemblies.Length; i++)
         if(String.Compare(myAssemblies[i].GetName().Name, "MyAssembly") == 0)
            myAssembly = myAssemblies[i];
      if(myAssembly != null)
         Console.WriteLine("\nDisplaying the assembly name\n");
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Reflection.Emit

Public Class AssemblyName_Constructor
   Public Shared Sub MakeAssembly(myAssemblyName As AssemblyName, fileName As String)
      ' Get the assembly builder from the application domain associated with the current thread.
      Dim myAssemblyBuilder As AssemblyBuilder = Thread.GetDomain().DefineDynamicAssembly(myAssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave)
      ' Create a dynamic module in the assembly.
      Dim myModuleBuilder As ModuleBuilder = myAssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("MyModule", fileName)
      ' Create a type in the module.
      Dim myTypeBuilder As TypeBuilder = myModuleBuilder.DefineType("MyType")
      ' Create a method called 'Main'.
      Dim myMethodBuilder As MethodBuilder = myTypeBuilder.DefineMethod("Main", MethodAttributes.Public Or MethodAttributes.HideBySig Or MethodAttributes.Static, GetType(object), Nothing)
      Dim myILGenerator As ILGenerator = myMethodBuilder.GetILGenerator()
      ' Use the utility method to generate the IL instructions that print a string to the console.
      myILGenerator.EmitWriteLine("Hello World!")
      ' Generate the 'ret' IL instruction.
      ' End the creation of the type.
      ' Set the method with name 'Main' as the entry point in the assembly.
   End Sub
   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Create a dynamic assembly with name 'MyAssembly' and build version ''.
      Dim myAssemblyName As New AssemblyName()
      myAssemblyName.Name = "MyAssembly"
      myAssemblyName.Version = New Version("")
      MakeAssembly(myAssemblyName, "MyAssembly.exe")
      ' Get all the assemblies currently loaded in the application domain.
      Dim myAssemblies As [Assembly]() = Thread.GetDomain().GetAssemblies()
      ' Get the dynamic assembly named 'MyAssembly'. 
      Dim myAssembly As [Assembly] = Nothing
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To myAssemblies.Length - 1
         If [String].Compare(myAssemblies(i).GetName().Name, "MyAssembly") = 0 Then
            myAssembly = myAssemblies(i)
         End If
      Next i
      If Not (myAssembly Is Nothing) Then
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "Displaying the assembly name" + ControlChars.Cr)
      End If
   End Sub
End Class




Inicjuje AssemblyName nowe wystąpienie klasy o określonej nazwie wyświetlanej.

 AssemblyName(System::String ^ assemblyName);
public AssemblyName (string assemblyName);
new System.Reflection.AssemblyName : string -> System.Reflection.AssemblyName
Public Sub New (assemblyName As String)



Nazwa wyświetlana zestawu zwrócona przez FullName właściwość .


assemblyName to null.

assemblyName jest ciągiem o zerowej długości.

Nie można odnaleźć przywoływanego zestawu lub nie można go załadować.

Uwaga: na platformie .NET dla aplikacji ze Sklepu Windows lub przenośnej biblioteki klas przechwyć wyjątek klasy bazowej , IOExceptionzamiast tego.


Poniższy przykład tworzy wystąpienie z AssemblyName nazwy wyświetlanej. Poszczególne elementy nazwy wyświetlanej są wyprowadzane do konsoli jako właściwości AssemblyName obiektu.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;

int main()
   // Create an AssemblyName, specifying the display name, and then
   // print the properties.
   AssemblyName^ myAssemblyName = 
      gcnew AssemblyName("Example, Version=, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=null");
   Console::WriteLine("Name: {0}", myAssemblyName->Name);
   Console::WriteLine("Version: {0}", myAssemblyName->Version);
   Console::WriteLine("CultureInfo: {0}", myAssemblyName->CultureInfo);
   Console::WriteLine("FullName: {0}", myAssemblyName->FullName);
/* This code example produces output similar to the following:

Name: Example
CultureInfo: en-US
FullName: Example, Version=, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=null
using System;
using System.Reflection;

public class AssemblyNameDemo
   public static void Main()
      // Create an AssemblyName, specifying the display name, and then
      // print the properties.
      AssemblyName myAssemblyName =
         new AssemblyName("Example, Version=, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=null");
      Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", myAssemblyName.Name);
      Console.WriteLine("Version: {0}", myAssemblyName.Version);
      Console.WriteLine("CultureInfo: {0}", myAssemblyName.CultureInfo);
      Console.WriteLine("FullName: {0}", myAssemblyName.FullName);
/* This code example produces output similar to the following:

Name: Example
CultureInfo: en-US
FullName: Example, Version=, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=null
Imports System.Reflection

Public Class AssemblyNameDemo
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Create an AssemblyName, specifying the display name, and then
      ' print the properties.
      Dim myAssemblyName As New _
         AssemblyName("Example, Version=, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=null")
      Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", myAssemblyName.Name)
      Console.WriteLine("Version: {0}", myAssemblyName.Version)
      Console.WriteLine("CultureInfo: {0}", myAssemblyName.CultureInfo)
      Console.WriteLine("FullName: {0}", myAssemblyName.FullName)

   End Sub  
End Class 

' This code example produces output similar to the following:
'Name: Example
'CultureInfo: en-US
'FullName: Example, Version=, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=null


Podana wartość assemblyName jest analizowana, a odpowiednie pola nowego AssemblyName są inicjowane z wartościami z nazwy wyświetlanej. Jest to zalecany sposób analizowania nazw wyświetlanych. Pisanie własnego kodu w celu analizowania nazw wyświetlanych nie jest zalecane.
