DtsEventHandler.SetExpression(String, String) Método


Atribui a expressão especificada à propriedade. Especifique nulo para remover uma expressão existente da propriedade.

 virtual void SetExpression(System::String ^ propertyName, System::String ^ expression);
public void SetExpression (string propertyName, string expression);
abstract member SetExpression : string * string -> unit
override this.SetExpression : string * string -> unit
Public Sub SetExpression (propertyName As String, expression As String)



O nome da propriedade à qual atribuir a expressão.


A expressão.



O exemplo de código a seguir cria um pacote e adiciona um DtsEventHandler para o evento de pacote OnError . Usando a SetExpressionpropriedade , a FailParentOnFailure propriedade é modificada. Usando o GetExpression método, o novo valor e a expressão associada são exibidos.

using System;  
using System.Collections.Generic;  
using System.Text;  
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;  

namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.SSIS.Sample  
    class SSISProgram  
        static void Main(string[] args)  
            Package pkg = new Package();  
            // Set up a DtsEventHandler for the package OnError event.  
            DtsEventHandler dtsEH = (DtsEventHandler)pkg.EventHandlers.Add("OnError");  

            // Show the value of DebugMode on the container before modifying it.  
            Console.WriteLine("Original FailParentOnFailure = {0}", dtsEH.FailParentOnFailure);  

            // Use SetExpression to set DebugMode to "true".  
            String myExpression = "True";  
            dtsEH.SetExpression("FailParentOnFailure", myExpression);  

            //Validate the package to set the expression onto the property.  
            DTSExecResult valResult = pkg.Validate(null, null, null, null);  

            // Retrieve the new value and the expression.  
            String myNewExpression = dtsEH.GetExpression("FailParentOnFailure");  
            Console.WriteLine("New value of FailParentOnFailure: {0}", dtsEH.FailParentOnFailure);  
            Console.WriteLine("Expression for FailParentOnFailure: {0}", myNewExpression);  
Imports System  
Imports System.Collections.Generic  
Imports System.Text  
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime  

Class SSISProgram  

    Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)   
        Dim pkg As New Package()  
        ' Set up a DtsEventHandler for the package OnError event.  
        Dim dtsEH As DtsEventHandler = CType(pkg.EventHandlers.Add("OnError"), DtsEventHandler)  

        ' Show the value of DebugMode on the container before modifying it.  
        Console.WriteLine("Original FailParentOnFailure = {0}", dtsEH.FailParentOnFailure)  

        ' Use SetExpression to set DebugMode to "true".  
        Dim myExpression As String = "True"  
        dtsEH.SetExpression("FailParentOnFailure", myExpression)  

        'Validate the package to set the expression onto the property.  
        Dim valResult As DTSExecResult = pkg.Validate(Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)  

        ' Retrieve the new value and the expression.  
        Dim myNewExpression As String = dtsEH.GetExpression("FailParentOnFailure")  
        Console.WriteLine("New value of FailParentOnFailure: {0}", dtsEH.FailParentOnFailure)  
        Console.WriteLine("Expression for FailParentOnFailure: {0}", myNewExpression)  

    End Sub 'Main  
End Class  

Saída de exemplo:

Original FailParentOnFailure = False

Novo valor de FailParentOnFailure: True

Expressão para FailParentOnFailure: True

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