HostProtectionAttribute.SharedState Propriedade


Obtém ou define um valor que indica se o estado compartilhado é exposto.

 property bool SharedState { bool get(); void set(bool value); };
public bool SharedState { get; set; }
member this.SharedState : bool with get, set
Public Property SharedState As Boolean

Valor da propriedade

true se o estado compartilhado for exposto; caso contrário, false. O padrão é false.


O exemplo de código a seguir ilustra o uso do HostProtectionAttribute atributo com a SharedState propriedade . Este exemplo faz parte de um exemplo maior fornecido para a HostProtectionAttribute classe .

// Use the enumeration flags to indicate that this method exposes shared state, 
// self-affecting process management, and self-affecting threading.
// This method allows the user to quit the sample.

static void ExecuteBreak()
   Console::WriteLine( "Executing Debugger.Break." );
   Debugger::Log( 1, "info", "test message" );
// Use the enumeration flags to indicate that this method exposes shared 
// state, self-affecting process management, and self-affecting threading.
[HostProtectionAttribute(SharedState=true, SelfAffectingProcessMgmt=true,
     SelfAffectingThreading=true, UI=true)]
// This method allows the user to quit the sample.
private static void ExecuteBreak()
    Console.WriteLine("Executing Debugger.Break.");
    Debugger.Log(1,"info","test message");
' Use the enumeration flags to indicate that this method exposes shared
' state, self-affecting process management, and self-affecting threading.
<HostProtectionAttribute(SharedState := True, _
    SelfAffectingProcessMgmt := True, _
    SelfAffectingThreading := True, UI := True)> _
Private Shared Sub ExecuteBreak()

    ' This method allows the user to quit the sample.
    Console.WriteLine("Executing Debugger.Break.")
    Debugger.Log(1, "info", "test message")
End Sub


Quando SharedState é true, indica que um estado é exposto que pode ser compartilhado entre threads.

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