TemplatedControlDesigner.GetTemplatePropertyParentType(String) Método



Use of this method is not recommended because template editing is handled in ControlDesigner. To support template editing expose template data in the TemplateGroups property and call SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true). http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202

Obtém o tipo do pai da propriedade de modelo.

 virtual Type ^ GetTemplatePropertyParentType(System::String ^ templateName);
public virtual Type GetTemplatePropertyParentType (string templateName);
[System.Obsolete("Use of this method is not recommended because template editing is handled in ControlDesigner. To support template editing expose template data in the TemplateGroups property and call SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true). http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")]
public virtual Type GetTemplatePropertyParentType (string templateName);
abstract member GetTemplatePropertyParentType : string -> Type
override this.GetTemplatePropertyParentType : string -> Type
[<System.Obsolete("Use of this method is not recommended because template editing is handled in ControlDesigner. To support template editing expose template data in the TemplateGroups property and call SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true). http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")>]
abstract member GetTemplatePropertyParentType : string -> Type
override this.GetTemplatePropertyParentType : string -> Type
Public Overridable Function GetTemplatePropertyParentType (templateName As String) As Type



O nome do modelo cujo tipo do pai será retornado.


O tipo de objeto que tem a propriedade de modelo.




O GetTemplatePropertyParentType método está obsoleto. Use a Templates propriedade dos elementos da TemplateGroups coleção para examinar metadados de modelo em um designer para controles baseados em modelo.

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