ColorDialog.SolidColorOnly Propriedade


Obtém ou define um valor que indica se a caixa de diálogo restringirá os usuários a selecionar apenas cores sólidas.

 virtual property bool SolidColorOnly { bool get(); void set(bool value); };
public virtual bool SolidColorOnly { get; set; }
member this.SolidColorOnly : bool with get, set
Public Overridable Property SolidColorOnly As Boolean

Valor da propriedade

true se os usuários puderem selecionar apenas cores sólidas; caso contrário, false. O valor padrão é false.


O exemplo de código a seguir demonstra a inicialização de uma ColorDialog configuração das AnyColorpropriedades , AllowFullOpen . O ColorDialog não permite que o usuário defina uma cor personalizada, mas permite que o conjunto completo de cores básicas seja exibido. Quando você define a SolidColorOnly propriedade como false, ela habilita a exibição de cores que são combinações de outras cores em sistemas com 256 ou menos cores. O exemplo também mostra a configuração da propriedade e o ShowHelp tratamento de um HelpRequest evento para uma caixa de diálogo. Para executar o exemplo, cole o código a seguir em um formulário e chame o InitializeColorDialog método no construtor ou Load método do formulário. Este exemplo requer que o Click evento do botão esteja conectado ao método de manipulador de eventos definido no exemplo.

// This method initializes ColorDialog1 to allow any colors, 
// and combination colors on systems with 256 colors or less, 
// but will not allow the user to set custom colors.  The
// dialog will contain the help button.
void InitializeColorDialog()
   this->ColorDialog1 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ColorDialog;
   this->ColorDialog1->AllowFullOpen = false;
   this->ColorDialog1->AnyColor = true;
   this->ColorDialog1->SolidColorOnly = false;
   this->ColorDialog1->ShowHelp = true;
   // Associate the event-handling method with
   // the HelpRequest event.
   this->ColorDialog1->HelpRequest +=
      gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &Form1::ColorDialog1_HelpRequest );

// This method opens the dialog and checks the DialogResult value. 
// If the result is OK, the text box's background color will be changed 
// to the user-selected color.
void Button1_Click( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
   ::DialogResult result = ColorDialog1->ShowDialog();
   if ( result == ::DialogResult::OK )
      TextBox1->BackColor = ColorDialog1->Color;

// This method is called when the HelpRequest event is raised, 
//which occurs when the user clicks the Help button on the ColorDialog object.
void ColorDialog1_HelpRequest( Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
   MessageBox::Show( "Please select a color by clicking it. " +
      "This will change the BackColor property of the TextBox." );
// This method initializes ColorDialog1 to allow any colors, 
// and combination colors on systems with 256 colors or less, 
// but will not allow the user to set custom colors.  The
// dialog will contain the help button.
private void InitializeColorDialog()
    this.ColorDialog1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColorDialog();
    this.ColorDialog1.AllowFullOpen = false;
    this.ColorDialog1.AnyColor = true;
    this.ColorDialog1.SolidColorOnly = false;
    this.ColorDialog1.ShowHelp = true;
    // Associate the event-handling method with
    // the HelpRequest event.
        += new System.EventHandler(ColorDialog1_HelpRequest);

// This method opens the dialog and checks the DialogResult value. 
// If the result is OK, the text box's background color will be changed 
// to the user-selected color.
private void Button1_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    DialogResult result = ColorDialog1.ShowDialog();
    if (result.Equals(DialogResult.OK))
        TextBox1.BackColor = ColorDialog1.Color;

// This method is called when the HelpRequest event is raised, 
//which occurs when the user clicks the Help button on the ColorDialog object.
private void ColorDialog1_HelpRequest(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

    MessageBox.Show("Please select a color by clicking it. "
       + "This will change the BackColor property of the TextBox.");
   ' This method initializes ColorDialog1 to allow any colors, 
   ' and combination colors on systems with 256 colors or less, 
   ' but will not allow the user to set custom colors.  The
   ' dialog will contain the help button.
   Private Sub InitializeColorDialog()
       Me.ColorDialog1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ColorDialog
       Me.ColorDialog1.AllowFullOpen = False
       Me.ColorDialog1.AnyColor = True
       Me.ColorDialog1.SolidColorOnly = False
       Me.ColorDialog1.ShowHelp = True
   End Sub

   ' This method opens the dialog and checks the DialogResult value. 
   ' If the result is OK, the text box's background color will be changed 
   ' to the user-selected color.
   Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,  _
       ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
       Dim result As DialogResult = ColorDialog1.ShowDialog()
       If (result.Equals(DialogResult.OK)) Then
           TextBox1.BackColor = ColorDialog1.Color
       End If
   End Sub

   ' This method is called when the HelpRequest event is raised, 
   'which occurs when the user clicks the Help button on the ColorDialog object.
   Private Sub ColorDialog1_HelpRequest(ByVal sender As Object, _ 
       ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ColorDialog1.HelpRequest

       MessageBox.Show("Please select a color by clicking it." _
       & "This will change the BackColor property of the TextBox.")
   End Sub


Essa propriedade é aplicável a sistemas com 256 ou menos cores. Nesses tipos de sistemas, algumas cores são compostas de outras.

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