TabControl.DrawItem Evento


Ocorre quando o TabControl precisa pintar cada uma de suas guias se a propriedade DrawMode está definida como OwnerDrawFixed.

 event System::Windows::Forms::DrawItemEventHandler ^ DrawItem;
public event System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventHandler DrawItem;
public event System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventHandler? DrawItem;
member this.DrawItem : System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventHandler 
Public Custom Event DrawItem As DrawItemEventHandler 

Tipo de evento


O exemplo de código a seguir cria um TabControl com um TabPage. Este exemplo declara um manipulador de eventos que é usado para desenhar uma cadeia de caracteres e Rectangle na guia de tabPage1. O manipulador de eventos está associado ao DrawItem evento.

using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
public ref class Form1: public Form
   Rectangle tabArea;
   RectangleF tabTextArea;

      TabControl^ tabControl1 = gcnew TabControl;
      TabPage^ tabPage1 = gcnew TabPage;
      // Allows access to the DrawItem event.
      tabControl1->DrawMode = TabDrawMode::OwnerDrawFixed;
      tabControl1->SizeMode = TabSizeMode::Fixed;
      tabControl1->Controls->Add( tabPage1 );
      tabControl1->ItemSize = System::Drawing::Size( 80, 30 );
      tabControl1->Location = Point(25,25);
      tabControl1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 250, 250 );
      tabPage1->TabIndex = 0;
      ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size( 300, 300 );
      Controls->Add( tabControl1 );
      tabArea = tabControl1->GetTabRect( 0 );
      tabTextArea = tabControl1->GetTabRect( 0 );
      // Binds the event handler DrawOnTab to the DrawItem event
      // through the DrawItemEventHandler delegate.
      tabControl1->DrawItem += gcnew DrawItemEventHandler( this, &Form1::DrawOnTab );


   // Declares the event handler DrawOnTab which is a method that
   // draws a String* and Rectangle on the tabPage1 tab.
   void DrawOnTab( Object^ /*sender*/, DrawItemEventArgs^ e )
      Graphics^ g = e->Graphics;
      Pen^ p = gcnew Pen( Color::Blue );
      System::Drawing::Font^ font = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",10.0f );
      SolidBrush^ brush = gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Red );
      g->DrawRectangle( p, tabArea );
      g->DrawString( "tabPage1", font, brush, tabTextArea );


int main()
   Application::Run( gcnew Form1 );
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

public class Form1 : Form
    private Rectangle tabArea;
    private RectangleF tabTextArea;

    public Form1()
        TabControl tabControl1 = new TabControl();
        TabPage tabPage1 = new TabPage();

        // Allows access to the DrawItem event. 
        tabControl1.DrawMode = TabDrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed;

        tabControl1.SizeMode = TabSizeMode.Fixed;
        tabControl1.ItemSize = new Size(80, 30);
        tabControl1.Location = new Point(25, 25);
        tabControl1.Size = new Size(250, 250);
        tabPage1.TabIndex = 0;
        ClientSize = new Size(300, 300);

        tabArea = tabControl1.GetTabRect(0);
        tabTextArea = (RectangleF)tabControl1.GetTabRect(0);

        // Binds the event handler DrawOnTab to the DrawItem event 
        // through the DrawItemEventHandler delegate.
        tabControl1.DrawItem += new DrawItemEventHandler(DrawOnTab);

    // Declares the event handler DrawOnTab which is a method that
    // draws a string and Rectangle on the tabPage1 tab.
    private void DrawOnTab(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e)
        Graphics g = e.Graphics;
        Pen p = new Pen(Color.Blue);
        Font font = new Font("Arial", 10.0f);
        SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);

        g.DrawRectangle(p, tabArea);
        g.DrawString("tabPage1", font, brush, tabTextArea);

    static void Main() 
        Application.Run(new Form1());
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class Form1
    Inherits Form
    Private tabArea As Rectangle
    Private tabTextArea As RectangleF

    Public Sub New()
        Dim tabControl1 As New TabControl()
        Dim tabPage1 As New TabPage()

        ' Allows access to the DrawItem event. 
        tabControl1.DrawMode = TabDrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed

        tabControl1.SizeMode = TabSizeMode.Fixed
        tabControl1.ItemSize = New Size(80, 30)
        tabControl1.Location = New Point(25, 25)
        tabControl1.Size = New Size(250, 250)
        tabPage1.TabIndex = 0
        ClientSize = New Size(300, 300)

        tabArea = tabControl1.GetTabRect(0)
        tabTextArea = RectangleF.op_Implicit(tabControl1.GetTabRect(0))

        ' Binds the event handler DrawOnTab to the DrawItem event 
        ' through the DrawItemEventHandler delegate.
        AddHandler tabControl1.DrawItem, AddressOf DrawOnTab
    End Sub

    ' Declares the event handler DrawOnTab which is a method that
    ' draws a string and Rectangle on the tabPage1 tab.
    Private Sub DrawOnTab(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DrawItemEventArgs)
        Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics
        Dim p As New Pen(Color.Blue)
        Dim font As New Font("Arial", 10.0F)
        Dim brush As New SolidBrush(Color.Red)

        g.DrawRectangle(p, tabArea)
        g.DrawString("tabPage1", font, brush, tabTextArea)
    End Sub

    Shared Sub Main()
        Application.Run(New Form1())
    End Sub
End Class


Quando você define a DrawMode propriedade como OwnerDrawFixed, o TabControl aciona o DrawItem evento sempre que ele precisa pintar uma de suas guias. Para personalizar a aparência das guias, forneça seu próprio código de pintura em um manipulador para o DrawItem evento.

O TabControl não dá suporte a tamanhos de guia variáveis com desenho do proprietário.

Para obter mais informações sobre como lidar com eventos, consulte Manipulando e gerando eventos.

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