StylusDevice.DirectlyOver Propriedade


Obtém o IInputElement sobre o qual o ponteiro está posicionado.

 property System::Windows::IInputElement ^ DirectlyOver { System::Windows::IInputElement ^ get(); };
public System.Windows.IInputElement DirectlyOver { get; }
member this.DirectlyOver : System.Windows.IInputElement
Public ReadOnly Property DirectlyOver As IInputElement

Valor da propriedade

O elemento sobre o qual o ponteiro está.


O exemplo a seguir demonstra a DirectlyOver propriedade .

// See to what DirectlyOver property is set
// First see if it's null
if (null == myStylusDevice.DirectlyOver)
    textbox1.AppendText("DirectlyOver: null\n");
    // Otherwise display the underlying type
    textbox1.AppendText("DirectlyOver: " + myStylusDevice.DirectlyOver.GetType().Name + "\n");
' See to what DirectlyOver property is set
' First see if it's null
If IsNothing(myStylusDevice.DirectlyOver) Then
    textbox1.AppendText("DirectlyOver: null" + vbCrLf)
    ' Otherwise display the underlying type
    textbox1.AppendText("DirectlyOver (type): " + TypeName(myStylusDevice.DirectlyOver) + vbCrLf)
End If

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