Propriedade OrganizationServiceProxy.SdkClientVersion

Aplica-se a: CRM 2015 on-prem, CRM Online

Gets or sets the version of the client.

Namespace: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client
Assembly: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk (em Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll)


Public Property SdkClientVersion As String
public string SdkClientVersion { get; set; }

Valor de Propriedade

Type: Cadeia de caracteres.
The version of the client.


.NET clients using the current assemblies will pass the value ‘’ or higher to indicate the client version. .NET clients using assemblies for earlier versions will not pass a value. This difference allows for messages that retrieve attribute metadata for the appropriate version. This applies to the following messages:

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 e Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online introduced a new attribute type: ImageAttributeMetadata. .NET assemblies for previous versions do not recognize this type and an error occurs attempting to deserialize them. When attribute metadata is retrieved, if the assembly does not pass a SdkClientVersion value ImageAttributeMetadata attributes will not be returned.

Clients that do not use .NET assemblies need to include SdkClientVersion with a value of ‘’ or higher in order to receive ImageAttributeMetadata attributes.

For JavaScript, this value can be added to the SOAP header as shown in the following code snippet taken from the SDK.MetaData.js library described in Sample: Retrieve Entity Metadata Using JavaScript.

<soapenv:Header><a:SdkClientVersion xmlns:a=\"\">6.0</a:SdkClientVersion></soapenv:Header>

Segurança do Thread

Todos os membros estáticos (Shared in Visual Basic) desse tipo são protegidos por thread. Não há nenhum garantia de que os membros de instância sejam protegidos por thread.


Plataformas de desenvolvimento

Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 e

Plataformas de destino

Windows Vista,Windows XP

Change History

Consulte também


Classe OrganizationServiceProxy
Membros de OrganizationServiceProxy
Namespace Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client

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