Construtor DragGestureData (EditingContext, ModelItem, ModelItem, Visual, Point, Point, DragDropEffects, IDataObject)

Initializes a new instance of the DragGestureData class.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction
Assembly:  Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction (em Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction.dll)


Public Sub New ( _
    context As EditingContext, _
    sourceModel As ModelItem, _
    targetModel As ModelItem, _
    coordinateReference As Visual, _
    startPosition As Point, _
    currentPosition As Point, _
    allowedEffects As DragDropEffects, _
    data As IDataObject _
public DragGestureData(
    EditingContext context,
    ModelItem sourceModel,
    ModelItem targetModel,
    Visual coordinateReference,
    Point startPosition,
    Point currentPosition,
    DragDropEffects allowedEffects,
    IDataObject data
    EditingContext^ context, 
    ModelItem^ sourceModel, 
    ModelItem^ targetModel, 
    Visual^ coordinateReference, 
    Point startPosition, 
    Point currentPosition, 
    DragDropEffects allowedEffects, 
    IDataObject^ data
new : 
        context:EditingContext * 
        sourceModel:ModelItem * 
        targetModel:ModelItem * 
        coordinateReference:Visual * 
        startPosition:Point * 
        currentPosition:Point * 
        allowedEffects:DragDropEffects * 
        data:IDataObject -> DragGestureData
public function DragGestureData(
    context : EditingContext, 
    sourceModel : ModelItem, 
    targetModel : ModelItem, 
    coordinateReference : Visual, 
    startPosition : Point, 
    currentPosition : Point, 
    allowedEffects : DragDropEffects, 
    data : IDataObject


  • coordinateReference
    Tipo: System.Windows.Media.Visual
    O elemento input que representa a referência para os pontos de coordenada.Isso deve ser um elemento que nunca move, como o DesignerView classe.
  • startPosition
    Tipo: System.Windows.Point
    A posição do mouse quando o gesto foi iniciado pela primeira vez.


Exceção Condição

context, sourceModel, targetModel, or data is nulluma referência nula (Nothing no Visual Basic).

Segurança do .NET Framework

Consulte também


DragGestureData Classe

Sobrecargas DragGestureData

Namespace Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction

Outros recursos

Noções básicas sobre extensibilidade Designer WPF