PointHitTestParameters.HitPoint Propriedade


Obtém o Point no qual realizar o teste de clique.

 property System::Windows::Point HitPoint { System::Windows::Point get(); };
public System.Windows.Point HitPoint { get; }
member this.HitPoint : System.Windows.Point
Public ReadOnly Property HitPoint As Point

Valor da propriedade

O Point contra o qual fazer o teste de clique.


O exemplo a seguir mostra como substituir o suporte ao teste de clique padrão em um objeto visual definido pelo usuário. Nesse caso, o HitPoint valor é simplesmente retornado como parte de PointHitTestResult.

// Override default hit test support in visual object.
protected override HitTestResult HitTestCore(PointHitTestParameters hitTestParameters)
    Point pt = hitTestParameters.HitPoint;

    // Perform custom actions during the hit test processing,
    // which may include verifying that the point actually
    // falls within the rendered content of the visual.

    // Return hit on bounding rectangle of visual object.
    return new PointHitTestResult(this, pt);
' Override default hit test support in visual object.
Protected Overrides Overloads Function HitTestCore(ByVal hitTestParameters As PointHitTestParameters) As HitTestResult
    Dim pt As Point = hitTestParameters.HitPoint

    ' Perform custom actions during the hit test processing,
    ' which may include verifying that the point actually
    ' falls within the rendered content of the visual.

    ' Return hit on bounding rectangle of visual object.
    Return New PointHitTestResult(Me, pt)
End Function

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