IsolatedStorageFile.DeleteDirectory(String) Метод


Удаляет из области ограниченного действия изолированного хранилища папку.

 void DeleteDirectory(System::String ^ dir);
public void DeleteDirectory (string dir);
member this.DeleteDirectory : string -> unit
Public Sub DeleteDirectory (dir As String)



Относительный путь к папке для удаления из области изолированного хранения.


Невозможно удалить папку.

Путь к папке — null.


// This method deletes directories in the specified Isolated Storage, after first 
// deleting the files they contain. In this example, the Archive directory is deleted. 
// There should be no other directories in this Isolated Storage.
void DeleteDirectories()
      IsolatedStorageFile^ isoFile = IsolatedStorageFile::GetStore( static_cast<IsolatedStorageScope>(IsolatedStorageScope::User | IsolatedStorageScope::Assembly | IsolatedStorageScope::Domain), System::Security::Policy::Url::typeid, System::Security::Policy::Url::typeid );
      array<String^>^dirNames = isoFile->GetDirectoryNames( "*" );
      array<String^>^fileNames = isoFile->GetFileNames( "Archive\\*" );
      // Delete the current files within the Archive directory.
      if ( fileNames->Length > 0 )
         for ( int i = 0; i < fileNames->Length; ++i )
            //delete files
            isoFile->DeleteFile( String::Concat("Archive\\", fileNames[ i ]) );

         fileNames = isoFile->GetFileNames( "Archive\\*" );
      if ( dirNames->Length > 0 )
         for ( int i = 0; i < dirNames->Length; ++i )
            // Delete the Archive directory.
            isoFile->DeleteDirectory( dirNames[ i ] );

      dirNames = isoFile->GetDirectoryNames( "*" );
   catch ( Exception^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( e->ToString() );

// This method deletes directories in the specified Isolated Storage, after first
// deleting the files they contain. In this example, the Archive directory is deleted.
// There should be no other directories in this Isolated Storage.
public void DeleteDirectories()
        IsolatedStorageFile isoFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetStore(IsolatedStorageScope.User |
            IsolatedStorageScope.Assembly |
        String[] dirNames = isoFile.GetDirectoryNames("*");
        String[] fileNames = isoFile.GetFileNames("Archive\\*");

        // Delete all the files currently in the Archive directory.

        if (fileNames.Length > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.Length; ++i)
                // Delete the files.
                isoFile.DeleteFile("Archive\\" + fileNames[i]);
            // Confirm that no files remain.
            fileNames = isoFile.GetFileNames("Archive\\*");

        if (dirNames.Length > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < dirNames.Length; ++i)
                // Delete the Archive directory.
        dirNames = isoFile.GetDirectoryNames("*");
    catch (Exception e)
' This method deletes directories in the specified Isolated Storage, after first 
' deleting the files they contain. In this example, the Archive directory is deleted. 
' There should be no other directories in this Isolated Storage.
Public Sub DeleteDirectories()
        Dim isoFile As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetStore(IsolatedStorageScope.User _
            Or IsolatedStorageScope.Assembly Or IsolatedStorageScope.Domain, _
            GetType(System.Security.Policy.Url), GetType(System.Security.Policy.Url))
        Dim name As String
        Dim dirNames As String() = isoFile.GetDirectoryNames("*")
        Dim fileNames As String() = isoFile.GetFileNames("Archive\*")
        ' Delete all the files currently in the Archive directory.
        If fileNames.Length > 0 Then
            For Each name In fileNames
                isoFile.DeleteFile(("Archive\" & name))
            Next name
            'Confirm no files are left.
            fileNames = isoFile.GetFileNames("Archive\*")
        End If
        If dirNames.Length > 0 Then
            For Each name In dirNames
                ' Delete the Archive directory.
            Next name
        End If
        dirNames = isoFile.GetDirectoryNames("*")
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
End Sub


Каталог должен быть пустым перед удалением. Удаленный каталог невозможно восстановить после удаления.

В примере How to: Delete Files and Directories in Isolated Storage (Практическое руководство. Удаление файлов и каталогов в изолированномDeleteDirectory хранилище) показано использование метода .

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