IDesignerOptionService Arabirim


Visual Studio geliştirme ortamındaki Seçenekler komutunun altındaki Araçlar menüsünde bulunan tasarımcı seçeneklerine erişim sağlar.

public interface class IDesignerOptionService
public interface IDesignerOptionService
type IDesignerOptionService = interface
Public Interface IDesignerOptionService


Aşağıdaki kod örneği, standart seçeneklerin geçerli değerlerini görüntülemek için öğesine erişmeyi IDesignerOptionService gösterir.

#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
#using <System.Data.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::ComponentModel::Design;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Data;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms::Design;

namespace IDesignerOptionServiceExample
   // This control demonstrates retrieving the standard 
   // designer option service values in design mode.
   public ref class IDesignerOptionServiceControl: public System::Windows::Forms::UserControl
      IDesignerOptionService^ designerOptionService;

         this->BackColor = Color::Beige;
         this->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 404, 135 );

      property System::ComponentModel::ISite^ Site 
         virtual System::ComponentModel::ISite^ get() override
            return __super::Site;

         virtual void set( System::ComponentModel::ISite^ value ) override
            __super::Site = value;
            // If siting component, attempt to obtain an IDesignerOptionService.
            if ( __super::Site != nullptr )
                        designerOptionService = dynamic_cast<IDesignerOptionService^>(this->GetService( IDesignerOptionService::typeid ));


      // Displays control information and current IDesignerOptionService 
      // values, if available.

      virtual void OnPaint( System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventArgs^ e ) override
         e->Graphics->DrawString( "IDesignerOptionServiceControl", gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",9 ), gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Blue ), 4, 4 );
         if ( this->DesignMode )
                  e->Graphics->DrawString( "Currently in design mode", gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",8 ), gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Black ), 4, 18 );
                  e->Graphics->DrawString( "Not in design mode. Cannot access IDesignerOptionService.", gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",8 ), gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Red ), 4, 18 );

         if ( __super::Site != nullptr && designerOptionService != nullptr )
            e->Graphics->DrawString( "IDesignerOptionService provides access to the table of option values listed when", gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",8 ), gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Black ), 4, 38 );
            e->Graphics->DrawString( "the Windows Forms Designer\\General tab of the Tools\\Options menu is selected.", gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",8 ), gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Black ), 4, 50 );
            e->Graphics->DrawString( "Table of standard value names and current values", gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",8 ), gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Red ), 4, 76 );
            // Displays a table of the standard value names and current values.
            int ypos = 90;
            // Obtains and shows the size of the standard design-mode grid square.
            System::Drawing::Size size =  *dynamic_cast<System::Drawing::Size^>(designerOptionService->GetOptionValue( "WindowsFormsDesigner\\General", "GridSize" ));
            e->Graphics->DrawString( "GridSize", gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",8 ), gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Black ), 4, (float)ypos );
            e->Graphics->DrawString( size.ToString(), gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",8 ), gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Black ), 100, (float)ypos );
            ypos += 12;

            // Obtains and shows whether the design mode surface grid is enabled.
            bool showGrid =  *dynamic_cast<bool^>(designerOptionService->GetOptionValue( "WindowsFormsDesigner\\General", "ShowGrid" ));
            e->Graphics->DrawString( "ShowGrid", gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",8 ), gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Black ), 4, (float)ypos );
            e->Graphics->DrawString( showGrid.ToString(), gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",8 ), gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Black ), 100, (float)ypos );
            ypos += 12;

            // Obtains and shows whether components should be aligned with the surface grid.
            bool snapToGrid =  *dynamic_cast<bool^>(designerOptionService->GetOptionValue( "WindowsFormsDesigner\\General", "SnapToGrid" ));
            e->Graphics->DrawString( "SnapToGrid", gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",8 ), gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Black ), 4, (float)ypos );
            e->Graphics->DrawString( snapToGrid.ToString(), gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",8 ), gcnew SolidBrush( Color::Black ), 100, (float)ypos );
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;

namespace IDesignerOptionServiceExample
    // This control demonstrates retrieving the standard 
    // designer option service values in design mode.
    public class IDesignerOptionServiceControl : System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
        private IDesignerOptionService designerOptionService;

        public IDesignerOptionServiceControl()
            this.BackColor = Color.Beige;
                    this.Size = new Size(404, 135);
        public override System.ComponentModel.ISite Site
                return base.Site;
                base.Site = value;

                // If siting component, attempt to obtain an IDesignerOptionService.
                if( base.Site != null )                            
                    designerOptionService = (IDesignerOptionService)this.GetService(typeof(IDesignerOptionService));                                   

        // Displays control information and current IDesignerOptionService 
        // values, if available.
        protected override void OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
            e.Graphics.DrawString("IDesignerOptionServiceControl", new Font("Arial", 9), new SolidBrush(Color.Blue), 4, 4);
            if( this.DesignMode )
                e.Graphics.DrawString("Currently in design mode", new Font("Arial", 8), new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, 18);
                e.Graphics.DrawString("Not in design mode. Cannot access IDesignerOptionService.", new Font("Arial", 8), new SolidBrush(Color.Red), 4, 18);
            if( base.Site != null && designerOptionService != null )
                e.Graphics.DrawString("IDesignerOptionService provides access to the table of option values listed when", new Font("Arial", 8), new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, 38);
                e.Graphics.DrawString("the Windows Forms Designer\\General tab of the Tools\\Options menu is selected.", new Font("Arial", 8), new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, 50);                
                e.Graphics.DrawString("Table of standard value names and current values", new Font("Arial", 8), new SolidBrush(Color.Red), 4, 76);
                // Displays a table of the standard value names and current values.
                int ypos = 90;

                // Obtains and shows the size of the standard design-mode grid square.
                Size size = (Size)designerOptionService.GetOptionValue("WindowsFormsDesigner\\General", "GridSize");
                e.Graphics.DrawString("GridSize", new Font("Arial", 8), new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos);
                e.Graphics.DrawString(size.ToString(), new Font("Arial", 8), new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 100, ypos);
                // Obtains and shows whether the design mode surface grid is enabled.
                bool showGrid = (bool)designerOptionService.GetOptionValue("WindowsFormsDesigner\\General", "ShowGrid");
                e.Graphics.DrawString("ShowGrid", new Font("Arial", 8), new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos);
                e.Graphics.DrawString(showGrid.ToString(), new Font("Arial", 8), new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 100, ypos);
                // Obtains and shows whether components should be aligned with the surface grid.
                bool snapToGrid = (bool)designerOptionService.GetOptionValue("WindowsFormsDesigner\\General", "SnapToGrid");
                e.Graphics.DrawString("SnapToGrid", new Font("Arial", 8), new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos);
                e.Graphics.DrawString(snapToGrid.ToString(), new Font("Arial", 8), new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 100, ypos);                
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Windows.Forms.Design

' This control demonstrates retrieving the standard 
' designer option service values in design mode.
Public Class IDesignerOptionServiceControl
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
    Private designerOptionService As IDesignerOptionService

    Public Sub New()
        Me.BackColor = Color.Beige
        Me.Size = New Size(404, 135)
    End Sub

    Public Overrides Property Site() As System.ComponentModel.ISite
            Return MyBase.Site
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As System.ComponentModel.ISite)
            MyBase.Site = Value

            ' If siting component, attempt to obtain an IDesignerOptionService.
            If (MyBase.Site IsNot Nothing) Then
                designerOptionService = CType(Me.GetService(GetType(IDesignerOptionService)), IDesignerOptionService)
            End If
        End Set
    End Property

    ' Displays control information and current IDesignerOptionService 
    ' values, if available.
    Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
        e.Graphics.DrawString("IDesignerOptionServiceControl", New Font("Arial", 9), New SolidBrush(Color.Blue), 4, 4)
        If Me.DesignMode Then
            e.Graphics.DrawString("Currently in design mode", New Font("Arial", 8), New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, 18)
            e.Graphics.DrawString("Not in design mode. Cannot access IDesignerOptionService.", New Font("Arial", 8), New SolidBrush(Color.Red), 4, 18)
        End If
        If (MyBase.Site IsNot Nothing) AndAlso (designerOptionService IsNot Nothing) Then
            e.Graphics.DrawString("IDesignerOptionService provides access to the table of option values listed when", New Font("Arial", 8), New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, 38)
            e.Graphics.DrawString("the Windows Forms Designer\General tab of the Tools\Options menu is selected.", New Font("Arial", 8), New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, 50)

            e.Graphics.DrawString("Table of standard value names and current values", New Font("Arial", 8), New SolidBrush(Color.Red), 4, 76)

            ' Displays a table of the standard value names and current values.
            Dim ypos As Integer = 90

            ' Obtains and shows the size of the standard design-mode grid square.
            Dim size As Size = CType(designerOptionService.GetOptionValue("WindowsFormsDesigner\General", "GridSize"), Size)
            e.Graphics.DrawString("GridSize", New Font("Arial", 8), New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos)
            e.Graphics.DrawString(size.ToString(), New Font("Arial", 8), New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 100, ypos)
            ypos += 12

            ' Obtaisn and shows whether the design mode surface grid is enabled.
            Dim showGrid As Boolean = CBool(designerOptionService.GetOptionValue("WindowsFormsDesigner\General", "ShowGrid"))
            e.Graphics.DrawString("ShowGrid", New Font("Arial", 8), New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos)
            e.Graphics.DrawString(showGrid.ToString(), New Font("Arial", 8), New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 100, ypos)
            ypos += 12

            ' Obtains and shows whether components should be aligned with the surface grid.
            Dim snapToGrid As Boolean = CBool(designerOptionService.GetOptionValue("WindowsFormsDesigner\General", "SnapToGrid"))
            e.Graphics.DrawString("SnapToGrid", New Font("Arial", 8), New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 4, ypos)
            e.Graphics.DrawString(snapToGrid.ToString(), New Font("Arial", 8), New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 100, ypos)
        End If
    End Sub

End Class


IDesignerOptionService, Visual Studio geliştirme ortamının Araçlar menüsünün Seçenekler komutu tarafından görüntülenen iletişim kutusunda listelenen Windows Forms Designer seçeneklerinin değerlerini almak ve güncelleştirmek için kullanılabilecek bir arabirim sağlar. yöntemi, GetOptionValue belirtilen seçeneğin değerini alır. yöntemi, SetOptionValue belirtilen seçenek için belirtilen değeri ayarlar.


GetOptionValue(String, String)

Belirtilen Windows Forms Designer seçeneğinin değerini alır.

SetOptionValue(String, String, Object)

Belirtilen Windows Forms Designer seçeneğinin değerini ayarlar.

Şunlara uygulanır

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