DataTableCollection.RemoveAt(Int32) Yöntem


DataTable Belirtilen dizindeki nesneyi koleksiyondan kaldırır.

 void RemoveAt(int index);
public void RemoveAt (int index);
member this.RemoveAt : int -> unit
Public Sub RemoveAt (index As Integer)



Kaldırılacak dizini DataTable .

Özel durumlar

Koleksiyonun belirtilen dizinde bir tablosu yok.


Aşağıdaki örnek, 10 diziniyle bir tablonun var olup olmadığını test etmek için ve CanRemove yöntemlerini kullanırContains. Öyleyse, RemoveAt tabloyu kaldırmak için yöntemi çağrılır.

public static void DataTableCollectionRemoveAt()
    // Create a DataSet with two tables and then
    // remove the tables from the collection using RemoveAt.
    DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();

    // Create Customer table.
    DataTable customerTable = new DataTable("Customers");
        typeof(int)).AutoIncrement = true;
    customerTable.Columns.Add("name", typeof(string));
    customerTable.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { customerTable.Columns["customerId"] };

    // Create Orders table.
    DataTable ordersTable = new DataTable("Orders");
        typeof(int)).AutoIncrement = true;
    ordersTable.Columns.Add("customerId", typeof(int));
    ordersTable.Columns.Add("amount", typeof(double));
    ordersTable.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { ordersTable.Columns["orderId"] };

    dataSet.Tables.AddRange(new DataTable[] { customerTable, ordersTable });

    // Remove all tables.
    // First check to see if the table can be removed,
    // then remove it.
    // You cannot use a foreach when removing items
    // from a collection.
    while (dataSet.Tables.Count > 0)
        DataTable table = dataSet.Tables[0];
        if (dataSet.Tables.CanRemove(table))
        Console.WriteLine("dataSet has {0} tables",
Public Sub DataTableCollectionRemoveAt()
    ' Create a DataSet with two tables and then
    ' remove the tables from the collection using RemoveAt.
    Dim dataSet As New DataSet()

    ' Create Customer table.
    Dim customerTable As New DataTable("Customers")
    customerTable.Columns.Add("customerId", _
        GetType(Integer)).AutoIncrement = True
    customerTable.Columns.Add("name", GetType(String))
    customerTable.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() _

    ' Create Orders table.
    Dim ordersTable As New DataTable("Orders")
    ordersTable.Columns.Add("orderId", _
        GetType(Integer)).AutoIncrement = True
    ordersTable.Columns.Add("customerId", GetType(Integer))
    ordersTable.Columns.Add("amount", GetType(Double))
    ordersTable.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() _

    dataSet.Tables.AddRange(New DataTable() _
        {customerTable, ordersTable})

    ' Remove all tables.
    ' First check to see if the table can be removed,
    ' then remove it.
    ' You cannot use a foreach when removing items
    ' from a collection.
    Do While (dataSet.Tables.Count > 0)
        Dim table As DataTable = dataSet.Tables(0)
        If (dataSet.Tables.CanRemove(table)) Then
        End If
        Console.WriteLine("dataSet has {0} tables", _
End Sub


Olay, CollectionChanged bir tablo başarıyla kaldırıldığında gerçekleşir.

Şunlara uygulanır

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