IsolatedStorageFileStream.Length Özellik


Nesnenin IsolatedStorageFileStream uzunluğunu alır.

 virtual property long Length { long get(); };
public override long Length { get; }
member this.Length : int64
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Length As Long

Özellik Değeri

Nesnenin IsolatedStorageFileStream bayt cinsinden uzunluğu.


Aşağıdaki kod örneği özelliğini gösterir Length .

Console::WriteLine( "Writing data to the new file." );
while ( source->Position < source->Length )
   inputChar = (Byte)source->ReadByte();
   target->WriteByte( (Byte)source->ReadByte() );

// Determine the size of the IsolatedStorageFileStream
// by checking its Length property.
Console::WriteLine( "Total Bytes Read: {0}", source->Length.ToString() );
Console.WriteLine("Writing data to the new file.");
while (source.Position < source.Length)
    inputChar = (byte)source.ReadByte();

// Determine the size of the IsolatedStorageFileStream
// by checking its Length property.
Console.WriteLine("Total Bytes Read: " + source.Length);
Console.WriteLine("Writing data to the new file.")
While source.Position < source.Length
    inputChar = CByte(source.ReadByte())
End While

' Determine the size of the IsolatedStorageFileStream
' by checking its Length property.
Console.WriteLine(("Total Bytes Read: " & source.Length))


Length , dosyada şu anda bulunan bayt sayısını temsil eder. Yalıtılmış depolama kotası bundan etkilenmez.

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