FileWebResponse.ContentLength Özellik


Dosya sistemi kaynağındaki içeriğin uzunluğunu alır.

 virtual property long ContentLength { long get(); };
public override long ContentLength { get; }
member this.ContentLength : int64
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ContentLength As Long

Özellik Değeri

Dosya sistemi kaynağından döndürülen bayt sayısı.


Aşağıdaki örnek, dosya sistemi kaynağının içerik uzunluğunu almak için özelliğini kullanır ContentLength .

void GetPage( String^ url )
      Uri^ fileUrl = gcnew Uri( String::Concat( "file://", url ) );
      // Create a 'FileWebrequest' Object* with the specified Uri.
      FileWebRequest^ myFileWebRequest = (FileWebRequest^)( WebRequest::Create( fileUrl ) );
      // Send the 'fileWebRequest' and wait for response.
      FileWebResponse^ myFileWebResponse = (FileWebResponse^)( myFileWebRequest->GetResponse() );
      // Print the ContentLength and ContentType properties received as headers in the response Object*.
      Console::WriteLine( "\nContent length : {0}, Content Type : {1}", myFileWebResponse->ContentLength, myFileWebResponse->ContentType );
      // Release resources of response Object*.
   catch ( WebException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "\r\nWebException thrown. The Reason for failure is : {0}", e->Status );
   catch ( Exception^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "\nThe following Exception was raised : {0}", e->Message );
public static void GetPage(String url)
         Uri fileUrl = new Uri("file://"+url);
         // Create a 'FileWebrequest' object with the specified Uri.
         FileWebRequest myFileWebRequest = (FileWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(fileUrl);
         // Send the 'fileWebRequest' and wait for response.
         FileWebResponse myFileWebResponse = (FileWebResponse)myFileWebRequest.GetResponse();
         // Print the ContentLength and ContentType properties received as headers in the response object.
         Console.WriteLine("\nContent length :{0}, Content Type : {1}",myFileWebResponse.ContentLength,myFileWebResponse.ContentType);
         // Release resources of response object.
   catch(WebException e)
         Console.WriteLine("\r\nWebException thrown. The Reason for failure is : {0}",e.Status);
   catch(Exception e)
         Console.WriteLine("\nThe following Exception was raised : {0}",e.Message);
Public Shared Sub GetPage(url As [String])
        Dim fileUrl As New Uri("file://" + url)
        ' Create a 'FileWebrequest' object with the specified Uri 
        Dim myFileWebRequest As FileWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(fileUrl), FileWebRequest)
        ' Send the 'fileWebRequest' and wait for response.    
        Dim myFileWebResponse As FileWebResponse = CType(myFileWebRequest.GetResponse(), FileWebResponse)
        ' The ContentLength and ContentType received as headers in the response object are also exposed as properties.
        ' These provide information about the length and type of the entity body in the response.
        Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "Content length :{0}, Content Type : {1}", myFileWebResponse.ContentLength, myFileWebResponse.ContentType)
    Catch e As WebException
        Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + "The Reason for failure is : {0}", e.Status)
    Catch e As Exception
        Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "The following exception was raised : {0}", e.Message)
    End Try


ContentLength özelliği, dosya sistemi kaynağının uzunluğunu bayt cinsinden içerir.

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