CryptoProvider.BoundGrants Özellik


Doğrulamayı geçen ve kullanıcıya verilen hakları listeleyen bir koleksiyon alır.

 property System::Collections::ObjectModel::ReadOnlyCollection<System::Security::RightsManagement::ContentGrant ^> ^ BoundGrants { System::Collections::ObjectModel::ReadOnlyCollection<System::Security::RightsManagement::ContentGrant ^> ^ get(); };
public System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentGrant> BoundGrants { get; }
member this.BoundGrants : System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentGrant>
Public ReadOnly Property BoundGrants As ReadOnlyCollection(Of ContentGrant)

Özellik Değeri

Doğrulamayı geçen ve kullanıcıya verilen hakları numaralandıran bir koleksiyon.


Aşağıdaki örnekte, aracılığıyla verilen bir liste haklarını elde etmek için özelliğinin nasıl kullanılacağı BoundGrants gösterilmektedir UseLicense.

ShowStatus("   Binding UseLicense with the SecureEnvironment" +
         "\n       to obtain the CryptoProvider.");
CryptoProvider cryptoProvider = useLicense.Bind(_secureEnv);

ShowStatus("   Obtaining BoundGrants.");
ReadOnlyCollection<ContentGrant> grants =

rightsBlockTitle.Text = "Rights - " + Filename(useLicenseFile);
rightsBlock.Text = "GRANTS LIST\n-----------------\n";
foreach (ContentGrant grant in grants)
    rightsBlock.Text += "USER:  " + grant.User.Name + " [" +
        grant.User.AuthenticationType + "]\n";
    rightsBlock.Text += "RIGHT: " + grant.Right.ToString() + "\n";
    rightsBlock.Text += "    From:  " + grant.ValidFrom + "\n";
    rightsBlock.Text += "    Until: " + grant.ValidUntil + "\n";

if (cryptoProvider.CanDecrypt == true)
    ShowStatus("   Decryption granted.");
    ShowStatus("   CANNOT DECRYPT!");
ShowStatus("   Binding UseLicense with the SecureEnvironment" & vbLf & "       to obtain the CryptoProvider.")
Dim cryptoProvider As CryptoProvider = useLicense.Bind(_secureEnv)

ShowStatus("   Obtaining BoundGrants.")
Dim grants As ReadOnlyCollection(Of ContentGrant) = cryptoProvider.BoundGrants

rightsBlockTitle.Text = "Rights - " & Filename(useLicenseFile)
rightsBlock.Text = "GRANTS LIST" & vbLf & "-----------------" & vbLf
For Each grant As ContentGrant In grants
    rightsBlock.Text &= "USER:  " & grant.User.Name & " [" & grant.User.AuthenticationType & "]" & vbLf
    rightsBlock.Text &= "RIGHT: " & grant.Right.ToString() & vbLf
    rightsBlock.Text &= "    From:  " & grant.ValidFrom & vbLf
    rightsBlock.Text &= "    Until: " & grant.ValidUntil & vbLf
Next grant

If cryptoProvider.CanDecrypt = True Then
    ShowStatus("   Decryption granted.")
    ShowStatus("   CANNOT DECRYPT!")
End If

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