IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext) Yöntem


HTTP Web isteklerinin arabirimini uygulayan bir özel HttpHandler öğe tarafından işlenmesini IHttpHandler sağlar.

 void ProcessRequest(System::Web::HttpContext ^ context);
public void ProcessRequest (System.Web.HttpContext context);
abstract member ProcessRequest : System.Web.HttpContext -> unit
Public Sub ProcessRequest (context As HttpContext)



HttpContext HTTP isteklerine hizmet vermek için kullanılan iç sunucu nesnelerine (örneğin, Request, Response, Sessionve Server) başvurular sağlayan bir nesne.


Aşağıdaki kod örneği, handler.aspx adlı bir sayfanın istemci isteğine yanıt olarak HTTP çıkış akışına dört satır metin yazar. handler.aspx için tüm isteklere, derleme HandlerTest.dll içinde yer alan ad alanında HandlerExample sınıfı tarafından MyHttpHandler hizmet sağlanır.

// Name this C# file HandlerTest.cs and compile it with the
// command line: csc /t:library /r:System.Web.dll HandlerTest.cs.
// Copy HandlerTest.dll to your \bin directory.

using System.Web;

namespace HandlerExample
   public class MyHttpHandler : IHttpHandler
      // Override the ProcessRequest method.
      public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
         context.Response.Write("<H1>This is an HttpHandler Test.</H1>");
         context.Response.Write("<p>Your Browser:</p>");
         context.Response.Write("Type: " + context.Request.Browser.Type + "<br>");
         context.Response.Write("Version: " + context.Request.Browser.Version);

      // Override the IsReusable property.
      public bool IsReusable
         get { return true; }


To use this handler, include the following lines in a Web.config file.

         <add verb="*" path="handler.aspx" type="HandlerExample.MyHttpHandler,HandlerTest"/>
' Name this Visual Basic file HandlerTest.vb and compile it with the
' command line: vbc /target:library /r:System.Web.dll HandlerTest.vb.
' Copy HandlerTest.dll to your \bin directory.
Imports System.Web

Namespace HandlerExample
    Public Class MyHttpHandler
        Implements IHttpHandler
        ' Override the ProcessRequest method.
        Public Sub ProcessRequest(context As HttpContext) _
        Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest
            context.Response.Write("<H1>This is an HttpHandler Test.</H1>")
            context.Response.Write("<p>Your Browser:</p>")
            context.Response.Write("Type: " & context.Request.Browser.Type & "<br>")
            context.Response.Write("Version: " & context.Request.Browser.Version)
        End Sub
        ' Override the IsReusable property.        
        Public ReadOnly Property IsReusable() As Boolean _
        Implements IHttpHandler.IsReusable
                Return True
            End Get
        End Property
    End Class
End Namespace

' To use this handler, include the following lines in a
' Web.config file (be sure to remove the comment markers).
'         <add verb="*" path="handler.aspx" type="HandlerExample.MyHttpHandler,HandlerTest"/>


Örnekler bölümünde gösterildiği gibi özel HttpHandler kodunuzu ProcessRequest sanal yönteme yerleştirin.

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