UserControl.Session Özellik


HttpSessionState Geçerli Web isteğinin nesnesini alır.

 property System::Web::SessionState::HttpSessionState ^ Session { System::Web::SessionState::HttpSessionState ^ get(); };
public System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState Session { get; }
member this.Session : System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState
Public ReadOnly Property Session As HttpSessionState

Özellik Değeri


HttpSessionState örneği içeren UserControl ile Page ilişkilendirilmiş bir nesne.



Aşağıdaki örnek, bir kullanıcı denetiminin Session özelliğine değerler ekler. Söz myControl.Session.Add dizimi, iki TextBox Web sunucusu denetiminin değerlerini kullanıcı denetimiyle ilişkili oturuma ve onu içeren sayfaya ekler.

// Save state information which is used by display handler after the postback has occurred.
void SubmitBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) 
  // Clear all values from session state of 'Page'.

  // Populate Session State of UserControl with the values entered by user.

  // Add UserControl state to the SessionState object of Page.
  Session[myControl.user.Text]= myControl;
  display.Enabled = true;

void Display_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
  int position = Session.Count - 1;

  // Extract stored UserControl from the session state of page.
  LogOnControl tempControl = (LogOnControl)Session[Session.Keys[position]];

  // Use SessionState of UserControl to display previously typed information.
  txtSession.Text = "<br /><br />User:" + tempControl.Session["username"] + "<br />Password : " + tempControl.Session["password"];
  display.Enabled = false;
' Saves state information which is used by display handler after the postback has occurred.

Sub SubmitBtn_Click(Sender As Object, e As EventArgs) 

    ' Clear all values from session state of 'Page'.

    ' Populate Session State of UserControl with the values entered by user.

    ' Add UserControl state to the SessionState object of Page.
    Session(myControl.user.Text)= myControl
    Display.Enabled = true
End Sub

Sub Display_Click(Sender As Object,e As EventArgs)

    Dim position As Integer = Session.Count - 1

    ' Extract stored UserControl from the session state of page.
    Dim tempControl As LogOnControl = CType(Session(Session.Keys(position)),LogOnControl)

    ' Use SessionState of UserControl to display previously typed information.
    txtSession.Text = "<br /><br />User:" + tempControl.Session("username") + "<br />Password : " + tempControl.Session("password")
    Display.Enabled = false
End Sub

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