Inline.SiblingInlines Özellik


Bu öğeye Inline eşdüzey öğeleri (eşler) içeren bir InlineCollection alır.

 property System::Windows::Documents::InlineCollection ^ SiblingInlines { System::Windows::Documents::InlineCollection ^ get(); };
public System.Windows.Documents.InlineCollection SiblingInlines { get; }
member this.SiblingInlines : System.Windows.Documents.InlineCollection
Public ReadOnly Property SiblingInlines As InlineCollection

Özellik Değeri


InlineCollection Bu öğeyle eşdüzey Inline öğeleri içeren bir nesne.

Bu özelliğin varsayılan değeri yok.


Aşağıdaki örnekte özelliğinin nasıl kullanılacağı gösterilmektedir SiblingInlines .

// A host paragraph to hold the example Inline elements..
Paragraph par = new Paragraph();

// Some arbitrary Inline elements.
Run run1 = new Run("Text run number 1.");
Run run2 = new Run("Text run number 2.");
Bold bold = new Bold(new Run("Bold text."));
Italic ital = new Italic(new Run("Italic text."));
Span span1 = new Span(new Run("Span number 1"));
Span span2 = new Span(new Run("Span number 2"));

// Add the Inline elements to the Paragraph. Note the order
// of the inline elements in the paragraph; the order is 
// arbitrary, but the notion of an order is important with 
// respect to  what are 'previous' and 'next' elements.
' A host paragraph to hold the example Inline elements..
Dim par As New Paragraph()

' Some arbitrary Inline elements.
Dim run1 As New Run("Text run number 1.")
Dim run2 As New Run("Text run number 2.")
Dim bold As New Bold(New Run("Bold text."))
Dim ital As New Italic(New Run("Italic text."))
Dim span1 As New Span(New Run("Span number 1"))
Dim span2 As New Span(New Run("Span number 2"))

' Add the Inline elements to the Paragraph. Note the order
' of the inline elements in the paragraph; the order is 
' arbitrary, but the notion of an order is important with 
' respect to  what are 'previous' and 'next' elements.
// After this line executes, "siblingInlines" holds "run1", "run2",
// "bold", "ital", "span1", and "span2", which are all of the sibling
// Inline elements for "run1" (including "run1");
InlineCollection siblingInlines = run1.SiblingInlines;

// Since "bold" is a sibling to "run1", this call will return the
// same collection of sibling elements as the previous call.
siblingInlines = bold.SiblingInlines;
' After this line executes, "siblingInlines" holds "run1", "run2",
' "bold", "ital", "span1", and "span2", which are all of the sibling
' Inline elements for "run1" (including "run1");
Dim siblingInlines As InlineCollection = run1.SiblingInlines

' Since "bold" is a sibling to "run1", this call will return the
' same collection of sibling elements as the previous call.
siblingInlines = bold.SiblingInlines


Bu özellik tarafından döndürülen koleksiyon her zaman koleksiyonun istendiği öğeyi içerir. Diğer bir ifadeyle, bir satır içi öğe, öğe için eşdüzey koleksiyon oluşturmak amacıyla kendi eşdüzey öğesi olarak kabul edilir.

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