TextRange.Contains(TextPointer) Yöntem


Konumun (bir TextPointertarafından belirtilen) geçerli seçim içinde bulunup bulunmadığını denetler.

 bool Contains(System::Windows::Documents::TextPointer ^ textPointer);
public bool Contains (System.Windows.Documents.TextPointer textPointer);
member this.Contains : System.Windows.Documents.TextPointer -> bool
Public Function Contains (textPointer As TextPointer) As Boolean



Geçerli seçime dahil edilmeyi test etmek için bir konum.


true belirtilen konum geçerli seçim içinde yer alıyorsa; aksi takdirde , false.

Özel durumlar

TextPointer geçerli seçimle aynı belgede olmadığında gerçekleşir.


Aşağıdaki örnekte yönteminin kullanımı gösterilmektedir Contains .

// This method returns true if two specified selections overlap, including when the
// end of one selection serves as the beginning of the other.
bool DoSelectionsOverlap(TextRange selection1, TextRange selection2)
    // Is either end of selection2 contained by selection1?
    if (selection1.Contains(selection2.Start) || selection1.Contains(selection2.End))
        // If so, the selections overlap.
        return true;
    // If not, selection2 may still entirely contain selection1.
    // Is either end of selection1 contained by seleciotn2?
    else if (selection2.Contains(selection1.Start) || selection2.Contains(selection1.End))
        // If so, the selections overlap.
        return true;
    // If neither selection contains the begging or end of the other selection, 
    //the selections do not overlap.
        return false;
' This method returns true if two specified selections overlap, including when the
' end of one selection serves as the beginning of the other.
Private Function DoSelectionsOverlap(ByVal selection1 As TextRange, ByVal selection2 As TextRange) As Boolean
    ' Is either end of selection2 contained by selection1?
    If selection1.Contains(selection2.Start) OrElse selection1.Contains(selection2.End) Then
        ' If so, the selections overlap.
        Return True
        ' If not, selection2 may still entirely contain selection1.
        ' Is either end of selection1 contained by seleciotn2?
    ElseIf selection2.Contains(selection1.Start) OrElse selection2.Contains(selection1.End) Then
        ' If so, the selections overlap.
        Return True
        ' If neither selection contains the begging or end of the other selection, 
        'the selections do not overlap.
        Return False
    End If
End Function


Geçerli seçimin herhangi bir ucundaki konumlar (ve Endile Start gösterilir) geçerli seçimin bir parçası olarak kabul edilir.

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