启用Microsoft Places预览版

只有在Microsoft Places预览版期间,才需要此页上所述的步骤。 进入正式发布版后,将删除此页面。

步骤 1 - 选择加入

Microsoft Places增强功能需要额外的启用。 填写“Places预览其他功能”选择在窗体中开始使用。


  • 选择加入后,租户最多可能需要 1 周才能获得对增强功能的访问权限。
  • 步骤 2 中所述的 DeployPlaces 脚本假定你已被授予对增强功能的访问权限,否则将返回错误。 如果发生这种情况,请等待来自Microsoft Places的确认电子邮件,然后再次运行脚本。

步骤 2 - 安装和运行 DeployPlaces

收到确认租户已启用增强功能的电子邮件后,可以部署Microsoft Places预览版。 为此,请执行以下操作:

  1. 以管理员身份打开 PowerShell 7

  2. 运行 Install-Script -Name DeployPlaces 以下载最新的 DeployPlaces 脚本

  3. 运行 DeployPlaces 以将Microsoft Places部署到租户。

在预览版期间,Microsoft Places依赖于已启用邮件的安全组来确定哪些用户有权访问核心功能或增强功能,他们是否可以在 Outlook 中查看新的 Places Finder 体验,以及访问 Spaces Analytics。 DeploySpaces 脚本可以创建新的安全组 (推荐) ,也可以使用自定义 SG。


体验/功能 组名称 组 smtp 地址
核心功能 Places用户 [8C8BF34B-6BB8-4441-A911-3A990C9D838B] placesUsers@contoso.com
增强功能 Places高级用户 [8C8BF34B-6BB8-4441-A911-3A990C9D838B] placesAdvanced@contoso.com
Places iOS 移动应用 Places移动用户 [8C8BF34B-6BB8-4441-A911-3A990C9D838B] placesMobile@contoso.com
Space Analytics Places Analytics 用户 [8C8BF34B-6BB8-4441-A911-3A990C9D838B] placesAnalytics@contoso.com
Places Finder Places Finder 用户 [8C8BF34B-6BB8-4441-A911-3A990C9D838B] placesFinder@contoso.com

如果选择, N 则需要输入计划用于每个功能集的安全组的“显示名称”。 下面是你将看到的输出示例:

Do you want to use the default group display names for Places?
Enter [Y] for Yes or [N] for No: n
Please enter the display name of the group you want to use for Places Users: [Example1]
Please enter the display name of the group you want to use for Places Advanced Users: [Example2]
Please enter the display name of the group you want to use for Places Mobile Users: [Example3]
Please enter the display name of the group you want to use for Places Analytics Users: [Example4]
Please enter the display name of the group you want to use for Places Finder Users: [Example5]
Creating a security group - Places Users
Creating a security group - Places Mobile Users
Creating a security group - Places Analytics Users
Creating a security group - Places Advanced Features
Creating a security group - Places Finder Users
Adding Places Advanced Feature Users to the Places Users group
Adding Places Mobile Users to the Places Advanced Features group
Adding Places Analytics Users to the Places Advanced Features group
Adding Places Finder Users to the Places Advanced Features group
Places Security Groups have been created.
Installing Places Module
Connection has been successfully established. You can execute your commands now.

Microsoft Places功能集将启用并映射到所选的安全组:

Searching for group - Example1
Found Group Example1
Enabling Places Web App
WARNING: The settings are read from a cached storage for upto 12 hours.
Subscription name Tenant
----------------- ------
Update completed successfully. To check the information updated please use the next cmdlet which reads updated values of settings from store.
Get-PlacesSettings -ReadFromPrimary
WARNING: The settings are read from a cached storage for upto 12 hours.
PlacesAdvancedFeatures set to True
Enabling Places Advanced Features for the tenant
Looking for group - Example2
Tenant being used - 5a3dd66b-d094-4bbc-b6c7-78ae9f5f2db3.TenantId
Enabling Advanced Places features
Update completed successfully. To check the information updated please use the next cmdlet which reads updated values of settings from store.
Get-PlacesSettings -ReadFromPrimary
WARNING: The settings are read from a cached storage for upto 12 hours.
Enabling the group that can use the Places iOS App
Looking for group - Example3
Update completed successfully. To check the information updated please use the next cmdlet which reads updated values of settings from store.
Get-PlacesSettings -ReadFromPrimary
WARNING: The settings are read from a cached storage for upto 12 hours.
Enabling the group that can see Places Analytics
Looking for group - Example4
Update completed successfully. To check the information updated please use the next cmdlet which reads updated values of settings from store.
Get-PlacesSettings -ReadFromPrimary
WARNING: The settings are read from a cached storage for upto 12 hours.
Enabling the group that can see Places Finder
Looking for group - Example5
Update completed successfully. To check the information updated please use the next cmdlet which reads updated values of settings from store.
Get-PlacesSettings -ReadFromPrimary
WARNING: The settings are read from a cached storage for upto 12 hours.


新的安全组最长可能需要 24 小时才能反映在租户中并在Microsoft Places中使用。

步骤 3 - 将用户添加到安全组

你需要将用户添加到安全组,以便他们能够访问相应的Microsoft Places功能。 可以使用以下任一方法:


成员身份更改可能需要长达 24 小时才能反映在Microsoft Places体验中。


  • Places移动用户安全组不再使用,因为Microsoft Places移动应用程序不再是预览版的一部分。