Opening an Adapter in an NDIS 6.0 Protocol Driver

In NDIS 6.0, the NdisOpenAdapterEx function replaces the NdisOpenAdapter function. A protocol driver calls NdisOpenAdapterEx from the ProtocolBindAdapterEx function. The driver passes protocol binding configuration parameters to NdisOpenAdapterEx in an NDIS_OPEN_PARAMETERS structure.

If a protocol driver returns NDIS_STATUS_PENDING from ProtocolBindAdapterEx, it must call the NdisCompleteBindAdapterEx function (formerly NdisCompleteBindAdapter) with the final status to complete the bind request.

If NDIS returns NDIS_STATUS_PENDING from NdisOpenAdapterEx, NDIS later calls the protocol driver's ProtocolOpenAdapterCompleteEx function (formerly ProtocolOpenAdapterComplete) with the final status after the open request has been completed.

Before the driver calls NdisOpenAdapterEx, the driver can pass the pointer at the BindParameters parameter of ProtocolBindAdapterEx to the NdisOpenConfigurationEx function to read the configuration parameters that are associated with a binding. After a successful NdisOpenAdapterEx call, the driver can pass the handle at the ProtocolBindingContext parameter of NdisOpenAdapterEx to NdisOpenConfigurationEx to read the configuration parameters that are associated with a binding. For more information about NdisOpenConfigurationEx, see Reading the Registry in NDIS 6.0 Protocol Drivers.