CompositionObject 类


表示可视化树结构中的节点的合成 API 的基类。

合成对象是合成 API 的所有其他功能使用和构建的可视化树结构。 API 允许开发人员定义和创建一个或多个 Visual 对象,每个对象表示可视化树中的单个节点。

public ref class CompositionObject : IClosable
public ref class CompositionObject : IClosable
public ref class CompositionObject : IClosable, IAnimationObject
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract, 65536)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingBehavior(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingType.Agile)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Threading(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ThreadingModel.Both)]
class CompositionObject : IClosable
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingBehavior(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingType.Agile)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Threading(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ThreadingModel.Both)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract, 131072)]
class CompositionObject : IClosable
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingBehavior(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingType.Agile)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Threading(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ThreadingModel.Both)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract, 131072)]
class CompositionObject : IClosable, IAnimationObject
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract), 65536)]
public class CompositionObject : System.IDisposable
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract), 131072)]
public class CompositionObject : System.IDisposable
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract), 131072)]
public class CompositionObject : System.IDisposable, IAnimationObject
Public Class CompositionObject
Implements IDisposable
Public Class CompositionObject
Implements IAnimationObject, IDisposable
Object Platform::Object IInspectable CompositionObject

Windows 要求

Windows 10 (在 10.0.10240.0 中引入)
API contract
Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract (在 v1.0 中引入)


此示例演示如何使用合成 API 创建独立应用,而无需使用 XAML、WWA 或 DirectX。 该示例初始化一个新的 Compositor,然后创建包含两个 SpriteVisual 对象的场景图。

using System;
using System.Numerics;

using Windows.ApplicationModel.Core;
using Windows.UI;
using Windows.UI.Composition;
using Windows.UI.Core;

namespace HelloCompositionCs
    public sealed class HelloComposition : IFrameworkView
        // HelloComposition.Initialize
        // This method is called during startup to associate the IFrameworkView with the
        // CoreApplicationView.

        void IFrameworkView.Initialize(CoreApplicationView view)
            _view = view;

        // HelloComposition.SetWindow
        // This method is called when the CoreApplication has created a new CoreWindow,
        // allowing the application to configure the window and start producing content
        // to display.

        void IFrameworkView.SetWindow(CoreWindow window)
            _window = window;

        // HelloComposition.Load
        // This method is called when a specific page is being loaded in the
        // application.  It is not used for this application.

        void IFrameworkView.Load(string unused)


        // HelloComposition.Run
        // This method is called by CoreApplication.Run to actually run the
        // dispatcher's message pump.

        void IFrameworkView.Run()

        // HelloComposition.Uninitialize
        // This method is called during shutdown to disconnect the CoreApplicationView,
        // and CoreWindow from the IFrameworkView.

        void IFrameworkView.Uninitialize()
            _window = null;
            _view = null;

        // HelloComposition.InitNewComposition
        // This method is called by SetWindow, where we initialize Composition after
        // the CoreWindow has been created.

        void InitNewComposition()
            // Set up Windows.UI.Composition Compositor, root ContainerVisual, and associate with
            // the CoreWindow.

            _compositor = new Compositor();

            _root = _compositor.CreateContainerVisual();
            _view.CompositionRootVisual = _root;

            // Create a simple scene.

            var child1 = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();
            child1.Offset = new Vector2(50.0f, 50.0f);
            child1.Size = new Vector2(200, 200);
            child1.Brush = _compositor.CreateColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0xCC, 0x00));


            var child2 = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();
            child2.Offset = new Vector2(50.0f, 50.0f);
            child2.Size = new Vector2(200, 200);
            child2.Brush = _compositor.CreateColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xCC));



        // CoreWindow / CoreApplicationView
        private CoreWindow _window;
        private CoreApplicationView _view;

        // Windows.UI.Composition
        private Compositor _compositor;
        private ContainerVisual _root;

    public sealed class HelloCompositionFactory : IFrameworkViewSource
        // HelloCompositionFactory.CreateView
        // This method is called by CoreApplication to provide a new IFrameworkView for
        // a CoreWindow that is being created.

        IFrameworkView IFrameworkViewSource.CreateView()
            return new HelloComposition();

        // main

        static int Main(string[] args)
            CoreApplication.Run(new HelloCompositionFactory());

            return 0;

} // namespace HelloCompositionCs

此示例演示如何在不使用 XAML、WWA 或 DirectX 的情况下构造和演练简单的视觉对象树以更改不透明度。 此示例基于上一个示例生成,演示如何创建、添加子视觉对象以及更改属性。

在此方案中,将生成视觉对象的可视化树层次结构。 创建 Compositor 后,它将用于创建对象,然后可以对其进行管理。

//  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

using System;
using System.Numerics;

using Windows.ApplicationModel.Core;
using Windows.Foundation;
using Windows.UI;
using Windows.UI.Composition;
using Windows.UI.Core;

namespace VisualTreeCs
    public sealed class VisualTree : IFrameworkView
        // VisualTree.Initialize
        // This method is called during startup to associate the IFrameworkView with the
        // CoreApplicationView.

        void IFrameworkView.Initialize(CoreApplicationView view)
            _view = view;
            _random = new Random();

        // VisualTree.SetWindow
        // This method is called when the CoreApplication has created a new CoreWindow,
        // allowing the application to configure the window and start producing content
        // to display.

        void IFrameworkView.SetWindow(CoreWindow window)
            _window = window;
            _window.PointerPressed += OnPointerPressed;
            _window.PointerMoved += OnPointerMoved;
            _window.PointerReleased += OnPointerReleased;

        // VisualTree.OnPointerPressed
        // This method is called when the user touches the screen, taps it with a stylus
        // or clicks the mouse.

        void OnPointerPressed(CoreWindow window, PointerEventArgs args)
            Point position = args.CurrentPoint.Position;

            // Walk our list of visuals to determine who, if anybody, was selected
            foreach (var child in _root.Children)
                // Did we hit this child?
                Vector2 offset = child.Offset;
                Vector2 size = child.Size;

                if ((position.X >= offset.X) &&
                    (position.X < offset.X + size.X) &&
                    (position.Y >= offset.Y) &&
                    (position.Y < offset.Y + size.Y))
                    // This child was hit. Since the children are stored back to front,
                    // the last one hit is the front-most one so it wins
                    _currentVisual = child;
                    _offsetBias = new Vector2((float)(offset.X - position.X),
                                              (float)(offset.Y - position.Y));

            // If a visual was hit, bring it to the front of the Z order
            if (_currentVisual != null)
                ContainerVisual parent = _currentVisual.Parent as ContainerVisual;

        // VisualTree.OnPointerMoved
        // This method is called when the user moves their finger, stylus or mouse with
        // a button pressed over the screen.

        void OnPointerMoved(CoreWindow window, PointerEventArgs args)
            // If a visual is selected, drag it with the pointer position and
            // make it opaque while we drag it
            if (_currentVisual != null)
                Point position = args.CurrentPoint.Position;
                _currentVisual.Opacity = 1.0f;
                _currentVisual.Offset = new Vector2((float)(position.X + _offsetBias.X),
                                                    (float)(position.Y + _offsetBias.Y));

        // VisualTree.OnPointerReleased
        // This method is called when the user lifts their finger or stylus from the
        // screen, or lifts the mouse button.

        void OnPointerReleased(CoreWindow window, PointerEventArgs args)
            // If a visual was selected, make it transparent again when it is
            // released
            if (_currentVisual != null)
                _currentVisual.Opacity = 0.8f;
                _currentVisual = null;

        // VisualTree.Load
        // This method is called when a specific page is being loaded in the
        // application.  It is not used for this application.

        void IFrameworkView.Load(string unused)


        // VisualTree.Run
        // This method is called by CoreApplication.Run to actually run the
        // dispatcher's message pump.

        void IFrameworkView.Run()

        // VisualTree.Uninitialize
        // This method is called during shutdown to disconnect the CoreApplicationView,
        // and CoreWindow from the IFrameworkView.

        void IFrameworkView.Uninitialize()
            _window = null;
            _view = null;

        // VisualTree.InitNewComposition
        // This method is called by SetWindow, where we initialize Composition after
        // the CoreWindow has been created.

        void InitNewComposition()
            // Set up Windows.UI.Composition Compositor, root ContainerVisual, and associate with
            // the CoreWindow.

            _compositor = new Compositor();

            _root = _compositor.CreateContainerVisual();
            _view.CompositionRootVisual = _root;

            // Create a few visuals for our window
            for (int index = 0; index < 20; index++)

        // VisualTree.CreateChildElement
        // Creates a small sub-tree to represent a visible element in our application.

        Visual CreateChildElement()
            // Each element consists of two visuals, which produce the appearance
            // of a framed rectangle
            var visual = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();

            // Position this visual randomly within our window
            visual.Offset = new Vector2((float)(_random.NextDouble() * 400), (float)(_random.NextDouble() * 400));

            // The outer rectangle is always white
            visual.Brush = _compositor.CreateColorBrush( Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF) );
            visual.Size = new Vector2(100.0f, 100.0f);

            // The inner rectangle is inset from the outer by three pixels all around
            var child = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();
            child.Offset = new Vector2(3.0f, 3.0f);
            child.Size = new Vector2(94.0f, 94.0f);

            // Pick a random color for every rectangle
            byte red = (byte)(0xFF * (0.2f + (_random.NextDouble() / 0.8f)));
            byte green = (byte)(0xFF * (0.2f + (_random.NextDouble() / 0.8f)));
            byte blue = (byte)(0xFF * (0.2f + (_random.NextDouble() / 0.8f)));
            child.Brush = _compositor.CreateColorBrush( Color.FromArgb(0xFF, red, green, blue) );

            // Make the subtree root visual partially transparent. This will cause each visual in the subtree
            // to render partially transparent, since a visual's opacity is multiplied with its parent's
            // opacity
            visual.Opacity = 0.8f;

            return visual;

        // CoreWindow / CoreApplicationView
        private CoreWindow _window;
        private CoreApplicationView _view;

        // Windows.UI.Composition
        private Compositor _compositor;
        private ContainerVisual _root;
        private Visual _currentVisual;
        private Vector2 _offsetBias;

        // Helpers
        private Random _random;

    public sealed class VisualTreeFactory : IFrameworkViewSource
        // VisualTreeFactory.CreateView
        // This method is called by CoreApplication to provide a new IFrameworkView for
        // a CoreWindow that is being created.

        IFrameworkView IFrameworkViewSource.CreateView()
            return new VisualTree();

        // main

        static int Main(string[] args)
            CoreApplication.Run(new VisualTreeFactory());

            return 0;

} // namespace VisualTreeCs


对象是使用 Compositor 对象创建的。 组合对象只能是容器,也可以保存内容。 为了方便使用,该 API 针对层次结构中的特定任务提供了 一组清晰的 Visual 对象:

  • Visual – 基对象,大部分属性均位于此处且继承自其他视觉对象。

  • ContainerVisual - 派生自 Visual,并添加了创建子级的功能。

  • SpriteVisual – 派生自 ContainerVisual,包含图像、效果和交换链形式的内容。

  • Compositor – 管理应用程序与系统合成器进程之间的关系。 动画更新任何可创建动画的合成对象 (的属性,例如 Visual) 。 有两种类型的动画:

  • KeyFrameAnimation:具有两个或多个关键帧的基于时间的动画。 这些帧是标记,使开发人员能够定义在指定时间应包含的动画值。 此外,还可以通过指定动画如何内插 () 关键帧之间的值进行混合来微调动画。 KeyFrameAnimation 有许多子类,每个子类都支持不同类型的关键帧值。

  • ExpressionAnimation:使用数学表达式指定每个帧应如何计算动画值的动画。 表达式可以引用组合对象中的属性。 ExpressionAnimation不是基于时间的,如有必要, (处理每个帧) 。


基元视觉对象 ((如 SpriteVisual) 描述屏幕上的视觉内容)以及将应用于该内容的呈现选项。



效果可以是简单的操作(如去饱和度)、更复杂的操作(如模糊)或非常复杂的 A B 混合操作(如交叉淡出)。

有关创建和使用效果的其他信息,请参阅 CompositionEffectBrush 的备注部分。


Windows 版本 SDK 版本 增值
1607 14393 注释
1607 14393 ImplicitAnimations
1607 14393 StartAnimationGroup
1607 14393 StopAnimationGroup
1709 16299 DispatcherQueue
1803 17134 TryGetAnimationController
1809 17763 PopulatePropertyInfo
1809 17763 StartAnimationGroupWithIAnimationObject
1809 17763 StartAnimationWithIAnimationObject



要与 CompositionObject 关联的字符串。


用于创建此 CompositionObject 的 Compositor


CompositionObject 的调度程序。


获取 CompostionObject 的 DispatcherQueue




CompositionObject 关联的属性的集合。



关闭 CompositionObject 并释放系统资源。

ConnectAnimation(String, CompositionAnimation)






PopulatePropertyInfo(String, AnimationPropertyInfo)


StartAnimation(String, CompositionAnimation, AnimationController)

使用 对象的指定属性连接动画并启动动画。

StartAnimation(String, CompositionAnimation)

使用 对象的指定属性连接动画并启动动画。



CompositionObject 上的 StartAnimationGroup 方法可用于启动 CompositionAnimationGroup。 组中的所有动画将同时在 对象上启动。

StartAnimationGroupWithIAnimationObject(IAnimationObject, ICompositionAnimationBase)


StartAnimationWithIAnimationObject(IAnimationObject, String, CompositionAnimation)







返回指定属性上运行的动画的 AnimationController。

