My Microsoft Certification Access Code Has Expired
Hi, I have accomplished my certification exam in 2013 and I would like to access my official certification transcript. Unfortunately I didn't use my access code on time and it has expired. I tried all way possible to activate it my self with no…
Linux-5.15.0-1042-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.35 是Azure專屬的VM Image嗎?
Linux-5.15.0-1042-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.35 是Azure專屬的VM Image嗎? 是不是只有在Azure專屬的VM或是Service 之下才能使用Linux-5.15.0-1042-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.35。 自己local端(例如:筆電)能把它跑起來嗎?
請問Microsoft exchange server(實體伺服器)在設置在哪些國家?
請問微軟如下問題:1.Microsoft exchange server(實體伺服器)是設置在全世界哪些國家?2.微軟在台灣data center,有設置Microsoft exchange實體伺服器,來存取在台灣使用Microsoft exchange郵件嗎?3.在台灣使用Microsoft exchange時(包括使用exchange來登入非微軟公司開發的電子郵件,例如Amazon workmail),這些郵件資料是被微軟儲存在哪個國家的data center內?麻煩請回覆上述問題?謝謝您!
有幾個問題能否協助回答 能否將Teams聊天機器人打包成docker image部署至公司內部的K8S環境上 若可行,因公司的K8S環境沒有對外,要如何與Azure的Teams溝通取得訊息 若不可行,是否只能將聊天機器人部署到Azure上,但這樣要如何取得地端的資料 要從何了解整個資料流的運作 謝謝
基本 SKU 將會退場,雲端服務該如何設定保留IP
我已經建立了一個雲端服務(延伸支援),(該說明顯示雲端服務 (延伸支援) 只支援基本 IP 位址…
無法觀看「Copilot for Microsoft 365 賦能組織成就高效及提升商業價值」 - 講座回放影片」
有關電子郵件提供「Copilot for Microsoft 365 賦能組織成就高效及提升商業價值」 - 講座回放影片」,在登入Copilot for Microsoft 365 Measuring the Business Value後,顯示無法觀看影片,請問該怎麼處理呢,謝謝您。
請問有沒有方法 直接跳過這個畫面 或自動選"是"
憑證不對, 有沒有方法在系統默選"是(Y)" 人手選了"是", 便能外發電郵. Outlook 2016/2013 電腦版.
啟用hyper-V後在設定GPO時,"建立符號連結"會自動新增nt virtual machine\virtual machines 且無法移除
在Windows 10、11 Windows Server 2022中若啟用Hyper-V功能,GPO規則"建立符號連結"在server上會自動新增一個"nt virtual machine\virtual machines"的權限,就算用gpedit修改,只要gpupdate /force或是重開機他就會自動加回去。為了符合政府組態基準(GCB)的規範,此項(建立符號連結)必須移除"nt virtual machine\virtual…
Failed to parse method 'InitializeComponent'. The parser reported the following error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'. Please look in the Task List for potential errors.
|||Instances of this error (1) 1. Hide Call Stack at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.Serialization.CodeDom.VSCodeDomParser.OnMethodPopulateStatements(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.CodeDom.CodeMemberMethod.get_Statements() at…
I have found that there is a "WINBIO_IDENTITY_TYPE =4" and no any doucument record it
We found that the Bio_Verify Callback will return a WINBIO_IDENTITY structure with WINBIO_IDENTITY_TYPE = 4, when we use the newest ASUS notebook with Windows 11 newest Patch in March 2024. But there is only 4 types(0: Null, 1:Wildcard, 2:TemplateGuid,…
資料欄位允許null時, 如何讀取
我在資料表中有一個欄位型態為smaillint , 但允許NUll , 請問我在讀取該欄位時應如何避免錯誤. 先謝謝回應者. If reader.HasRows Then reader.Read() If reader.GetValue(5) > 0 Then ***'如果欄位值是NULL, 此判斷式會如現錯誤*** ...... end if end if cannot work as before Why?
MySQL, cannot work as before Why?
Will realigning global licensing affect teams and related graph apis functionality?
We've noticed that microsoft is going to make team's licensing independent. We're curious that if a user only has teams license, will he/she still be able to use onedrive api? As we're developing a backup application, and when restoring messages, we use…
I don't have a Basic and Standard A-series machine, but I received a letter saying workloads from Basic and Standard A-series VMs to Av2-series VMs
I don't have a Basic and Standard A-series machine, but I received a letter saying workloads from Basic and Standard A-series VMs to Av2-series VMs I have Standard_A2m_v2 Standard_B2s Need to migrate?
如下圖所示, 我的程式碼是寫: webBrowser1.Navigate(""); 但很多圖都出不來是什麼原因呢?
ofiice 2016及office 2019和office 2021更新問題
我有兩個問題要詢問: 2016大量授權版的預設版本是16.0.4266.1001,已經安裝了最新的更新也是顯示一樣的版本,請問有辦法讓office 2016的版本顯示最新的版本嗎? 以下是在程式和功能下的截圖 2.請問有辦法在沒有網際網路的連線下及不用Microsoft Configuration Manager更新office 2019及office 2021嗎?
WSUS Server 下載狀態一直卡在己下載0.07MB 重灌了好幾台.狀態都一樣 請問怎麼處理
請問在DHCP Server寫Script自動清除Bad Address
您好, 因為筆電同時使用有線網路及無線網路時, 會有不同網段IP Address, 結果在DHCP Server會出現Bad Address, 是否有Script自動清除Bad Address的腳本謝謝.