Decimal.Equals 方法


傳回值,指出兩個 Decimal 實例是否代表相同的值。


Equals(Decimal, Decimal)

傳回值,指出兩個指定的 Decimal 實例是否代表相同的值。


傳回值,指出這個實例和指定的 Decimal 物件是否代表相同的值。


傳回值,指出這個實例和指定的 Object 是否代表相同的型別和值。

Equals(Decimal, Decimal)


傳回值,指出兩個指定的 Decimal 實例是否代表相同的值。

 static bool Equals(System::Decimal d1, System::Decimal d2);
public static bool Equals (decimal d1, decimal d2);
static member Equals : decimal * decimal -> bool
Public Shared Function Equals (d1 As Decimal, d2 As Decimal) As Boolean







如果 d1d2 相等,true;否則,false


下列程式代碼範例會使用靜態 Equals 方法,將數個 Decimal 值與參考 Decimal 值進行比較。

// Example of the Decimal::Compare and static Decimal::Equals methods.
using namespace System;
const __wchar_t * protoFmt = L"{0,-45}{1}";

// Compare Decimal parameters, and display them with the results.
void CompareDecimals( Decimal Left, Decimal Right, String^ RightText )
   String^ dataFmt = gcnew String( protoFmt );
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, String::Concat( "Right: ", RightText ), Right );
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, "Decimal::Equals( Left, Right )", Decimal::Equals( Left, Right ) );
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, "Decimal::Compare( Left, Right )", Decimal::Compare( Left, Right ) );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal::Equals( Decimal, Decimal "
   ") and \nDecimal::Compare( Decimal, Decimal ) "
   "methods generates the \nfollowing output. It creates "
   "several different Decimal \nvalues and compares them "
   "with the following reference value.\n" );
   // Create a reference Decimal value.
   Decimal Left = Decimal(123.456);
   Console::WriteLine( gcnew String( protoFmt ), "Left: Decimal( 123.456 )", Left );
   // Create Decimal values to compare with the reference.
   CompareDecimals( Left, Decimal(1.2345600E+2), "Decimal( 1.2345600E+2 )" );
   CompareDecimals( Left, Decimal::Parse( "123.4561" ), "Decimal::Parse( \"123.4561\" )" );
   CompareDecimals( Left, Decimal::Parse( "123.4559" ), "Decimal::Parse( \"123.4559\" )" );
   CompareDecimals( Left, Decimal::Parse( "123.456000" ), "Decimal::Parse( \"123.456000\" )" );
   CompareDecimals( Left, Decimal(123456000,0,0,false,6), "Decimal( 123456000, 0, 0, false, 6 )" );

This example of the Decimal::Equals( Decimal, Decimal ) and
Decimal::Compare( Decimal, Decimal ) methods generates the
following output. It creates several different Decimal
values and compares them with the following reference value.

Left: Decimal( 123.456 )                     123.456

Right: Decimal( 1.2345600E+2 )               123.456
Decimal::Equals( Left, Right )               True
Decimal::Compare( Left, Right )              0

Right: Decimal::Parse( "123.4561" )          123.4561
Decimal::Equals( Left, Right )               False
Decimal::Compare( Left, Right )              -1

Right: Decimal::Parse( "123.4559" )          123.4559
Decimal::Equals( Left, Right )               False
Decimal::Compare( Left, Right )              1

Right: Decimal::Parse( "123.456000" )        123.456000
Decimal::Equals( Left, Right )               True
Decimal::Compare( Left, Right )              0

Right: Decimal( 123456000, 0, 0, false, 6 )  123.456000
Decimal::Equals( Left, Right )               True
Decimal::Compare( Left, Right )              0
// Example of the decimal.Compare and static decimal.Equals methods.
using System;

class DecCompareEqualsDemo
    const string dataFmt = "{0,-45}{1}";

    // Compare decimal parameters, and display them with the results.
    public static void CompareDecimals( decimal Left, decimal Right,
        string RightText )
        Console.WriteLine( );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Right: "+RightText, Right );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "decimal.Equals( Left, Right )",
            Decimal.Equals( Left, Right ) );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "decimal.Compare( Left, Right )",
            Decimal.Compare( Left, Right ) );

    public static void Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( "This example of the " +
            "decimal.Equals( decimal, decimal ) and \n" +
            "decimal.Compare( decimal, decimal ) methods " +
            "generates the \nfollowing output. It creates several " +
            "different decimal \nvalues and compares them with " +
            "the following reference value.\n" );

        // Create a reference decimal value.
        decimal Left = new decimal( 123.456 );

        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Left: decimal( 123.456 )",
            Left );

        // Create decimal values to compare with the reference.
        CompareDecimals( Left, new decimal( 1.2345600E+2 ),
            "decimal( 1.2345600E+2 )" );
        CompareDecimals( Left, 123.4561M, "123.4561M" );
        CompareDecimals( Left, 123.4559M, "123.4559M" );
        CompareDecimals( Left, 123.456000M, "123.456000M" );
        CompareDecimals( Left,
            new decimal( 123456000, 0, 0, false, 6 ),
            "decimal( 123456000, 0, 0, false, 6 )" );

This example of the decimal.Equals( decimal, decimal ) and
decimal.Compare( decimal, decimal ) methods generates the
following output. It creates several different decimal
values and compares them with the following reference value.

Left: decimal( 123.456 )                     123.456

Right: decimal( 1.2345600E+2 )               123.456
decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                True
decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               0

Right: 123.4561M                             123.4561
decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                False
decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               -1

Right: 123.4559M                             123.4559
decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                False
decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               1

Right: 123.456000M                           123.456000
decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                True
decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               0

Right: decimal( 123456000, 0, 0, false, 6 )  123.456000
decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                True
decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               0
// Example of the decimal.Compare and static decimal.Equals methods.
open System

let print message obj = printfn $"%-45s{message}{obj}"

// Compare decimal parameters, and display them with the results.
let compareDecimals (left: decimal) (right: decimal) (rightText: string) =
    printfn ""
    print $"right: {rightText}" right
    print "decimal.Equals(left, right)  " (Decimal.Equals(left, right))
    print "decimal.Compare(left, right)  " (Decimal.Compare(left, right))

Console.WriteLine( "This example of the " +
    "decimal.Equals(decimal, decimal) and \n" +
    "decimal.Compare(decimal, decimal) methods " +
    "generates the \nfollowing output. It creates several " +
    "different decimal \nvalues and compares them with " +
    "the following reference value.\n" )

// Create a reference decimal value.
let left = decimal 123.456

print "left: decimal( 123.456 )" left

// Create decimal values to compare with the reference.
compareDecimals left (decimal 1.2345600E+2 ) "decimal(1.2345600E+2)"
compareDecimals left 123.4561M "123.4561M"
compareDecimals left 123.4559M "123.4559M"
compareDecimals left 123.456000M "123.456000M"
compareDecimals left (Decimal(123456000, 0, 0, false, 6uy)) "Decimal(123456000, 0, 0, false, 6)"

// This example of the decimal.Equals(decimal, decimal) and
// decimal.Compare(decimal, decimal) methods generates the
// following output. It creates several different decimal
// values and compares them with the following reference value.

// left: decimal(123.456)                       123.456

// right: decimal(1.2345600E+2)                 123.456
// decimal.Equals(left, right)                  True
// decimal.Compare(left, right)                 0

// right: 123.4561M                             123.4561
// decimal.Equals(left, right)                  False
// decimal.Compare(left, right)                 -1

// right: 123.4559M                             123.4559
// decimal.Equals(left, right)                  False
// decimal.Compare(left, right)                 1

// right: 123.456000M                           123.456000
// decimal.Equals(left, right)                  True
// decimal.Compare(left, right)                 0

// right: decimal(123456000, 0, 0, false, 6)    123.456000
// decimal.Equals(left, right)                  True
// decimal.Compare(left, right)                 0
' Example of the Decimal.Compare and static Decimal.Equals methods.
Module DecCompareEqualsDemo
    Const dataFmt As String = "{0,-45}{1}"

    ' Compare Decimal parameters, and display them with the results.
    Sub CompareDecimals( Left as Decimal, Right as Decimal, _
        RightText as String )

        Console.WriteLine( )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Right: " & RightText, Right )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Decimal.Equals( Left, Right )", _
            Decimal.Equals( Left, Right ) )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, _
            "Decimal.Compare( Left, Right )", _
            Decimal.Compare( Left, Right ) )
    End Sub

    Sub Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal.Equals( Decimal, " & _
            "Decimal ) and " & vbCrLf & "Decimal.Compare( " & _
            "Decimal, Decimal ) methods generates the " & vbCrLf & _
            "following output. It creates several different " & _
            "Decimal " & vbCrLf & "values and compares them " & _
            "with the following reference value." & vbCrLf )

        ' Create a reference Decimal value.
        Dim Left as New Decimal( 123.456 )

        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Left: Decimal( 123.456 )", Left )

        ' Create Decimal values to compare with the reference.
        CompareDecimals( Left, New Decimal( 1.2345600E+2 ), _
            "Decimal( 1.2345600E+2 )" )
        CompareDecimals( Left, 123.4561D, "123.4561D" )
        CompareDecimals( Left, 123.4559D, "123.4559D" )
        CompareDecimals( Left, 123.456000D, "123.456000D" )
        CompareDecimals( Left, _
            New Decimal( 123456000, 0, 0, false, 6 ), _
            "Decimal( 123456000, 0, 0, false, 6 )" )
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal.Equals( Decimal, Decimal ) and
' Decimal.Compare( Decimal, Decimal ) methods generates the
' following output. It creates several different Decimal
' values and compares them with the following reference value.
' Left: Decimal( 123.456 )                     123.456
' Right: Decimal( 1.2345600E+2 )               123.456
' Decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                True
' Decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               0
' Right: 123.4561D                             123.4561
' Decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                False
' Decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               -1
' Right: 123.4559D                             123.4559
' Decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                False
' Decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               1
' Right: 123.456000D                           123.456
' Decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                True
' Decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               0
' Right: Decimal( 123456000, 0, 0, false, 6 )  123.456000
' Decimal.Equals( Left, Right )                True
' Decimal.Compare( Left, Right )               0





傳回值,指出這個實例和指定的 Decimal 物件是否代表相同的值。

 virtual bool Equals(System::Decimal value);
public bool Equals (decimal value);
override this.Equals : decimal -> bool
Public Function Equals (value As Decimal) As Boolean





如果 value 等於這個實例,true;否則,false



這個方法會實作 System.IEquatable<T> 介面,而且執行效能比 Equals 略好,因為它不需要將 value 參數轉換成 物件。

如果 value 的位數比實例類型少(較窄),某些程式設計語言會執行隱含擴大轉換,將參數的值轉換成具有更多位的值。

例如,假設實例類型 Int32,且參數類型 Byte。 Microsoft C# 編譯程式會產生指示,將參數的值表示為 Int32 對象,然後產生 Int32.CompareTo 方法來比較 Int32 實例和參數表示法。



編譯程式多載解析可能會造成兩個 Equals(Object) 方法多載行為明顯差異。 如果定義 value 自變數與 Decimal 之間的隱含轉換,而且自變數未輸入為 Object,編譯程式可能會執行隱含轉換並呼叫 Equals(Decimal) 方法。 否則,它們會呼叫 Equals(Object) 方法,如果其 value 自變數不是 Decimal 值,則一律會傳回 false。 下列範例說明兩個方法多載的行為差異。 在所有基本整數型別,包括帶正負號和無符號型別的情況下,第一個比較會傳回 true,因為編譯程式會自動執行擴大轉換並呼叫 Equals(Decimal) 方法,而第二個比較會傳回 false,因為編譯程式會呼叫 Equals(Object) 方法。

using System;

public class Example
   static decimal value = 112m;

   public static void Main()
      byte byte1= 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = byte1: {0,17}", value.Equals(byte1));

      short short1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = short1: {0,17}", value.Equals(short1));

      int int1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = int1: {0,19}", value.Equals(int1));

      long long1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = long1: {0,18}", value.Equals(long1));

      sbyte sbyte1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = sbyte1: {0,17}", value.Equals(sbyte1));

      ushort ushort1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = ushort1: {0,17}", value.Equals(ushort1));

      uint uint1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = uint1: {0,19}", value.Equals(uint1));

      ulong ulong1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = ulong1: {0,18}", value.Equals(ulong1));

      float sng1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = sng1: {0,21}", value.Equals(sng1));

      double dbl1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = dbl1: {0,21}", value.Equals(dbl1));

   private static void TestObjectForEquality(Object obj)
      Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) = {2} ({3}): {4}\n",
                        value, value.GetType().Name,
                        obj, obj.GetType().Name,
// The example displays the following output:
//       value = byte1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Byte): False
//       value = short1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int16): False
//       value = int1:                True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int32): False
//       value = long1:               True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int64): False
//       value = sbyte1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (SByte): False
//       value = ushort1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt16): False
//       value = uint1:                True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt32): False
//       value = ulong1:               True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt64): False
//       value = sng1:                 False
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Single): False
//       value = dbl1:                 False
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Double): False
let value = 112m

let testObjectForEquality (obj: obj) =
    printfn $"{value} ({value.GetType().Name}) = {obj} ({obj.GetType().Name}): {value.Equals obj}\n"

let byte1 = 112uy
printfn $"value = byte1: {value.Equals byte1,17}"
testObjectForEquality byte1

let short1 = 112s
printfn $"value = short1: {value.Equals short1,17}"
testObjectForEquality short1

let int1 = 112
printfn $"value = int1: {value.Equals int1,19}"
testObjectForEquality int1

let long1 = 112L
printfn $"value = long1: {value.Equals long1,18}"
testObjectForEquality long1

let sbyte1 = 112y
printfn $"value = sbyte1: {value.Equals sbyte1,17}"
testObjectForEquality sbyte1

let ushort1 = 112us
printfn $"value = ushort1: {value.Equals ushort1,17}"
testObjectForEquality ushort1

let uint1 = 112u
printfn $"value = uint1: {value.Equals uint1,19}"
testObjectForEquality uint1

let ulong1 = 112uL
printfn $"value = ulong1: {value.Equals ulong1,18}"
testObjectForEquality ulong1

let sng1 = 112f
printfn $"value = sng1: {value.Equals sng1,21}"
testObjectForEquality sng1

let dbl1 = 112.
printfn $"value = dbl1: {value.Equals dbl1,21}"
testObjectForEquality dbl1

// The example displays the following output:
//       value = byte1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Byte): False
//       value = short1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int16): False
//       value = int1:                True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int32): False
//       value = long1:               True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int64): False
//       value = sbyte1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (SByte): False
//       value = ushort1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt16): False
//       value = uint1:                True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt32): False
//       value = ulong1:               True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt64): False
//       value = sng1:                 False
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Single): False
//       value = dbl1:                 False
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Double): False
Module Example
   Dim value As Decimal = 112d
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim byte1 As Byte = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = byte1: {0,17}", value.Equals(byte1))
      Dim short1 As Short = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = short1: {0,17}", value.Equals(short1))

      Dim int1 As Integer = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = int1: {0,19}", value.Equals(int1))

      Dim long1 As Long = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = long1: {0,18}", value.Equals(long1))

      Dim sbyte1 As SByte = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = sbyte1: {0,17}", value.Equals(sbyte1))
      Dim ushort1 As UShort = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = ushort1: {0,17}", value.Equals(ushort1))

      Dim uint1 As UInteger = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = uint1: {0,19}", value.Equals(uint1))

      Dim ulong1 As ULong = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = ulong1: {0,18}", value.Equals(ulong1))

      Dim sng1 As Single = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = sng1: {0,21}", value.Equals(sng1))

      Dim dbl1 As Double = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = dbl1: {0,21}", value.Equals(dbl1))
   End Sub
   Private Sub TestObjectForEquality(obj As Object)
      Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) = {2} ({3}): {4}",
                        value, value.GetType().Name,
                        obj, obj.GetType().Name,
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       value = byte1:              True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Byte): False
'       value = short1:              True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int16): False
'       value = int1:                True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int32): False
'       value = long1:               True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int64): False
'       value = sbyte1:              True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (SByte): False
'       value = ushort1:              True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt16): False
'       value = uint1:                True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt32): False
'       value = ulong1:               True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt64): False
'       value = sng1:                 False
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Single): False
'       value = dbl1:                 False
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Double): False





傳回值,指出這個實例和指定的 Object 是否代表相同的型別和值。

 override bool Equals(System::Object ^ value);
public override bool Equals (object value);
public override bool Equals (object? value);
override this.Equals : obj -> bool
Public Overrides Function Equals (value As Object) As Boolean





如果 valueDecimal 且等於這個實例,true;否則,false


下列程式代碼範例會使用 Equals 方法,比較數個 Decimal 和其他對象與參考 Decimal 值。

// Example of the Decimal::CompareTo and Decimal::Equals instance 
// methods.
using namespace System;

// Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
String^ GetExceptionType( Exception^ ex )
   String^ exceptionType = ex->GetType()->ToString();
   return exceptionType->Substring( exceptionType->LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

// Compare the Decimal to the Object parameters, 
// and display the Object parameters with the results.
void CompDecimalToObject( Decimal Left, Object^ Right, String^ RightText )
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}", String::Concat( "Object: ", RightText ), Right );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}", "Left.Equals( Object )", Left.Equals( Right ) );
   Console::Write( "{0,-46}", "Left.CompareTo( Object )" );
      // Catch the exception if CompareTo( ) throws one.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}\n", Left.CompareTo( Right ) );
   catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}\n", GetExceptionType( ex ) );


int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Decimal::Equals( Object* ) and \n"
   "Decimal::CompareTo( Object* ) methods generates the \n"
   "following output. It creates several different "
   "Decimal \nvalues and compares them with the following "
   "reference value.\n" );
   // Create a reference Decimal value.
   Decimal Left = Decimal(987.654);
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}\n", "Left: Decimal( 987.654 )", Left );
   // Create objects to compare with the reference.
   CompDecimalToObject( Left, Decimal(9.8765400E+2), "Decimal( 9.8765400E+2 )" );
   CompDecimalToObject( Left, Decimal::Parse( "987.6541" ), "Decimal::Parse( \"987.6541\" )" );
   CompDecimalToObject( Left, Decimal::Parse( "987.6539" ), "Decimal::Parse( \"987.6539\" )" );
   CompDecimalToObject( Left, Decimal(987654000,0,0,false,6), "Decimal( 987654000, 0, 0, false, 6 )" );
   CompDecimalToObject( Left, 9.8765400E+2, "Double 9.8765400E+2" );
   CompDecimalToObject( Left, "987.654", "String \"987.654\"" );

This example of the Decimal::Equals( Object* ) and
Decimal::CompareTo( Object* ) methods generates the
following output. It creates several different Decimal
values and compares them with the following reference value.

Left: Decimal( 987.654 )                      987.654

Object: Decimal( 9.8765400E+2 )               987.654
Left.Equals( Object )                         True
Left.CompareTo( Object )                      0

Object: Decimal::Parse( "987.6541" )          987.6541
Left.Equals( Object )                         False
Left.CompareTo( Object )                      -1

Object: Decimal::Parse( "987.6539" )          987.6539
Left.Equals( Object )                         False
Left.CompareTo( Object )                      1

Object: Decimal( 987654000, 0, 0, false, 6 )  987.654000
Left.Equals( Object )                         True
Left.CompareTo( Object )                      0

Object: Double 9.8765400E+2                   987.654
Left.Equals( Object )                         False
Left.CompareTo( Object )                      ArgumentException

Object: String "987.654"                      987.654
Left.Equals( Object )                         False
Left.CompareTo( Object )                      ArgumentException
// Example of the decimal.CompareTo and decimal.Equals instance
// methods.
using System;

class DecCompToEqualsObjDemo
    // Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    public static string GetExceptionType( Exception ex )
        string exceptionType = ex.GetType( ).ToString( );
        return exceptionType.Substring(
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );

    // Compare the decimal to the object parameters,
    // and display the object parameters with the results.
    public static void CompDecimalToObject( decimal Left,
        object Right, string RightText )

        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}", "object: "+RightText,
            Right );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}", "Left.Equals( object )",
            Left.Equals( Right ) );
        Console.Write( "{0,-46}", "Left.CompareTo( object )" );

            // Catch the exception if CompareTo( ) throws one.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}\n", Left.CompareTo( Right ) );
        catch( Exception ex )
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}\n", GetExceptionType( ex ) );

    public static void Main( )
            "This example of the decimal.Equals( object ) and \n" +
            "decimal.CompareTo( object ) methods generates the \n" +
            "following output. It creates several different " +
            "decimal \nvalues and compares them with the following " +
            "reference value.\n" );

        // Create a reference decimal value.
        decimal Left = new decimal( 987.654 );

        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}\n",
            "Left: decimal( 987.654 )", Left );

        // Create objects to compare with the reference.
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, new decimal( 9.8765400E+2 ),
            "decimal( 9.8765400E+2 )" );
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, 987.6541M, "987.6541D" );
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, 987.6539M, "987.6539D" );
        CompDecimalToObject( Left,
            new decimal( 987654000, 0, 0, false, 6 ),
            "decimal( 987654000, 0, 0, false, 6 )" );
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, 9.8765400E+2,
            "Double 9.8765400E+2" );
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, "987.654", "String \"987.654\"" );

This example of the decimal.Equals( object ) and
decimal.CompareTo( object ) methods generates the
following output. It creates several different decimal
values and compares them with the following reference value.

Left: decimal( 987.654 )                      987.654

object: decimal( 9.8765400E+2 )               987.654
Left.Equals( object )                         True
Left.CompareTo( object )                      0

object: 987.6541D                             987.6541
Left.Equals( object )                         False
Left.CompareTo( object )                      -1

object: 987.6539D                             987.6539
Left.Equals( object )                         False
Left.CompareTo( object )                      1

object: decimal( 987654000, 0, 0, false, 6 )  987.654000
Left.Equals( object )                         True
Left.CompareTo( object )                      0

object: Double 9.8765400E+2                   987.654
Left.Equals( object )                         False
Left.CompareTo( object )                      ArgumentException

object: String "987.654"                      987.654
Left.Equals( object )                         False
Left.CompareTo( object )                      ArgumentException
// Example of the decimal.CompareTo and decimal.Equals instance
// methods.
open System

// Get the exception type name remove the namespace prefix.
let getExceptionType (ex: exn) =
    let exceptionType = ex.GetType() |> string
    exceptionType.Substring(exceptionType.LastIndexOf '.'  + 1)

// Compare the decimal to the object parameters,
// and display the object parameters with the results.
let compDecimalToObject (left: decimal) (right: obj) (rightText: string) =
    printfn $"object: %-38s{rightText}{right}"
    printfn $"""%-46s{"left.Equals(object)"}{left.Equals right}"""       
    printf $"""%-46s{"left.CompareTo(object)"}"""

        // Catch the exception if CompareTo( ) throws one.
        printfn $"{left.CompareTo right}\n"
    with ex ->
        printfn $"{getExceptionType ex}\n"

    "This example of the decimal.Equals( object ) and \n" +
    "decimal.CompareTo( object ) methods generates the \n" +
    "following output. It creates several different " +
    "decimal \nvalues and compares them with the following " +
    "reference value.\n" )

// Create a reference decimal value.
let left = decimal 987.654

printfn $"""{"Left: decimal(987.654)",-46}{left}\n"""

// Create objects to compare with the reference.
compDecimalToObject left (decimal 9.8765400E+2 ) "decimal(9.8765400E+2)"
compDecimalToObject left 987.6541M "987.6541D"
compDecimalToObject left 987.6539M "987.6539D"
compDecimalToObject left (Decimal(987654000, 0, 0, false, 6uy)) "Decimal(987654000, 0, 0, false, 6)"
compDecimalToObject left 9.8765400E+2 "Double 9.8765400E+2"
compDecimalToObject left "987.654" "String \"987.654\""

// This example of the Decimal.Equals(object) and
// Decimal.CompareTo(object) methods generates the
// following output. It creates several different decimal
// values and compares them with the following reference value.
// Left: decimal(987.654)                        987.654
// object: decimal(9.8765400E+2)                 987.654
// left.Equals(object)                           True
// left.CompareTo(object)                        0
// object: 987.6541D                             987.6541
// left.Equals(object)                           False
// left.CompareTo(object)                        -1
// object: 987.6539D                             987.6539
// left.Equals(object)                           False
// left.CompareTo(object)                        1
// object: Decimal(987654000, 0, 0, false, 6)    987.654000
// left.Equals(object)                           True
// left.CompareTo(object)                        0
// object: Double 9.8765400E+2                   987.654
// left.Equals(object)                           False
// left.CompareTo(object)                        ArgumentException
// object: String "987.654"                      987.654
// left.Equals(object)                           False
// left.CompareTo(object)                        ArgumentException
' Example of the Decimal.CompareTo and Decimal.Equals instance methods.
Module DecCompToEqualsObjDemo
    ' Get the exception type name; remove the namespace prefix.
    Function GetExceptionType( ex As Exception ) As String

        Dim exceptionType   As String = ex.GetType( ).ToString( )
        Return exceptionType.Substring( _
            exceptionType.LastIndexOf( "."c ) + 1 )
    End Function

    ' Compare the Decimal to the Object parameters, 
    ' and display the Object parameters with the results.
    Sub CompDecimalToObject( Left as Decimal, Right as Object, _
        RightText as String )

        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}", "Object: " & RightText, _
            Right )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}", "Left.Equals( Object )", _
            Left.Equals( Right ) )
        Console.Write( "{0,-46}", "Left.CompareTo( Object )" )

        ' Catch the exception if CompareTo( ) throws one.
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}" & vbCrLf, _
                Left.CompareTo( Right ) )
        Catch ex As Exception
            Console.WriteLine( "{0}" & vbCrLf, _
                GetExceptionType( ex ) )
        End Try
    End Sub

    Sub Main( )
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the Decimal.Equals( Object ) " & _
            "and " & vbCrLf & "Decimal.CompareTo( Object ) " & _
            "methods generates the " & vbCrLf & _
            "following output. It creates several different " & _
            "Decimal " & vbCrLf & "values and compares them " & _
            "with the following reference value." & vbCrLf )

        ' Create a reference Decimal value.
        Dim Left as New Decimal( 987.654 )

        Console.WriteLine( "{0,-46}{1}" & vbCrLf, _
            "Left: Decimal( 987.654 )", Left )

        ' Create objects to compare with the reference.
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, New Decimal( 9.8765400E+2 ), _
            "Decimal( 9.8765400E+2 )" )
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, 987.6541D, "987.6541D" )
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, 987.6539D, "987.6539D" )
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, _
            New Decimal( 987654000, 0, 0, false, 6 ), _
            "Decimal( 987654000, 0, 0, false, 6 )" )
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, 9.8765400E+2, _
            "Double 9.8765400E+2" )
        CompDecimalToObject( Left, "987.654", _
            "String ""987.654""" )
    End Sub
End Module 

' This example of the Decimal.Equals( Object ) and
' Decimal.CompareTo( Object ) methods generates the
' following output. It creates several different Decimal
' values and compares them with the following reference value.
' Left: Decimal( 987.654 )                      987.654
' Object: Decimal( 9.8765400E+2 )               987.654
' Left.Equals( Object )                         True
' Left.CompareTo( Object )                      0
' Object: 987.6541D                             987.6541
' Left.Equals( Object )                         False
' Left.CompareTo( Object )                      -1
' Object: 987.6539D                             987.6539
' Left.Equals( Object )                         False
' Left.CompareTo( Object )                      1
' Object: Decimal( 987654000, 0, 0, false, 6 )  987.654000
' Left.Equals( Object )                         True
' Left.CompareTo( Object )                      0
' Object: Double 9.8765400E+2                   987.654
' Left.Equals( Object )                         False
' Left.CompareTo( Object )                      ArgumentException
' Object: String "987.654"                      987.654
' Left.Equals( Object )                         False
' Left.CompareTo( Object )                      ArgumentException


編譯程式多載解析可能會造成兩個 Equals(Object) 方法多載行為明顯差異。 如果定義 value 自變數與 Decimal 之間的隱含轉換,而且自變數未輸入為 Object,編譯程式可能會執行隱含轉換並呼叫 Equals(Decimal) 方法。 否則,它們會呼叫 Equals(Object) 方法,如果其 value 自變數不是 Decimal 值,則一律會傳回 false。 下列範例說明兩個方法多載的行為差異。 在所有基本整數型別,包括帶正負號和無符號型別的情況下,第一個比較會傳回 true,因為編譯程式會自動執行擴大轉換並呼叫 Equals(Decimal) 方法,而第二個比較會傳回 false,因為編譯程式會呼叫 Equals(Object) 方法。

using System;

public class Example
   static decimal value = 112m;

   public static void Main()
      byte byte1= 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = byte1: {0,17}", value.Equals(byte1));

      short short1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = short1: {0,17}", value.Equals(short1));

      int int1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = int1: {0,19}", value.Equals(int1));

      long long1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = long1: {0,18}", value.Equals(long1));

      sbyte sbyte1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = sbyte1: {0,17}", value.Equals(sbyte1));

      ushort ushort1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = ushort1: {0,17}", value.Equals(ushort1));

      uint uint1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = uint1: {0,19}", value.Equals(uint1));

      ulong ulong1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = ulong1: {0,18}", value.Equals(ulong1));

      float sng1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = sng1: {0,21}", value.Equals(sng1));

      double dbl1 = 112;
      Console.WriteLine("value = dbl1: {0,21}", value.Equals(dbl1));

   private static void TestObjectForEquality(Object obj)
      Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) = {2} ({3}): {4}\n",
                        value, value.GetType().Name,
                        obj, obj.GetType().Name,
// The example displays the following output:
//       value = byte1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Byte): False
//       value = short1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int16): False
//       value = int1:                True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int32): False
//       value = long1:               True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int64): False
//       value = sbyte1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (SByte): False
//       value = ushort1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt16): False
//       value = uint1:                True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt32): False
//       value = ulong1:               True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt64): False
//       value = sng1:                 False
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Single): False
//       value = dbl1:                 False
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Double): False
let value = 112m

let testObjectForEquality (obj: obj) =
    printfn $"{value} ({value.GetType().Name}) = {obj} ({obj.GetType().Name}): {value.Equals obj}\n"

let byte1 = 112uy
printfn $"value = byte1: {value.Equals byte1,17}"
testObjectForEquality byte1

let short1 = 112s
printfn $"value = short1: {value.Equals short1,17}"
testObjectForEquality short1

let int1 = 112
printfn $"value = int1: {value.Equals int1,19}"
testObjectForEquality int1

let long1 = 112L
printfn $"value = long1: {value.Equals long1,18}"
testObjectForEquality long1

let sbyte1 = 112y
printfn $"value = sbyte1: {value.Equals sbyte1,17}"
testObjectForEquality sbyte1

let ushort1 = 112us
printfn $"value = ushort1: {value.Equals ushort1,17}"
testObjectForEquality ushort1

let uint1 = 112u
printfn $"value = uint1: {value.Equals uint1,19}"
testObjectForEquality uint1

let ulong1 = 112uL
printfn $"value = ulong1: {value.Equals ulong1,18}"
testObjectForEquality ulong1

let sng1 = 112f
printfn $"value = sng1: {value.Equals sng1,21}"
testObjectForEquality sng1

let dbl1 = 112.
printfn $"value = dbl1: {value.Equals dbl1,21}"
testObjectForEquality dbl1

// The example displays the following output:
//       value = byte1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Byte): False
//       value = short1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int16): False
//       value = int1:                True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int32): False
//       value = long1:               True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int64): False
//       value = sbyte1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (SByte): False
//       value = ushort1:              True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt16): False
//       value = uint1:                True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt32): False
//       value = ulong1:               True
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt64): False
//       value = sng1:                 False
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Single): False
//       value = dbl1:                 False
//       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Double): False
Module Example
   Dim value As Decimal = 112d
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim byte1 As Byte = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = byte1: {0,17}", value.Equals(byte1))
      Dim short1 As Short = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = short1: {0,17}", value.Equals(short1))

      Dim int1 As Integer = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = int1: {0,19}", value.Equals(int1))

      Dim long1 As Long = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = long1: {0,18}", value.Equals(long1))

      Dim sbyte1 As SByte = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = sbyte1: {0,17}", value.Equals(sbyte1))
      Dim ushort1 As UShort = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = ushort1: {0,17}", value.Equals(ushort1))

      Dim uint1 As UInteger = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = uint1: {0,19}", value.Equals(uint1))

      Dim ulong1 As ULong = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = ulong1: {0,18}", value.Equals(ulong1))

      Dim sng1 As Single = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = sng1: {0,21}", value.Equals(sng1))

      Dim dbl1 As Double = 112
      Console.WriteLine("value = dbl1: {0,21}", value.Equals(dbl1))
   End Sub
   Private Sub TestObjectForEquality(obj As Object)
      Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) = {2} ({3}): {4}",
                        value, value.GetType().Name,
                        obj, obj.GetType().Name,
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       value = byte1:              True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Byte): False
'       value = short1:              True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int16): False
'       value = int1:                True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int32): False
'       value = long1:               True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Int64): False
'       value = sbyte1:              True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (SByte): False
'       value = ushort1:              True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt16): False
'       value = uint1:                True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt32): False
'       value = ulong1:               True
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (UInt64): False
'       value = sng1:                 False
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Single): False
'       value = dbl1:                 False
'       112 (Decimal) = 112 (Double): False

