Color.ToArgb 方法


取得這個 Color 結構的 32 位 ARGB 值。

 int ToArgb();
public int ToArgb ();
member this.ToArgb : unit -> int
Public Function ToArgb () As Integer


這個 Color的 32 位 ARGB 值。


下列程式代碼範例是專為搭配 Windows Forms 使用而設計,而且需要 PaintEventArgse,這是 Paint 事件處理程式的參數。 程式代碼會執行下列動作:

  • 逐一查看 KnownColor 列舉元素,以尋找具有非零綠色元件和零值紅色元件且不是系統色彩的所有已知色彩。

  • 在每個反覆項目期間,會將 KnownColor 項目儲存在陣列中,如果它符合準則則為 。

  • 使用筆刷繪製矩形。

每個矩形都會繪製 KnownColor,以符合第一個項目符號中所述的準則。 也會顯示 KnownColor 及其元件值的名稱。

本範例會顯示特定已知色彩、色彩名稱及其四個元件值。 ToArgb 方法會作為顯示元件值的初步步驟。

void ToArgbToStringExample1( PaintEventArgs^ e )
   Graphics^ g = e->Graphics;

   // Color structure used for temporary storage.
   Color someColor = Color::FromArgb( 0 );

   // Array to store KnownColor values that match the criteria.
   array<KnownColor>^colorMatches = gcnew array<KnownColor>(167);

   // Number of matches found.
   int count = 0;

   // Iterate through the KnownColor enums to find all corresponding colors
   // that have a nonzero green component and zero-value red component and
   // that are not system colors.
   for ( KnownColor enumValue = (KnownColor)0; enumValue <= KnownColor::YellowGreen; enumValue = enumValue + (KnownColor)1 )
      someColor = Color::FromKnownColor( enumValue );
      if ( someColor.G != 0 && someColor.R == 0 &&  !someColor.IsSystemColor )
               colorMatches[ count++ ] = enumValue;
   SolidBrush^ myBrush1 = gcnew SolidBrush( someColor );
   System::Drawing::Font^ myFont = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",9 );
   int x = 40;
   int y = 40;

   // Iterate through the matches that were found and display each color that
   // corresponds with the enum value in the array. also display the name of
   // the KnownColor and the ARGB components.
   for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
      // Display the color.
      someColor = Color::FromKnownColor( colorMatches[ i ] );
      myBrush1->Color = someColor;
      g->FillRectangle( myBrush1, x, y, 50, 30 );

      // Display KnownColor name and the four component values. To display the
      // component values:  Use the ToArgb method to get the 32-bit ARGB value
      // of someColor, which was created from a KnownColor. Then create a
      // Color structure from the 32-bit ARGB value and set someColor equal to
      // this new Color structure. Then use the ToString method to convert it to
      // a string.
      g->DrawString( someColor.ToString(), myFont, Brushes::Black, (float)x + 55, (float)y );
      someColor = Color::FromArgb( someColor.ToArgb() );
      g->DrawString( someColor.ToString(), myFont, Brushes::Black, (float)x + 55, (float)y + 15 );
      y += 40;
      public void ToArgbToStringExample1(PaintEventArgs e)
          Graphics     g = e.Graphics;
          // Color structure used for temporary storage.
          Color   someColor = Color.FromArgb(0);
          // Array to store KnownColor values that match the criteria.
          KnownColor[]  colorMatches = new KnownColor[167];
          // Number of matches found.
          int  count = 0; 

          // Iterate through the KnownColor enums to find all corresponding colors
          // that have a nonzero green component and zero-value red component and
          // that are not system colors.
          for (KnownColor enumValue = 0;
              enumValue <= KnownColor.YellowGreen; enumValue++)
              someColor = Color.FromKnownColor(enumValue);
              if (someColor.G != 0 && someColor.R == 0 && !someColor.IsSystemColor)
                  colorMatches[count++] = enumValue;
          SolidBrush  myBrush1 = new SolidBrush(someColor);
          Font        myFont = new Font("Arial", 9);
          int         x = 40;
          int         y = 40;
          // Iterate through the matches that were found and display each color that
          // corresponds with the enum value in the array. also display the name of
          // the KnownColor and the ARGB components.
          for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
              // Display the color.
              someColor = Color.FromKnownColor(colorMatches[i]);
              myBrush1.Color = someColor;
              g.FillRectangle(myBrush1, x, y, 50, 30);
              // Display KnownColor name and the four component values. To display the
              // component values:  Use the ToArgb method to get the 32-bit ARGB value
              // of someColor, which was created from a KnownColor. Then create a
              // Color structure from the 32-bit ARGB value and set someColor equal to
              // this new Color structure. Then use the ToString method to convert it to
              // a string.
              g.DrawString(someColor.ToString(), myFont, Brushes.Black, x + 55, y);
              someColor = Color.FromArgb(someColor.ToArgb());
              g.DrawString(someColor.ToString(), myFont, Brushes.Black, x + 55, y + 15);
              y += 40;
Public Sub ToArgbToStringExample1(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
    Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics

    ' Color structure used for temporary storage.
    Dim someColor As Color = Color.FromArgb(0)

    ' Array to store KnownColor values that match the criteria.
    Dim colorMatches(167) As KnownColor

    ' Number of matches found.
    Dim count As Integer = 0

    ' Iterate through KnownColor enums to find all corresponding colors
    ' that have a non-zero green component and zero-valued red
    ' component and that are not system colors.
    Dim enumValue As KnownColor
    For enumValue = 0 To KnownColor.YellowGreen
        someColor = Color.FromKnownColor(enumValue)
        If someColor.G <> 0 And someColor.R = 0 And _
        Not someColor.IsSystemColor Then
            colorMatches(count) = enumValue
            count += 1
        End If
    Next enumValue
    Dim myBrush1 As New SolidBrush(someColor)
    Dim myFont As New Font("Arial", 9)
    Dim x As Integer = 40
    Dim y As Integer = 40

    ' Iterate through the matches found and display each color that
    ' corresponds with the enum value in the array. Also display the
    ' name of the KnownColor and the ARGB components.
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To count - 1

        ' Display the color.
        someColor = Color.FromKnownColor(colorMatches(i))
        myBrush1.Color = someColor
        g.FillRectangle(myBrush1, x, y, 50, 30)

        ' Display KnownColor name and four component values. To display
        ' component values:  Use the ToArgb method to get the 32-bit
        ' ARGB value of someColor (created from a KnownColor). Create
        ' a Color structure from the 32-bit ARGB value and set someColor
        ' equal to this new Color structure. Then use the ToString method
        ' to convert it to a string.
        g.DrawString(someColor.ToString(), myFont, Brushes.Black, _
        x + 55, y)
        someColor = Color.FromArgb(someColor.ToArgb())
        g.DrawString(someColor.ToString(), myFont, Brushes.Black, _
        x + 55, y + 15)
        y += 40
    Next i
End Sub


32 位 ARGB 值的位元組順序是 AARRGGBB。 以 AA 表示的最顯著位元組 (MSB) 是 Alpha 元件值。 第二個、第三個和第四個字節分別以 RR、GG 和 BB 表示,分別是紅色、綠色和藍色的色彩元件
