CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder.CreateFromLdml(String) 方法


從包含物件表示的指定 XML 檔案,重新組成 CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder 物件。

 static System::Globalization::CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder ^ CreateFromLdml(System::String ^ xmlFileName);
public static System.Globalization.CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder CreateFromLdml (string xmlFileName);
static member CreateFromLdml : string -> System.Globalization.CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder
Public Shared Function CreateFromLdml (xmlFileName As String) As CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder



包含 CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder 物件之 XML 表示的檔案名稱。


新物件,相當於存放在 xmlFileName 參數中的資訊。



xmlFileName 是一個空字串 (""),或是無效的檔案或路徑名稱。

xmlFileName 中的資料不是有效的 XML 格式。


當存取 xmlFileName 時,發生 I/O 錯誤。

xmlFileName 中的資料不是有效的 LDML 格式。


下列範例示範 SaveCreateFromLdml 方法。

// This example demonstrates the CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder.Save and
// CreateFromLdml methods.
// Compile this example with a reference to sysglobl.dll.

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
    string savedCARIB = "mySavedCARIB.xml";
    string msg1 = "The name of the original CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder" +
                  " is \"{0}\".";
    string msg2 = "Reconstituting the CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object " +
                  "from \"{0}\".";
    string msg3 = "The name of the reconstituted CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder" +
                  " is \"{0}\".";

// Construct a new, privately used culture that extends the en-US culture
// provided by the .NET Framework. In this sample, the CultureAndRegion-
// Types.Specific parameter creates a minimal CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder
// object that you must populate with culture and region information.

    CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder cib1 = null;
    CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder cib2 = null;
    try {
        cib1 = new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder(
                           "x-en-US-sample", CultureAndRegionModifiers.None);
    catch (ArgumentException ae)

// Populate the new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object with culture information.
    CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-US");

// Populate the new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object with region information.
    RegionInfo  ri = new RegionInfo("US");

// Display a property of the new custom culture.
    Console.WriteLine(msg1, cib1.CultureName);

// Save the new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object in the specified file in
// LDML format. The file is saved in the same directory as the application
// that calls the Save method.

    Console.WriteLine("Saving the custom culture to a file...");
    try {
        cib1.Save( savedCARIB );
    catch (IOException exc)
        Console.WriteLine("** I/O exception: {0}", exc.Message);

// Create a new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object from the persisted file.
    Console.WriteLine(msg2, savedCARIB);
    try {
        cib2 = CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder.CreateFromLdml( savedCARIB );
    catch (XmlException xe)
        Console.WriteLine("** XML validation exception: {0}", xe.Message);

// Display a property of the resonstituted custom culture.
    Console.WriteLine(msg3, cib2.CultureName);

// At this point you could call the Register method and make the reconstituted
// custom culture available to other applications. The mySavedCARIB.xml file
// remains on your computer.

This code example produces the following results:

The name of the original CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder is "x-en-US-sample".
Saving the custom culture to a file...
Reconstituting the CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object from "mySavedCARIB.xml".
The name of the reconstituted CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder is "x-en-US-sample".

' This example demonstrates the CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder.Save and 
' CreateFromLdml methods.
' Compile this example with a reference to sysglobl.dll.

Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml

Class Sample
    Public Shared Sub Main() 
        Dim savedCARIB As String = "mySavedCARIB.xml"
        Dim msg1 As String = "The name of the original CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder" & _
                             " is ""{0}""."
        Dim msg2 As String = "Reconstituting the CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object " & _
                             "from ""{0}""."
        Dim msg3 As String = "The name of the reconstituted CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder" & _
                             " is ""{0}""."

        ' Construct a new, privately used culture that extends the en-US culture 
        ' provided by the .NET Framework. In this sample, the CultureAndRegion-
        ' Types.Specific parameter creates a minimal CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder 
        ' object that you must populate with culture and region information.

        Dim cib1 As CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder = Nothing
        Dim cib2 As CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder = Nothing
            cib1 = New CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder("x-en-US-sample", _
        Catch ae As ArgumentException
        End Try
        ' Populate the new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object with culture information.
        Dim ci As New CultureInfo("en-US")
        ' Populate the new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object with region information.
        Dim ri As New RegionInfo("US")
        ' Display a property of the new custom culture.
        Console.WriteLine(msg1, cib1.CultureName)
        ' Save the new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object in the specified file in
        ' LDML format. The file is saved in the same directory as the application 
        ' that calls the Save method.

        Console.WriteLine("Saving the custom culture to a file...")
        Catch exc As IOException
            Console.WriteLine("** I/O exception: {0}", exc.Message)
        End Try
        ' Create a new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object from the persisted file.
        Console.WriteLine(msg2, savedCARIB)
            cib2 = CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder.CreateFromLdml(savedCARIB)
        Catch xe As XmlException
            Console.WriteLine("** XML validation exception: {0}", xe.Message)
        End Try
        ' Display a property of the resonstituted custom culture.
        Console.WriteLine(msg3, cib2.CultureName)

        ' At this point you could call the Register method and make the reconstituted
        ' custom culture available to other applications. The mySavedCARIB.xml file
        ' remains on your computer.

    End Sub
End Class

'This code example produces the following results:
'The name of the original CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder is "x-en-US-sample".
'Saving the custom culture to a file...
'Reconstituting the CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object from "mySavedCARIB.xml".
'The name of the reconstituted CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder is "x-en-US-sample".


參數 xmlFileName 會指定檔名,其中包含 物件的 XML 表示 CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder 。 XML 檔案的格式稱為 Locale Data Markup Language (LDML) 1.1 版。 系統會使用 中的數據xmlFileName建立並初始化新的 CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder 物件。 方法 Save 會執行 方法的 CreateFromLdml 反向作業。

在LDML檔案中,文化特性的屬性會指定為區段中元素 <special> 的子元素 <identity> 。 屬性值通常是由元素的 type 屬性指定。 例如,下列來自LDML檔案的摘錄會將文化特性的父系定義為英文中性文化特性。

   <version number="1.1">ldml version 1.1</version>
   <generation date="2012-05-16" />
   <special xmlns:msLocale="">
      <!-content removed -->
      <msLocale:parentName type="en" />
      <!-content removed -->

For more information about the LDML standard, see Unicode Technical Standard #35, "Locale Data Markup Language (LDML)" on the Unicode Consortium website.

