FileSystemSecurity.RemoveAuditRule(FileSystemAuditRule) 方法



 bool RemoveAuditRule(System::Security::AccessControl::FileSystemAuditRule ^ rule);
public bool RemoveAuditRule (System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule rule);
override this.RemoveAuditRule : System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule -> bool
Public Function RemoveAuditRule (rule As FileSystemAuditRule) As Boolean



FileSystemAuditRule 物件,表示要從檔案或目錄中移除的稽核規則。


true 如果已移除稽核規則,則為 ;否則為 false


rule 參數為 null


下列程式代碼範例會 AddAuditRule 使用 方法,將稽核規則新增至檔案,並使用 RemoveAuditRule 方法從檔案中移除稽核規則。 您必須提供有效的使用者或群組帳戶,才能執行這個範例。

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.AccessControl;

namespace FileSystemExample
    class FileExample
        public static void Main()
                string FileName = "test.xml";

                Console.WriteLine("Adding access control entry for " + FileName);

                // Add the access control entry to the file.
                AddFileAuditRule(FileName, @"MYDOMAIN\MyAccount", FileSystemRights.ReadData, AuditFlags.Failure);

                Console.WriteLine("Removing access control entry from " + FileName);

                // Remove the access control entry from the file.
                RemoveFileAuditRule(FileName, @"MYDOMAIN\MyAccount", FileSystemRights.ReadData, AuditFlags.Failure);

            catch (IOException e)
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to open the file: " + e.Message);
            catch (PrivilegeNotHeldException e)
                Console.WriteLine("The current account does not have the correct privileges: " + e.Message);


        // Adds an ACL entry on the specified file for the specified account.
        public static void AddFileAuditRule(string FileName, string Account, FileSystemRights Rights, AuditFlags AuditRule)

            // Get a FileSecurity object that represents the
            // current security settings.
            FileSecurity fSecurity = File.GetAccessControl(FileName);

            // Add the FileSystemAuditRule to the security settings.
            fSecurity.AddAuditRule(new FileSystemAuditRule(Account,

            // Set the new access settings.
            File.SetAccessControl(FileName, fSecurity);

        // Removes an ACL entry on the specified file for the specified account.
        public static void RemoveFileAuditRule(string FileName, string Account, FileSystemRights Rights, AuditFlags AuditRule)

            // Get a FileSecurity object that represents the
            // current security settings.
            FileSecurity fSecurity = File.GetAccessControl(FileName);

            // Add the FileSystemAuditRule to the security settings.
            fSecurity.RemoveAuditRule(new FileSystemAuditRule(Account,

            // Set the new access settings.
            File.SetAccessControl(FileName, fSecurity);
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security.AccessControl

Module FileExample

    Sub Main()
            Dim FileName As String = "test.xml"

            Console.WriteLine("Adding access control entry for " + FileName)

            ' Add the access control entry to the file.
            AddFileAuditRule(FileName, "MYDOMAIN\MyAccount", FileSystemRights.ReadData, AuditFlags.Failure)

            Console.WriteLine("Removing access control entry from " + FileName)

            ' Remove the access control entry from the file.
            RemoveFileAuditRule(FileName, "MYDOMAIN\MyAccount", FileSystemRights.ReadData, AuditFlags.Failure)

        Catch e As IOException
            Console.WriteLine("Unable to open the file: " & e.Message)
        Catch e As PrivilegeNotHeldException
            Console.WriteLine("The current account does not have the correct privileges: " & e.Message)
        End Try


    End Sub

    ' Adds an ACL entry on the specified file for the specified account.
    Sub AddFileAuditRule(ByVal FileName As String, ByVal Account As String, ByVal Rights As FileSystemRights, ByVal AuditRule As AuditFlags)

        ' Get a FileSecurity object that represents the 
        ' current security settings.
        Dim fSecurity As FileSecurity = File.GetAccessControl(FileName)

        ' Add the FileSystemAuditRule to the security settings. 
        fSecurity.AddAuditRule(New FileSystemAuditRule(Account, Rights, AuditRule))

        ' Set the new access settings.
        File.SetAccessControl(FileName, fSecurity)

    End Sub

    ' Removes an ACL entry on the specified file for the specified account.
    Sub RemoveFileAuditRule(ByVal FileName As String, ByVal Account As String, ByVal Rights As FileSystemRights, ByVal AuditRule As AuditFlags)

        ' Get a FileSecurity object that represents the 
        ' current security settings.
        Dim fSecurity As FileSecurity = File.GetAccessControl(FileName)

        ' Add the FileSystemAuditRule to the security settings. 
        fSecurity.RemoveAuditRule(New FileSystemAuditRule(Account, Rights, AuditRule))

        ' Set the new access settings.
        File.SetAccessControl(FileName, fSecurity)

    End Sub
End Module


方法RemoveAuditRule會從目前 FileSystemSecurity 物件中移除所有相符Deny的稽核規則或所有相符Allow的稽核規則。 例如,您可以使用這個方法來移除使用者的所有 Deny 稽核規則,方法是傳遞 FileSystemAuditRule 使用 Deny 值、 Failure 值和用戶帳戶建立的物件。 當您這樣做時,RemoveAuditRule方法會移除指定值或Success值的任何拒絕規則Failure
