Executables.Join(Executable) Methode


Fügt der Executables-Auflistung ein vorhandenes Container- oder Taskobjekt hinzu.

 void Join(Microsoft::SqlServer::Dts::Runtime::Executable ^ executable);
public void Join (Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Executable executable);
member this.Join : Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Executable -> unit
Public Sub Join (executable As Executable)



Der Name des vorhandenen TaskHost für den Container oder den Task.


Im folgenden Beispiel wird eine Masseneinfügeaufgabe erstellt und einige Eigenschaften festgelegt. Der Vorgang "Massen einfügen" wird dann aus dem ersten Paket entfernt und dem zweiten Paket hinzugefügt. Die eigenschaften, die festgelegt wurden, während es Teil des ersten Pakets war, bleiben unverändert.

using System;  
using System.Collections.Generic;  
using System.Text;  
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;  
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.BulkInsertTask;  

namespace Executables_API  
    class Program  
        static void Main(string[] args)  
                      // Create the package and add the BulkInsertTask.  
                      Package pkg = new Package();  
                      Executable exec = pkg.Executables.Add("STOCK:BulkInsertTask");  
                      TaskHost myTask = exec as TaskHost;  
                      BulkInsertTask myBI = myTask.InnerObject as BulkInsertTask;  
                      myBI.DebugMode= false;  
                      myBI.CheckConstraints = false;  
                      myBI.KeepIdentity = true;  

                      // Obtain the collection.  
                      Executables pgkExecs = pkg.Executables;  
                      // Show the number of executables in the collection.  
                      Console.WriteLine("The first package contains {0} executables", pgkExecs.Count);  

                       // It is a requirement to Remove the task from the  
                      // existing package before adding it to the new package.  
                      // Show the number of executables in the collection afterwards.  
                      Console.WriteLine("The first package now contains {0} executables", pgkExecs.Count);  

                      Package pkg2 = new Package();  
                      Executables p2Execs = pkg2.Executables;  
                      // Show the number of executables in the second collection.  
                      Console.WriteLine("The second package initially contains {0} executables", p2Execs.Count);  
                      // Join the task from pkg to pkg2.  
                      // Show the number of executables in the second collection after Join.  
                      Console.WriteLine("The second package now contains {0} executables", p2Execs.Count);  
Imports System  
Imports System.Collections.Generic  
Imports System.Text  
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime  
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.BulkInsertTask  

Namespace Executables_API  
    Class Program  
        Shared  Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)  
                      ' Create the package and add the BulkInsertTask.  
                      Dim pkg As Package =  New Package()   
                      Dim exec As Executable =  pkg.Executables.Add("STOCK:BulkInsertTask")   
                      Dim myTask As TaskHost =  exec as TaskHost   
                      Dim myBI As BulkInsertTask =  myTask.InnerObject as BulkInsertTask   
                      myBI.DebugMode= False  
                      myBI.CheckConstraints = False  
                      myBI.KeepIdentity = True  

                      ' Obtain the collection.  
                      Dim pgkExecs As Executables =  pkg.Executables   
                      ' Show the number of executables in the collection.  
                      Console.WriteLine("The first package contains {0} executables", pgkExecs.Count)  

                       ' It is a requirement to Remove the task from the  
                      ' existing package before adding it to the new package.  
                      ' Show the number of executables in the collection afterwards.  
                      Console.WriteLine("The first package now contains {0} executables", pgkExecs.Count)  

                      Dim pkg2 As Package =  New Package()   
                      Dim p2Execs As Executables =  pkg2.Executables   
                      ' Show the number of executables in the second collection.  
                      Console.WriteLine("The second package initially contains {0} executables", p2Execs.Count)  
                      ' Join the task from pkg to pkg2.  
                      ' Show the number of executables in the second collection after Join.  
                      Console.WriteLine("The second package now contains {0} executables", p2Execs.Count)  
        End Sub  
    End Class  
End Namespace  


The first package contains 1 executables

The first package now contains 0 executables

The second package initially contains 0 executables

The second package now contains 1 executables


Verwenden Join Sie, wenn Sie einen Container oder eine Aufgabe von einem Container (Quelle) zu einem anderen (Ziel) verschieben. Sie müssen das Objekt aus dem Quellcontainer Remove entfernen, bevor Sie das Ziel aufrufen Join .

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