2,073 questions with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) tags

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1 answer

Find creation source (user) of azure resources in AKS made with kubectl

To comply to auditing rules we need to log who created, deleted , changed an azure item. When using kubectl the logging logs only the application ID of the kubernetes cluster, but in reality an user initiated the action. We need to find a (automated…

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-08-31T11:39:25.283+00:00
Marouane Benjelloun Andaloussi 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-09-07T14:45:13.647+00:00
prmanhas-MSFT 17,891 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Does AKS need azure monitor

Hello, We are using only azure kubernetes service and its dashboard is enabled with 2 GPU NC6 nodes attached. We are not using any other service in azure. Using kubectl and dashboard we can easily check pod/nodes logs. Is it necessary to buy and…

Azure Monitor
Azure Monitor
An Azure service that is used to collect, analyze, and act on telemetry data from Azure and on-premises environments.
3,196 questions
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-09-05T06:11:23.763+00:00
Tanul 1,281 Reputation points
commented 2020-09-06T12:20:24.463+00:00
Tanul 1,281 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Availability of NC6_promo machines once offer ends

Hello, Currently in east us, GPU based promotional offer machines are available. In production, we already have 2 NC6 nodes running within AKS. As per microsoft, once the promotional offer is over it is not allowed to create new promo machines but…

Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Virtual Machines
An Azure service that is used to provision Windows and Linux virtual machines.
7,790 questions
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-09-04T22:12:36.053+00:00
Tanul 1,281 Reputation points
commented 2020-09-06T12:11:47.337+00:00
Didier3001 991 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer

AKS cluster in strange state after subscription has been disabled/re-enabled

Hi there! I run a production AKS cluster at the Alan Turing Institute and our internal process of allocating credits to subscriptions often means that mean subs get disabled and re-enabled after some time. Upon re-enabling the sub, I find the AKS…

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-09-02T19:40:14.063+00:00
Sarah Gibson 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-09-03T11:22:07.123+00:00
Sarah Gibson 1 Reputation point
1 answer

Log Analytics Workspace: understanding data ingestion sources

I recently activated a Log Analytics Workspace for my AKS cluster and I had half of my ingested data coming from "LogManagement", while the other half from "ContainerInsight". What is "LogManagement" and how can I reduce…

Azure Monitor
Azure Monitor
An Azure service that is used to collect, analyze, and act on telemetry data from Azure and on-premises environments.
3,196 questions
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-08-21T16:29:00.893+00:00
Nicholas Fiorentini 21 Reputation points
commented 2020-09-02T18:35:46.15+00:00
KarishmaTiwari-MSFT 19,872 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

How can I assign and access public IPs for my (VMSS) AKS nodes?

I'm attempting to setup the demo AKS architecture referenced here: https://video2.skills-academy.com/en-us/gaming/azure/reference-architectures/multiplayer-synchronous-aks Unfortunately the steps provided in the referenced repository for VMSS no longer…

Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Virtual Machines
An Azure service that is used to provision Windows and Linux virtual machines.
7,790 questions
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-08-11T21:24:58.217+00:00
Kenneth Miner 21 Reputation points
accepted 2020-09-01T22:35:09.29+00:00
Kenneth Miner 21 Reputation points
1 answer

Deploy ML model to Kubernetes + overwrite previous endpoint

I'm building a CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps for the deployment of my Machine Learning model to Azure Kubernetes Service. I have the following task in my YAML pipeline file (replaced some of the values with '...'): - task: AzureCLI@1 displayName:…

Azure Machine Learning
Azure Machine Learning
An Azure machine learning service for building and deploying models.
2,846 questions
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-08-26T07:12:45.377+00:00
Axel Vandevelde 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-08-28T04:08:04.01+00:00
Ramr-msft 17,736 Reputation points
1 answer

will resources touched by the aks-preview CLI extension change the status of that resource to being 'in preview'

Hi, will resources touched by the aks-preview CLI extension change the status of that resource to being 'in preview'? Can we use autoscale profile 'scale-down-utilization-threshold' without the cluster status going into 'preview' mode?

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-08-14T11:05:38.823+00:00
commented 2020-08-27T06:46:26.273+00:00
prmanhas-MSFT 17,891 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
0 answers

AKS new cluster with Standard_B2s machine forces use of Premium SSD

Hi there, When creating a new AKS cluster using a Standard_B2s and Virtual machine scale set it forces a Premium SSD disk that cannot be downgraded to Standard HDD. This was confirmed by Microsoft with a support ticket. So, my questions: This…

Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Virtual Machines
An Azure service that is used to provision Windows and Linux virtual machines.
7,790 questions
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-08-21T16:16:22.717+00:00
Nicholas Fiorentini 21 Reputation points
commented 2020-08-27T02:47:57.857+00:00
KarishmaTiwari-MSFT 19,872 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
0 answers

Dynamic Admission Webhook fails to post to external URL

Timeout on POST request to external URL: I am following this guide to add a Validatingwebhookconfiguration to my AKS cluster. Here is my configuration which works on my local Kubernetes setup with Kind or Docker-desktop. apiVersion:…

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-08-18T01:42:00.827+00:00
Rahul Rai 1 Reputation point MVP
commented 2020-08-24T04:54:43.383+00:00
vipullag-MSFT 26,211 Reputation points
0 answers

Autoscale node works very slow due to oms image pulling

Normal Pulling 12m32s kubelet, xxxxxxx Pulling image "http://mcr.microsoft.com/azuremonitor/containerinsights/ciprod:win-ciprod05262020-2" how does suppose nodes autoscaling should work nice and easy if pulling image (already pulled on…

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-08-07T11:44:54.21+00:00
Darius Bzowka 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-08-20T17:06:36.353+00:00
KarishmaTiwari-MSFT 19,872 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

.net Rest Service running in Azure Kuberneste Service need to access Azure key vault protected with AAD

Hi All, Please let me know if my below design works fine I have a .net Core Rest service running in Azure kubernetes,this .net service need to access the Azure keyVault (protected with Azure Active directory ) to get access the Key and Secrets. I…

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-08-16T04:13:44.29+00:00
Amar-Azure-Practice 661 Reputation points
accepted 2020-08-20T00:36:25.27+00:00
Amar-Azure-Practice 661 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Azure: How to increase subscription read throttling limits per hour

Hello! Recently we've faced an exception with Status code 429 saying "TooManyRequests" and the message: "The request is being throttled as the limit has been reached for operation type - Read_PerHour.". As far as the documentation…

Azure Storage Accounts
Azure Storage Accounts
Globally unique resources that provide access to data management services and serve as the parent namespace for the services.
3,105 questions
Azure Blob Storage
Azure Blob Storage
An Azure service that stores unstructured data in the cloud as blobs.
2,787 questions
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-08-10T15:24:57.797+00:00
Anastasiia Ilina 71 Reputation points
commented 2020-08-11T08:16:44.427+00:00
Anastasiia Ilina 71 Reputation points
1 answer

Deploying a multi-container application to Azure Kubernetes Service without using Azure DevOps

Deploying a multi-container application to Azure Kubernetes Services without using Azure DevOps We have use case with Java Application (Spring ) with oracle Database as two containers . We have to try the same in AKS ( Not using Azure DevOps). Java…

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-07-26T10:09:58.713+00:00
Rajasekhar 21 Reputation points
commented 2020-08-07T06:12:33.047+00:00
vipullag-MSFT 26,211 Reputation points
1 answer

Cheapest Way to Create Temporary Azure Kubernetes Cluster for Testing Code?

Since I'm trying to stretch my azure dollars and since I'm not in production yet, I'm creating kubernetes clusters, deploying some code, testing it and deleting the cluster with this command. I'm creating with this command: az.cmd aks create -g…

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-08-03T17:36:46.943+00:00
Siegfried Heintze 1,881 Reputation points
commented 2020-08-07T04:12:38.857+00:00
vipullag-MSFT 26,211 Reputation points
1 answer

What is the command for root access in Ubuntu VM ?

Hi, I have created a k8s service in Azure and the Vm is Ubuntu, i cant able to login as root inside, what command does it accept? I tried sudo su- root, sudo su, su, but noting works here, Pl help or I need to create a new VM Instance and connect it…

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-07-24T16:03:54.587+00:00
azure-k8s 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-08-06T10:14:24.937+00:00
prmanhas-MSFT 17,891 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

azure kubernetes services Nodes Backup?

Hello Team, We have deployed azure kubernetes services(AKS) in the enviroment? How I can take backup of nodes in AKS cluster? also how to backup azure container registry in which we have docker images?

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-07-23T18:22:40.943+00:00
Girish 61 Reputation points
accepted 2020-07-24T13:52:17.847+00:00
Girish 61 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Unsupported Kubernetes version is detected - But I'm on the latest version!

Hi. I've got an Advisor recommendation on my AKS cluster (UK South) saying : Unsupported Kubernetes version is detected The portal says I am running v 11.8.4 So, as per - https://video2.skills-academy.com/en-us/azure/aks/upgrade-cluster I run: …

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-07-22T12:54:25.137+00:00
Will Newman 41 Reputation points
commented 2020-07-23T16:13:42.3+00:00
Will Newman 41 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Azure ML Enpoint deployment failed EAST US region

I have an Azure ML Real-time inference endpoint deployed ran for a month till yesterday. Today it is in the state of "Failed". I did create a new compute and did a new deployment in the same region EAST US and it failed again. What's going?…

Azure Machine Learning
Azure Machine Learning
An Azure machine learning service for building and deploying models.
2,846 questions
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
7,663 questions
asked 2020-07-17T00:25:30.06+00:00
DaLi 61 Reputation points
accepted 2020-07-17T02:47:06.763+00:00
DaLi 61 Reputation points
3 answers

Downgrading AKS version to stable version from preview version

I have recently upgraded the AKS version from 1.17.5 to 1.18.1 version and i found that it is in preview and it should not be used in production .I tried to downgrade by having yaml script written through azure CLI through cloud shell etc none of them…

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,073 questions
asked 2020-07-08T05:51:14.523+00:00
aditya Tangirala 16 Reputation points
answered 2020-07-14T11:53:38.017+00:00
Kasun Rajapakse 431 Reputation points