402 questions with Microsoft Advertising API tags

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Microsoft広告スクリプトに以下のようなコードを記述したところ、 ReferenceError: 'AdsUtilities' is not defined at main (script code:2:3) というエラーが表示されるため、どのように記述するのが適切か教えていただけますと嬉しいです。 function main() { const accountId = AdsUtilities.getCurrentAccountId(); const today = new…

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
Microsoft Advertising
Microsoft Advertising
A platform for Microsoft's advertising efforts designed to manage all advertising and reporting for partner advertisers. Previously known as Bing Ads and adCenter.
59 questions
asked 2023-08-06T01:42:37.1233333+00:00
tmtk 0 Reputation points
0 answers

After Bulkupload showing audience too small in the customer match list

When I upload thousands of profiles via API into any of my Audiences, the status is still showing "Audience too small". A sample look of my csv is like this. I dont get any errors back. Type,Status,Id,Parent Id,Client Id,Modified…

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
asked 2023-08-02T13:44:58.94+00:00
Agada 0 Reputation points
edited the question 2023-08-03T05:49:53.5766667+00:00
Agada 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Pull Report From Website URL (publisher) in the UI with bing ads scripts

I'm trying to pull the urls where ads showed. How do I do that? Below is where to find that in the UI.

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
asked 2022-09-23T22:27:00.92+00:00
Austin Pena 6 Reputation points
edited an answer 2023-08-02T09:45:17.6666667+00:00
Searchvision Dev 0 Reputation points
0 answers

How to get hourly data for campaigns with Bing Ads API

Good afternoon team, Currently at work we are facing the difficulty of getting the hourly data for the campaigns through the API. We can bring the data but not the same as shown in the Bing Ads UI. We currently have a process for this written with the…

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
asked 2023-07-31T16:24:09.5766667+00:00
Mariano Buglione 0 Reputation points
0 answers

How do I clear existing bid for Dynamic ad target (i.e. Webpage criterion) using Bing Ads API?

Request:<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Header> <AuthenticationToken xmlns="https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13">*****</AuthenticationToken> …

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
asked 2023-07-28T20:32:06.69+00:00
Kevin Nguyen 1 Reputation point
commented 2023-07-28T20:32:48.3766667+00:00
Kevin Nguyen 1 Reputation point
0 answers

Duplicate domain error with aggregator account for creating a store for partner site

We operate with partner stores that grant us permission to promote their products on Microsoft Shopping. However, the support we have received from Microsoft is unproductive. Despite several months of effort, we have been unable to create a single store…

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
Microsoft Advertising
Microsoft Advertising
A platform for Microsoft's advertising efforts designed to manage all advertising and reporting for partner advertisers. Previously known as Bing Ads and adCenter.
59 questions
asked 2023-07-28T13:56:14.1166667+00:00
Farooq Hassan 0 Reputation points
edited the question 2023-07-28T13:57:55.27+00:00
Farooq Hassan 0 Reputation points
0 answers

Intermittent SSLException while invoking Bulk Service in Campaign Management

We started getting SSLException when calling the BulkService in CampaignManagement API che.cxf.jaxws.JaxWsClientProxy.invoke(JaxWsClientProxy.java:145) at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy128.getBulkUploadUrl(Unknown Source) at…

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
asked 2023-07-26T14:02:33.93+00:00
Ask Media Group 5 Reputation points
commented 2023-07-28T13:38:23.67+00:00
Markus Heiden 0 Reputation points
0 answers

AADSTS700082: The refresh token has expired due to inactivity

Hi! We have error called refresh token has expired due to inactivity error but we use the refresh_token everyday and we expect it to be refreshed every time. Meaning of refresh_token life span should increase each time. We know that refresh token will…

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
asked 2023-07-28T09:46:50.5066667+00:00
Kaan San 50 Reputation points
3 answers

BingAds: The offline conversion adjustment type is invalid

Hi, I am using Bing Ads API and when I try to perform an OfflineConversionAdjustment I receive the error "The offline conversion adjustment type is invalid" even if I use values defined in documentation. This is my body example: …

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
asked 2022-08-16T07:11:16.403+00:00
Tech Webravo 6 Reputation points
answered 2023-07-25T15:07:21.59+00:00
CFJ 0 Reputation points
0 answers

How to get the url of the product linked to the product advertisement

The product advertisement says [FinalUrls Not supported for this ad type.] and cannot be obtained. Is it possible to obtain the product URL associated with the product advertisement in another way?

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
asked 2023-07-25T08:23:46.9333333+00:00
ryohei mita 0 Reputation points
0 answers

Getting an Internal Error Exception when Creating Negative Keywords to a Negative Keyword List

I'm trying to add negative keywords to a negative keyword list using Bing Ads .NET SDK but I'm receiving this error message: The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on…

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
asked 2023-07-19T22:24:21.6433333+00:00
Julius Decena 0 Reputation points
0 answers

Bing API. Duplicates in UserLocationPerformanceReportRequest

Hi Team, I see duplicates in the response: Here is the request: POST https://reporting.api.bingads.microsoft.com/Api/Advertiser/Reporting/V13/ReportingService.svc <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope …

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
asked 2023-07-19T09:39:32.0166667+00:00
Daniyar Urazov 0 Reputation points
edited the question 2023-07-19T15:47:29.02+00:00
romungi-MSFT 43,656 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
0 answers

Internal Error when adding negative keywords to a negative keyword list

I'm trying to add negative keywords to a negative keyword list using Bing Ads .NET SDK but I'm receiving this error message: The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on…

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
asked 2023-07-07T22:45:30.1566667+00:00
Julius Decena 0 Reputation points
commented 2023-07-17T19:21:15.3266667+00:00
Julius Decena 0 Reputation points
0 answers

Getting Error code 105 in python

I'm getting error code 105 when using "reporting_service_manager.download_report(reporting_download_parameters)" to download campaign performance report where "reporting_service_manager" is an instance of class…

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
Microsoft Advertising
Microsoft Advertising
A platform for Microsoft's advertising efforts designed to manage all advertising and reporting for partner advertisers. Previously known as Bing Ads and adCenter.
59 questions
asked 2023-07-15T14:32:36.2333333+00:00
Aditya Vaidhya 5 Reputation points
0 answers

PHP sdk - GoogleImportJob Object did not create the correct XML Envelope

I'm trying to use the GoogleImportJob object for the AddImportJobs operation, however, I got an error when submitting it to the api, upon viewing the actual soap envelope, it did not create the expected format. Why is that? here is the php…

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
asked 2023-07-12T11:40:37.6333333+00:00
Josh 0 Reputation points
edited the question 2023-07-13T04:31:22.34+00:00
Josh 0 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Bing ads api - InternalServiceFault when calling PollGenerateReport

I submitted generate report request and got a report id, but failed to poll report status using the id. Here is my SubmitGenerateReport request: <s:Envelope xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"…

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
asked 2023-06-20T07:37:22.6866667+00:00
Juyi Wu 30 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
accepted 2023-07-11T06:57:33.2366667+00:00
Juyi Wu 30 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer

Getting "Authentication failed" error with code 105 when trying to access GetAccountsInfo API

Hello, I'm trying to access GetAccountsInfo API and sending Request SOAP like in this doc: https://video2.skills-academy.com/en-us/advertising/customer-management-service/getaccountsinfo?view=bingads-13#request-soap This is the SOAP i'm…

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
asked 2023-03-17T11:13:41.37+00:00
Andrey 0 Reputation points
commented 2023-07-09T22:25:59.3766667+00:00
Jacob Nolley 0 Reputation points
0 answers

IP Blocking via Bing API

Is there any update if IP Blocking via API will be a feature Bing Ads is exploring? This is something Google does and it's great - wondering if Bing will add IP as a field, just like the site exclusion via API. We have a detailed ads strategy and need…

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
Microsoft Advertising
Microsoft Advertising
A platform for Microsoft's advertising efforts designed to manage all advertising and reporting for partner advertisers. Previously known as Bing Ads and adCenter.
59 questions
asked 2023-06-28T13:52:12+00:00
JamesRU 0 Reputation points
commented 2023-07-06T15:54:04.44+00:00
JamesRU 0 Reputation points
0 answers

How to get product group within an ad group using c# code?

There is a JavaScript that can get product groups in a shopping campaign. https://video2.skills-academy.com/en-us/advertising/scripts/reference/productgroup But can I get prodcut groups in my c# code? I didn't find it in the api document.

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
asked 2023-07-06T08:23:18.28+00:00
Juyi Wu 30 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
0 answers

Authentication failed. Either supplied credentials are invalid or the account is inactive

I am having this error trying to make a GetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest. Below is the request and response. I have a valid Account Id, CustomerId, Developer Token and Access Token <s:Envelope…

Microsoft Advertising API
Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
402 questions
asked 2023-07-05T07:17:06.02+00:00
Nsisong Okon 15 Reputation points