MessageCallback Interface

public interface MessageCallback

An interface for an IoT Hub message callback.

The developer is expected to create an implementation of this interface, and the transport will call onCloudToDeviceMessageReceived(Message message, Object callbackContext) upon receiving a message from an IoT Hub.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
IotHubMessageResult onCloudToDeviceMessageReceived(Message message, Object callbackContext)

Executes the callback. The callback should return a response that instructs an IoT Hub to COMPLETE, ABANDON, or REJECT the message.

If this callback throws an exception it will not complete the message and can cause the messages to build up on the IoT hub until they expire. This can prevent further message delivery until all messages are expired or completed from IoT hub.

Method Details


public IotHubMessageResult onCloudToDeviceMessageReceived(Message message, Object callbackContext)

Executes the callback. The callback should return a response that instructs an IoT Hub to COMPLETE, ABANDON, or REJECT the message.

If this callback throws an exception it will not complete the message and can cause the messages to build up on the IoT hub until they expire. This can prevent further message delivery until all messages are expired or completed from IoT hub.


message - the message.
callbackContext - a custom context given by the developer.


whether the IoT Hub should COMPLETE, ABANDON, or REJECT the message.

Applies to