Porting Protocol Binding Operations to NDIS 6.0

As with NDIS 5.x, NDIS 6.0 protocol drivers can support multiple protocol bindings. A protocol binding is a binding instance of a protocol driver. A protocol binding binds an NDIS protocol driver to a miniport adapter. To initialize a protocol binding, NDIS 5.x calls the protocol driver's ProtocolBindAdapter function. In NDIS 6.0, the ProtocolBindAdapterEx function replaces ProtocolBindAdapter.

The following topics provide information about porting protocol binding operations to NDIS 6.0:

Updating the ProtocolBindAdapter Function for an NDIS 6.0 Protocol Driver

Opening an Adapter in an NDIS 6.0 Protocol Driver

Reading the Registry in an NDIS 6.0 Protocol Driver

Allocating Memory in an NDIS 6.0 Protocol Driver