ProjectDataSet.TaskDataTable Members
Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members
Represents information about project task status that is contained in one or more ProjectDataSet.TaskRow objects.
The ProjectDataSet.TaskDataTable type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ProjectDataSet.TaskDataTable() | Creates an instance of the TaskDataTable class. | |
ProjectDataSet.TaskDataTable(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Creates an instance of the TaskDataTable class by using separate parameters. |
Name | Description | |
AddAfterTaskUIDColumn | Defines the column for the AddAfterTaskUID field. | |
AddPositionColumn | Defines the column for the AddPosition field. | |
CaseSensitive | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
ChildRelations | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Columns | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Constraints | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Container | (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.) | |
Count | Get the number of row objects in the TaskDataTable. | |
CREATED_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the CREATED_DATE field. | |
DataSet | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
DefaultView | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
DesignMode | (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.) | |
DisplayExpression | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
DurationTypeColumn | Defines the column for the DurationType field. | |
Events | (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.) | |
ExtendedProperties | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
HasErrors | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
IsInitialized | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Item | Gets a row in the TaskDataTable, where the row is specified by an index. | |
Locale | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
MinimumCapacity | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
MOD_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the MOD_DATE field. | |
Namespace | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
ParentRelations | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Prefix | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
PrimaryKey | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
PROJ_NAMEColumn | Defines the column for the PROJ_NAME field. | |
PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITSColumn | Defines the column for the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITS field. | |
PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITIONColumn | Defines the column for the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITION field. | |
PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOLColumn | Defines the column for the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL field. | |
PROJ_TYPEColumn | Defines the column for the PROJ_TYPE field. | |
PROJ_UIDColumn | Defines the column for the PROJ_UID field. | |
RemotingFormat | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Rows | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Site | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
StatusManagerColumn | Defines the column for the StatusManager field. | |
TableName | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
TASK_ACT_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ACT_COST field. | |
TASK_ACT_DURColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ACT_DUR field. | |
TASK_ACT_FINISHColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ACT_FINISH field. | |
TASK_ACT_OVT_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ACT_OVT_COST field. | |
TASK_ACT_OVT_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ACT_OVT_WORK field. | |
TASK_ACT_STARTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ACT_START field. | |
TASK_ACT_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ACT_WORK field. | |
TASK_ACWPColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ACWPC field. | |
TASK_BCWPColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_BCWP field. | |
TASK_BCWSColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_BCWS field. | |
TASK_BUDGET_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_BUDGET_COST field. | |
TASK_BUDGET_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_BUDGET_WORK field. | |
TASK_CAL_UIDColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_CAL_UID field. | |
TASK_COMPLETE_THROUGHColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_COMPLETE_THROUGH field. | |
TASK_CONSTRAINT_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_CONST_RAINT_DATE field. | |
TASK_CONSTRAINT_TYPEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_CONST_RAINT_TYPE field. | |
TASK_CONTACTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_CONTACT field. | |
TASK_COST_VARColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_COST_VAR field. | |
TASK_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_COST field. | |
TASK_CPIColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_CPI field. | |
TASK_CVColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_CV field. | |
TASK_DEADLINEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_DEADLINE field. | |
TASK_DUR_FMTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_DUR_FMT field. | |
TASK_DUR_IS_ESTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_DUR_IS_EST field. | |
TASK_DUR_TXTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_DUR_TXT field. | |
TASK_DUR_VARColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_DUR_VAR field. | |
TASK_DURColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_DUR field. | |
TASK_EACColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_EAC field. | |
TASK_EARLY_FINISHColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_EARLY_FINISH field. | |
TASK_EARLY_STARTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_EARLY_START field. | |
TASK_EVMETHODColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_EVMET_HOD field. | |
TASK_EXT_PROJ_UIDColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_EXT_PROJ_UID field. | |
TASK_FINISH_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_FINISH_DATE field. | |
TASK_FINISH_SLACKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_FINISH_SLACK field. | |
TASK_FINISH_TXTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_FINISH_TXT field. | |
TASK_FINISH_VARColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_FINISH_VAR field. | |
TASK_FIXED_COST_ACCRUALColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_FIXED_COST_ACCRUAL field. | |
TASK_FIXED_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_FIXED_COST field. | |
TASK_FREE_SLACKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_FREE_SLACK field. | |
TASK_HAS_LINKED_FIELDSColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_HAS_LINKED_FIELDS field. | |
TASK_HYPERLINK_ADDRESSColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_HYPERLINK_ADDRESS field. | |
TASK_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESSColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESS field. | |
TASK_IDColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_ID field. | |
TASK_IGNORES_RES_CALColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IGNORES_RES_CAL field. | |
TASK_IS_ACTIVEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_ACTIVE field. | |
TASK_IS_CRITICALColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_CRITICAL field. | |
TASK_IS_DISPSUMMARYColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_DISPSUMMARY field. | |
TASK_IS_EFFORT_DRIVENColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_EFFORT_DRIVEN field. | |
TASK_IS_EXTERNALColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_EXTERNAL field. | |
TASK_IS_FROM_FINISH_SUBPROJColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_FROM_FINISH_SUBPROJ field. | |
TASK_IS_MANUALColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_MANUAL field. | |
TASK_IS_MARKEDColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_MARKED field. | |
TASK_IS_MILESTONEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_MILESTONE field. | |
TASK_IS_NULLColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_NULL field. | |
TASK_IS_OVERALLOCATEDColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_OVERALLOCATED field. | |
TASK_IS_READONLY_SUBPROJColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_READONLY_SUBPROJ field. | |
TASK_IS_RECURRING_SUMMARYColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_RECURRING_SUMMARY field. | |
TASK_IS_RECURRINGColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_RECURRING field. | |
TASK_IS_ROLLED_UPColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_ROLLED_UP field. | |
TASK_IS_SUBPROJColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_SUBPROJ field. | |
TASK_IS_SUMMARYColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_SUMMARY field. | |
TASK_LATE_FINISHColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_LATE_FINISH field. | |
TASK_LATE_STARTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_LATE_START field. | |
TASK_LEVELING_ADJUSTS_ASSNColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_LEVELING_ADJUSTS_ASSN field. | |
TASK_LEVELING_CAN_SPLITColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_LEVELING_CAN_SPLIT field. | |
TASK_LEVELING_DELAY_FMTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_LEVELING_DELAY_FMT field. | |
TASK_LEVELING_DELAYColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_LEVELING_DELAY field. | |
TASK_LOCKDOWN_BY_MANAGERColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_LOCKDOWN_BY_MANAGER field. | |
TASK_NAMEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_NAME field. | |
TASK_NOTESColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_NOTES field. | |
TASK_OUTLINE_LEVELColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_OUTLINE_LEVEL field. | |
TASK_OUTLINE_NUMColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_OUTLINE_NUM field. | |
TASK_OVT_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_OVT_COST field. | |
TASK_OVT_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_OVT_WORK field. | |
TASK_PARENT_UIDColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_PARENT_UID field. | |
TASK_PCT_COMPColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_PCT_COMP field. | |
TASK_PCT_WORK_COMPColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_PCT_WORK_COMP field. | |
TASK_PHY_PCT_COMPColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_PHY_PCT_COMP field. | |
TASK_PRELEVELED_FINISHColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_PRELEVELED_FINISH field. | |
TASK_PRELEVELED_STARTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_PRELEVELED_START field. | |
TASK_PRIORITYColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_PRIORITY field. | |
TASK_REG_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_REG_WORK field. | |
TASK_REM_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_REM_COST field. | |
TASK_REM_DURColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_REM_DUR field. | |
TASK_REM_OVT_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_REM_OVT_COST field. | |
TASK_REM_OVT_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_REM_OVT_WORK field. | |
TASK_REM_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_REM_WORK field. | |
TASK_RESUME_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_RESUME_DATE field. | |
TASK_SCHED_DUR_FMTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_SCHED_DUR_FMT field. | |
TASK_SCHED_DURColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_SCHED_DUR field. | |
TASK_SCHED_FINISHColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_SCHED_FINISH field. | |
TASK_SCHED_STARTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_SCHED_START field. | |
TASK_SPIColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_SPI field. | |
TASK_START_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_START_DATE field. | |
TASK_START_SLACKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_START_SLACK field. | |
TASK_START_TXTColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_START_TXT field. | |
TASK_START_VARColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_START_VAR field. | |
TASK_STOP_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_STOP_DATE field. | |
TASK_SVColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_SV field. | |
TASK_TCPIColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_TCPI field. | |
TASK_TOTAL_SLACKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_TOTAL_SLACK field. | |
TASK_TYPEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_TYPE field. | |
TASK_UIDColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_UID field. | |
TASK_VACColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_VAC field. | |
TASK_WBSColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_WBS field. | |
TASK_WORK_VARColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_WORK_VAR field. | |
TASK_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_WORK field. | |
TaskCVPColumn | Defines the column for the TaskCVP field. | |
TaskSVPColumn | Defines the column for the TaskSVP field. | |
TB_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the TB_COST field. | |
TB_DUR_FMTColumn | Defines the column for the TB_DUR_FMT field. | |
TB_DURColumn | Defines the column for the TB_DUR field. | |
TB_FINISHColumn | Defines the column for the TB_FINISH field. | |
TB_STARTColumn | Defines the column for the TB_START field. | |
TB_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the TB_WORK field. | |
WOBJ_DOC_REF_CNTColumn | Defines the column for the WOBJ_DOC_REF_CNT field. | |
WOBJ_ISSUE_REF_CNTColumn | Defines the column for the WOBJ_ISSUE_REF_CNT field. | |
WOBJ_OTHER_REF_CNTColumn | Defines the column for the WOBJ_OTHER_REF_CNT field. | |
WOBJ_RISK_REF_CNTColumn | Defines the column for the WOBJ_RISK_REF_CNT field. |
Name | Description | |
ColumnChanged | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
ColumnChanging | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Disposed | (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.) | |
Initialized | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
RowChanged | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
RowChanging | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
RowDeleted | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
RowDeleting | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
TableCleared | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
TableClearing | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
TableNewRow | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
TaskRowChanged | The post-event that occurs after a row is changed. | |
TaskRowChanging | The pre-event that occurs before a row is changed. | |
TaskRowDeleted | The post-event that occurs after a row is deleted. | |
TaskRowDeleting | The pre-event that occurs before a row is deleted. |
Extension Methods
Name | Description | |
BuildChainedIndex<TKey> | Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.) | |
BuildIndex<TKey> | Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.) | |
GetTemporaryColumnName | Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.) | |
HasColumn | Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.) |
Name | Description | |
fInitInProgress | (Inherited from DataTable.) |
Explicit Interface Implementations
Name | Description | |
IListSource.ContainsListCollection | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
IListSource.GetList | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
IXmlSerializable.GetSchema | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
IXmlSerializable.ReadXml | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
IXmlSerializable.WriteXml | (Inherited from DataTable.) |