BoundingSphere structure (directxcollision.h)

A bounding sphere object.


struct BoundingSphere {
  XMFLOAT3                          Center;
  float                             Radius;
  void                              BoundingSphere() noexcept;
  void                              BoundingSphere(
    const BoundingSphere & unnamedParam1
  BoundingSphere &                  operator=(
    const BoundingSphere & unnamedParam1
  void                              BoundingSphere(
    BoundingSphere && unnamedParam1
  BoundingSphere &                  operator=(
    BoundingSphere && unnamedParam1
  void                              BoundingSphere(
    const XMFLOAT3 & center,
    float            radius
  ) noexcept;
  void XM_CALLCONV                  Transform(
    BoundingSphere & Out,
    FXMMATRIX        M
  ) noexcept;
  void XM_CALLCONV                  Transform(
    BoundingSphere & Out,
    float            Scale,
    FXMVECTOR        Rotation,
    FXMVECTOR        Translation
  ) noexcept;
  ContainmentType XM_CALLCONV       Contains(
  ) noexcept;
  ContainmentType XM_CALLCONV       Contains(
  ) noexcept;
  ContainmentType                   Contains(
    const BoundingSphere & sh
  ) noexcept;
  ContainmentType                   Contains(
    const BoundingBox & box
  ) noexcept;
  ContainmentType                   Contains(
    const BoundingOrientedBox & box
  ) noexcept;
  ContainmentType                   Contains(
    const BoundingFrustum & fr
  ) noexcept;
  bool                              Intersects(
    const BoundingSphere & sh
  ) noexcept;
  bool                              Intersects(
    const BoundingBox & box
  ) noexcept;
  bool                              Intersects(
    const BoundingOrientedBox & box
  ) noexcept;
  bool                              Intersects(
    const BoundingFrustum & fr
  ) noexcept;
  bool XM_CALLCONV                  Intersects(
  ) noexcept;
  PlaneIntersectionType XM_CALLCONV Intersects(
  ) noexcept;
  bool XM_CALLCONV                  Intersects(
    FXMVECTOR Origin,
    FXMVECTOR Direction,
    float &   Dist
  ) noexcept;
  ContainmentType XM_CALLCONV       ContainedBy(
    FXMVECTOR Plane0,
    FXMVECTOR Plane1,
    FXMVECTOR Plane2,
    GXMVECTOR Plane3,
    HXMVECTOR Plane4,
    HXMVECTOR Plane5
  ) noexcept;
  void                              CreateMerged(
    BoundingSphere &       Out,
    const BoundingSphere & S1,
    const BoundingSphere & S2
  ) noexcept;
  void                              CreateFromBoundingBox(
    BoundingSphere &    Out,
    const BoundingBox & box
  ) noexcept;
  void                              CreateFromBoundingBox(
    BoundingSphere &            Out,
    const BoundingOrientedBox & box
  ) noexcept;
  void                              CreateFromPoints(
    BoundingSphere & Out,
    size_t           Count,
    const XMFLOAT3   *pPoints,
    size_t           Stride
  ) noexcept;
  void                              CreateFromFrustum(
    BoundingSphere &        Out,
    const BoundingFrustum & fr
  ) noexcept;



The center of the BoundingSphere.


The radius of the BoundingSphere.

void BoundingSphere() noexcept

Creates an instance of the BoundingSphere class.

void BoundingSphere( const BoundingSphere & unnamedParam1)

Creates an instance of the BoundingSphere class.

BoundingSphere & operator=( const BoundingSphere & unnamedParam1)

Initializes the BoundingSphere with values from a specified BoundingSphere.

void BoundingSphere( BoundingSphere && unnamedParam1)

BoundingSphere & operator=( BoundingSphere && unnamedParam1)

Initializes the BoundingSphere with values from a specified BoundingSphere.

void BoundingSphere( const XMFLOAT3 & center, float radius) noexcept

Creates an instance of the BoundingSphere class.

void XM_CALLCONV Transform( BoundingSphere & Out, FXMMATRIX M) noexcept

Transforms the BoundingSphere.

void XM_CALLCONV Transform( BoundingSphere & Out, float Scale, FXMVECTOR Rotation, FXMVECTOR Translation) noexcept

Transforms the BoundingSphere using the specified scale, rotation and translation vectors.

ContainmentType XM_CALLCONV Contains( FXMVECTOR Point) noexcept

Tests whether the BoundingSphere contains a specified point.

ContainmentType XM_CALLCONV Contains( FXMVECTOR V0, FXMVECTOR V1, FXMVECTOR V2) noexcept

Tests whether the BoundingSphere contains a specified triangle.

ContainmentType Contains( const BoundingSphere & sh) noexcept

Tests whether the BoundingSphere contains a specified BoundingSphere.

ContainmentType Contains( const BoundingBox & box) noexcept

Tests whether the BoundingSphere contains a specified BoundingBox.

ContainmentType Contains( const BoundingOrientedBox & box) noexcept

Tests whether the BoundingSphere contains the specified BoundingOrientedBox.

ContainmentType Contains( const BoundingFrustum & fr) noexcept

Tests whether the BoundingSphere contains the specified BoundingFrustum.

bool Intersects( const BoundingSphere & sh) noexcept

Tests the BoundingSphere for intersection with a BoundingSphere.

bool Intersects( const BoundingBox & box) noexcept

Tests the BoundingSphere for intersection with a BoundingBox.

bool Intersects( const BoundingOrientedBox & box) noexcept

Test the BoundingSphere for intersection with a BoundingOrientedBox.

bool Intersects( const BoundingFrustum & fr) noexcept

Test the BoundingSphere for intersection with a BoundingFrustum.


Tests the BoundingSphere for intersection with a triangle.

PlaneIntersectionType XM_CALLCONV Intersects( FXMVECTOR Plane) noexcept

Tests the BoundingSphere for intersection with a Plane.

bool XM_CALLCONV Intersects( FXMVECTOR Origin, FXMVECTOR Direction, float & Dist) noexcept

Tests the BoundingSphere for intersection with a ray.

ContainmentType XM_CALLCONV ContainedBy( FXMVECTOR Plane0, FXMVECTOR Plane1, FXMVECTOR Plane2, GXMVECTOR Plane3, HXMVECTOR Plane4, HXMVECTOR Plane5) noexcept

Tests whether the BoundingSphere is contained by the specified frustum.

void CreateMerged( BoundingSphere & Out, const BoundingSphere & S1, const BoundingSphere & S2) noexcept

Creates a BoundingSphere that contains the two specified BoundingSphere objects.

void CreateFromBoundingBox( BoundingSphere & Out, const BoundingBox & box) noexcept

Creates a BoundingSphere containing the specified BoundingBox.

void CreateFromBoundingBox( BoundingSphere & Out, const BoundingOrientedBox & box) noexcept

Creates a BoundingSphere containing the specified BoundingBox.

void CreateFromPoints( BoundingSphere & Out, size_t Count, const XMFLOAT3 *pPoints, size_t Stride) noexcept

Creates a new BoundingSphere from a list of points.

void CreateFromFrustum( BoundingSphere & Out, const BoundingFrustum & fr) noexcept


Platform Requirements

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 with the Windows SDK for Windows 8. Supported for Win32 desktop apps, Windows Store apps, and Windows Phone 8 apps.


Requirement Value
Header directxcollision.h

See also

DirectXMath Library Classes